Chapter 15

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Bryce POV//

I couldn't believe Addison right now, how could she think so low of Riley, she would never do that and to then bring Blake into it was even worse. I went upstairs to Riley after Addison interrupted us, there was no way she is taking Blake away from me again, no way. I climbed back in bed with Riley and she was confused on where I had been?

Riley: where were you?
Bryce: oh Addison came to bother me
Riley: was it about Blake?
Bryce: sorta she said I'm not allowed to see her anymore
Riley: why would she say such a thing?
Bryce: she claims you told Blake that if she called addison mama, addison would die! Like why would she say that? She's just trying to jeopardise our relationship, ignore her.
Riley: what a back stabbing bitch
Bryce: I know right
Riley: I would never do such a thing
Bryce: exactly what I said to her, she's just jealous, there is no way she is taking Blake off me
Riley: oh of course we will get full custody of Blake
Bryce: I'm not going that far she can still see Addison but also me as well.
Riley: but don't you want your life to be easy again, you know if we both have full custody of Blake there would be no more problems with Addison
Bryce: I mean I suppose but I can't strip her of all that dignity, addison is still her mom

(Next bit written by -BRADDISONflips, She's the best )

Addison POV//

If I'm being honest I thought Bryce was going to react differently because if he truly loved his daughter he would believe what I told him about what Blake told me, but I guess not. I didn't have much planned today except a couple of meetings with Item. I was in in my first meeting of the day in my office, when Blake came waddling in.

Blake: mama
Addison's manager: aww is that Blake?
Addison: yea •laughs• yes baby?
Blake: we cuddle
Addison: you can sit on mommy's lap while I'm in my meeting, okay
Blake: otay •grabby hands•
Addison's manager: she's a splitting image of you adds •laughs•
Addison: really? I see her father every time I look at her •laughs•
Blake: I mama baby •leans back on her•
Addison: you are my baby •tickles her•
Addison's manager: I don't want to hold you away from spending time with your daughter, so we can resume our meeting another time
Blake: •yawns•
Addison: okay thank you •smiles•
Addison's manager: you're welcome, have a great day
Addison: thank you, you too

(Back to me now tehe thanks Grace)

It was nice of my manager to let me leave early, I did have another meeting later with a company who wanted me to work for them but it will be over zoom so it's fine. I carried Blake out to my car and she was babbling away about who knows what, it made me laugh when she did that because according to my mom I used to do that as well. I got Blake into her car seat before getting myself into the drivers seat.

We arrived back at our apartment and I had to shoot some tiktok's quick for the company that I was going to have a meeting with, I don't know how easy blake was gonna make it. I was going to try and film in my room to begin with, as soon as I pressed record Blake ran in.

Addison: Blakey mommy is just doing a quick bit of work can you play with toys on my bed?

She pulled a sad face but then ran and sat behind where I set my camera up obviously wanting to watch me film.

Blake: sit der(here)
Addison: that's fine but stay there until mommy says she's done ok?
Blake: ya

I pressed record again and began to talk and do everything I need to do and just before I was about to finish Blake started to climb into my lap, some part of me thought I could make it humerus to not have to reshoot it all but that wouldn't be very professional so I guess I just had to do it again

Addison: blakeeeee
Blake: I sowwy(sorry) •pouts•
Addison: no it's fine, shall mommy play a cartoon in the living room?
Blake: yesh •gets excited•

I picked her up and carried her to the couch and I just put on some Mickey Mouse, she loved that show. I walked back to my room and re-filmed the whole tiktok without any interruptions this time, I noticed Blake was awfully quiet but I just thought she was engrossed in watching cartoons. I drafted the TikTok and then went to the living room then I realised why Blake was so quiet, she had somehow gone into the fridge and poured the whole milk carton onto the floor, gosh this is going to be a long day. She was yet to realise I had caught her in the act as she rubbed her hand in the milk, splashing it all over. Her little socks and pants were wet from where she had sat in some of it.

Addison: Blake?? What have you done?
Blake: big puddle
Addison: yes you have made a big puddle, that's not nice
Blake: oh
Addison: I literally left you for under 5 minutes ughhh •sighs•

I pick Blake up and take her socks and pants off leaving her in just her baby grow and shirt, I sit her back on the couch and grabbed a cloth to proceed to clean up the spilled milk. I didn't really have time to get mad a Blake, she is still a baby at the end of the day and she doesn't realise. Once the mess is cleared I chuck Blake's now dirty clothes into the laundry and then go and see what she's doing now.

Addison: Blakey why did you pour all of mommy's milk on the floor?
Blake: me no no! Blakey fun
Addison: I know you thought it was fun but now you have no milk for nap or bedtime
Blake: me sowwy
Addison: I know you are baby
Blake: up up •grabby hand•

I lift her up and she rests her head on my shoulder as I rub her back. All this drama happening Bryce wasn't the easiest to deal with but Blake was truly my blessing in disguise and I wasn't going to take my frustration out on her.

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