Chapter 35

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Addison POV//

It's a few weeks later and so far everything had been okay, I'm starting to get into work again now that Aria is 2 months old but ultimately I'm also just trying to focus on being a good mom. Bryce is now back to work full time so I'm still adjusting to being a stay-at-home mom by myself.

Bryce was on his way home after filming all day so I knew he would be a little grouchy with me because sometimes he was just tired after work, I usually try and act normal like nothings ever happened. I was getting all of our dinner ready so when he came home he could sit and eat. Aria was currently asleep and Blake was playing so they were luckily distracted.

I heard Bryce shut his car door so I knew he would walk in any moment now, he did.

Addison: hey baby
Bryce: hi....
Addison: how was your day?
Bryce: Fine! what's for dinner?
Addison: I've made lasagna and Garlic Bread. Is that okay with you?
Bryce: it will do, yeah. Where are the kids?
Addison: Ari's asleep upstairs and Blake is playing in her playroom.
Bryce: I'm gonna say hi •storms upstairs•

I knew he'd be in a mood, he always is when he's had to film because it drains out all of his energy. I try to reason with him sometimes but it's hard.
I plate everyone's dinner at the table, hoping while we eat that Aria will stay asleep. I call Bryce and Blake down and we take our seats.

Blake: mmm me like momma •eating her garlic bread•
Addison: aww I'm glad! Is it nice babe?
Bryce: it's fine!! Can you stop asking me questions! •pissed off•
Addison: sorry •looks down• you know you can say if somethings bothering you?
Bryce: addison! I said I'm fine! I've just had a stressful day but you wouldn't know since all you do is stay here with the kids!
Addison: right if that's what you believe Bryce!
Aria: •starts crying•
Addison: are you able to grab Aria please?
Bryce: I'm eating right now! Surely you can get her?
Addison: •gets up and sighs•

I had no energy to argue with him, little does he know I've skipped both Breakfast and Lunch to do mommy duties, my day has been near enough as tiring as his. I go to our room and fetch Ari out of her crib, sooting her as she cries, I take her downstairs and feed her whilst trying to feed myself. Bryce finished his food and just left his plate and went upstairs. He's been grumpy before but never like this, something must have really bothered him.

Blake: why dadda so mad?
Addison: I don't know Blakey! Are you finished?
Blake: mhm tank you mommy!
Addison: that's okay sweetie! •kisses her head and sighs•

I finished feeding Ari before placing her in her swing, I put on some cartoons on for Blake and began to clear up seeing as I doubt anyone was gonna help me. I washed the dishes and wiped down the surfaces, I wanted to check Bryce was okay but I thought best do it when I've put the girls to bed! I went to the bathroom and began to run them a bath, putting in some toys and bubbles. I laid their towels out and got their pyjamas set out and then went back downstairs to get them.

Addison: Blakey it's bath time!
Blake: yayy!

I get Aria out of her swing and we make our way back to the bathroom, I get both girls undressed and I place Blake in first and then place Aria in her little baby bath next to Blake. I wash both their hair and bodies before letting Blake play a little longer so I could get Aria dry.

After bath time, we went downstairs again and I made Blake some warm milk in a bottle and we sat on the couch and I read a book whilst I nursed Ari and she drank her milk. By the end of the book, Aria was now asleep and Blake's eyes were dropping, I went and tucked Blake in. Now I had to face Bryce in order to put Aria down to sleep. I went into our bedroom not thinking about knocking on the door, I saw Bryce sat on the bed on his phone, I ignore him and place Aria in her crib.

Addison: Bryce can we talk?
Bryce: what do you want?
Addison: well preferably not here since our baby is asleep?
Bryce: she'll be fine!
Addison: no Bryce! we will talk downstairs?
Bryce: you're the one who wants to talk. If we talk we do it here
Addison: no!

Finally he agrees to go downstairs

Addison: fine? What's up with you tonight? You are moody with me as soon as you get in, you ate dinner and just left me to clear up and put the girls to bed? That's not like you Bryce? •mad but being quiet•
Bryce: I've just had a fucking stressful day Addison, I wanted to eat without any questions! You have it easy!!
Addison: easy? •fake laughs• if that's what you want to call it but I didn't know it was so easy to look after a toddler and a newborn all day, make sure they are fed and happy whilst also trying to work a little bit from home as well. Cook dinner for your boyfriend and kids so we could all have a nice evening? That's so easy isn't it? What exactly has made your day so hard Bryce? Because if we want to talk about having an easy day, I want to know about yours?
Bryce: I've been filming from 9am till 5pm, the boys were getting on my nerves! And then paparazzi pissed me off! We went out for a few drinks and they were fucking annoying me

That explains where his extra grumpiness came from, he'd been drinking!

Addison: so you decide to come home and be annoyed with your girlfriend and babies? You wouldn't even go and grab your own daughter whilst she was crying, I had to go and let my food get cold. That was my first meal today Bryce! Because somehow in my "easy" day I managed to skip the first 2 meals because I was being a mom!
Our children come first for me Bryce, they are my world! You better get your priorities straight, drinking shouldn't be one of them!
Bryce: my kids are my priority, don't you dare imply anything else! Addison just leave! We don't need you here! •yells•
Addison: •flinches and tears up• you don't mean it bryce, you are just drunk!
Bryce: I mean every word of it addison! You heard me! Get out!

There was no way I was leaving my kids with Bryce right now, he was definitely drunk! He's never acted like this before. I knew deep down he didn't mean it and regret everything he says in the morning.

Addison: •crying• I'm not leaving my kids here Bryce! How exactly do you plan to feed Aria without me? You are too drunk to lift your head up properly let alone be a father right now!
Blake: mommy? •crying•
Addison: Blakey go back to bed, mommy will be there in a minute •wipes her tears•
Blake: nooo I wanna sleep with you! Daddy mad!
Bryce: I'm not mad baby! Daddy is just being silly go back to bed and mommy will be up!

Blake scurried off to her bedroom! I was surprised Bryce realised how stupid he was being!

Bryce POV//

As soon as I heard Blake say "mommy" it hit me as to how ridiculous I was behaving! I was turning into a monster, I was turning into...I was turning into my dad! He was someone I never wanted to be similar to!! As I watched Blake run to her bedroom I turned to see addison in tears, her hands covering her face. I went over to her and pulled her into a hug, kissing her head as I apologised profusely. Once again, I fucked up! This time I didn't blame her if she didn't forgive me!!!

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