Chapter 32

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Blake POV//

Mommy was on the phone to dadda and she's now helping Ari! I had finished my ice cream already and I want to go back to the playground, I was having fun. I noticed mommy was looking at Aria so I decided to sneak away and find the park again. I got out of my seat and headed to the door, there was a big road and I wasn't sure which direction to go, I turned towards the way I thought mommy took us in, I walked for a while it felt like forever. I'm surprised mommy hasn't come and found me, I always knew she didn't care about me. I turned a corner hoping it would lead me to the park, there was a lady. Maybe I could ask her to show me the way?

Lady: hello little girl, don't you look a little bit young to be out on you're own? Where's your mommy?
Blake: ice cweam place! I run way!
Lady: that's a bit naughty, where are you running to?
Blake: park!!!
Lady: how old are you?
Blake: I twoooo •holds up 2 fingers•
Lady: well if you want, I could take you to the park in my car?
Blake: yessss pease
Lady: seeing as you're being so polite, it would be my pleasure, now cmon this was •takes her hand and drags Blake slightly•
Blake: I no want to no more! I want mommy! •tears up because she misses Addison•
Lady: don't be so scared little one, I will take you to the park then back to your mommy! •pulls her arm as she cries•

Addison POV//

I was looking everywhere for Blake, she'd just disappeared, I've gone down every street around here, where she may have gone and I still can't see her. My heart was beating so fast I felt it was gonna burst our my chest, I had tears falling down my face. The worker was right, I was such a bad mom for letting her go missing. I couldn't keep this a secret from Bryce, I need help finding Blake from someone!

•on call•

Bryce: oh hey baby?
Addison: B-Bryce...I've really messed up?
Bryce: why? What's wrong? Everything's ok right?
Addison: Bryce....Blake's g-gone missing! •cries•
Bryce: what how?
Addison: After I was on the phone to you earlier, Aria started crying and Blake wondered off out of the ice cream shop. I was busy tending to Ari that I hadn't noticed. I've searched everywhere •crying hard•
Bryce: ADDISON!! How could you be such a bad mom? I knew I shouldn't have left you with our children, I knew you wouldn't be able to handle them both!! •angry•
Addison: B-Bryce I feel bad enough as it is, I don't need you to tell me what I already know •wipes her tears•
Bryce: I'm sending the boys out to help you, I'm still so mad at you addison you have no idea! •hangs up•

I break down in tears, bryce had never said such harsh things to me but they were all true! I was such a bad mom right now!

Not long after the boys came and met with me along with Dixie, they were being a lot more understanding than Bryce. I was still in bits, it felt like my whole world was crashing apart, I mean technically it was, my kids were my whole world. Dixie called the police who were also on the look for Blake, along with us. Aria was starting to get hungry again, with one of my babies missing I couldn't let another one down. I sat down and quickly gave her a bottle that I had pumped this morning, before burping her and luckily she fell back to sleep. I asked the boys to if they had found her, they hadn't but they found her bracelet that I had given her when she was born, it was a small bracelet with an angel charm on it as she was my angel who saved me. I cried looking at it thinking of all the terrible things that may have happened to her, all because I was such an irresponsible mother. If I could turn back time to an hour ago when she was still sat next to me and i actually kept an eye on her this time, I would but I can't.

•1 hour later•

We were still all out looking, the sun was starting to set, my mom took aria home, she wasn't mad at me. I'm surprised but she understood and told me that it's hard to keep an eye on a toddler and a newborn. She know I would never intentionally ignore Blake unless for a good reason. Guilt was still settled in my stomach, I knew I'd let Blake down, she deserved a mom that can actually take care of her properly.

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