Chapter 9

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Addison POV//

It's been a week since mine and Bryce's fight and today is Saturday meaning Blake is staying with him all day today and tonight. We had both just woken up and I was dropping Blake off at 10:30am and it was 8am so I still had a bit of time. I was currently making Blake breakfast. I made some toast and cut it up small for her and then also cut up some strawberries. I sat her in her high chair and gave her the plate of food. Whilst she ate I cleaned the kitchen and little and did some laundry. I was already dressed so all I had to do was pack Blake's bag and also get her ready.

Once Blake finished we went through to her room and I picked out her outfit and then got her dressed.

Once Blake finished we went through to her room and I picked out her outfit and then got her dressed

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^Blake's outfit^

I put her in something comfy since I had no idea what Bryce planned to do with her. In her bag a packed 3 outfits, one nice one in case they go out for dinner or something, 1 spare comfy one because Blake gets messy and then one for tomorrow also I put in a swimsuit in case. I packed pyjamas and some toys she liked, her blanket and pacifier. Obviously all the essential things she needs: bottles, diapers etc.

A: Blakey you are going to stay at daddy's tonight
Bl: ack (pack) dis •she says holding a book•
A: ok

Once we were ready it was about time to leave so I put Blake's shoes and coat on and we headed down to the car.

Bryce POV//

Today I finally got to see Blake again, I was little nervous since I had never had her by myself like this before but I'm sure it will be ok.
Addison would be here in about 30 minutes so I had time to get ready. This would be the first time I would speak to addison after our argument.


I heard Addison car pull up so I went out to the door. I saw Addison get out and then she got Blake out and placed her onto the floor. Blake immediately came running into my arms and gave me a big hug.

Bl: dada!!!
B: hi baby, I missed you.
Bl: wis(miss) too

Addison came over with Blake's bag.

A: hey..
B: hi..
A: so um everything she needs is in her bag, she usually goes down at about 7-8, she always has warm milk in someone's arms before bed and then she only has her paci after that and then she gets put into bed. Did I miss anything?
B: nope and thanks.
A: right bye Blakey •she said kissing Blake's head•
Bl: bwye(bye) mama •Blake says waving•

Addison leaves and Blake and I walk inside. I had already told the boys that Blake was my daughter so it wasn't a huge shock.

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