Chapter 34

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Addison POV//

I woke up in bed with Blake on one side of me and Aria on my chest. I guess Bryce slept on the couch, I didn't have the best nights sleep because I kept having dreams that Blake was gone again and I would wake up and check if she was still next to me; she always was. Also to add on the fact that Aria wakes up at least 2-3 times a night for a feed.

I didn't really want to speak to Bryce today, he wasn't very nice to me yesterday and I was still hurt by his words. I could hear he was awake so I decided to get up with Aria and leave Blake to sleep in bed. I placed Aria on my chest and walked downstairs to see Bryce was in the kitchen, I ignored him and went and sat on the couch to feed Aria. I was trying to feed her but she just wouldn't latch and I was getting stressed, she kept crying because she was hungry but I didn't know what else to do, I mean I could always pump and give her bottle but that would take like an hour and she's hungry right now.
I tried her again and it failed, I didn't know why she was doing this she's never had problems feeding before for the whole week she's been alive.

Bryce: are you okay Addison?
Addison: I'm fine, thanks
Bryce: do you need help?
Addison: •shakes her head•
Bryce: please, I know you hate me but right now I hate seeing you like this so just let me help you and maybe we can talk?

I just nod at him, I didn't know how much he was actually going be able to help. He came over and held Aria's head in the right position. Much to my surprise she started feeding within 30 seconds.

Addison: thank you for helping
Bryce: you're still my girlfriend you know, we don't have to be this awkward
Addison: I know, I'm just still upset that's all
Bryce: I'm sorry if I made you feel that way, I didn't mean what I said I was just worried and angry. I said things I fully regret especially calling you a bad mom because you are far from that. So I ask if you could forgive me?
Addison: I forgive you but it doesn't stop me feeling guilty about everything that happened
Bryce: yeah but it was an accident, you would never let Blake go missing intentionally, but it happened now and she's home and safe and isn't one bit hurt so that's all that matters ok?
Addison: •nods•
Bryce: now come on, after you finished feeding Ari I'm taking you and Blake out for breakfast ok?
Addison: okay

Bryce POV//

I hoped I had cleared some of the tension after talking to Addison, like I said I did regret everything I said yesterday. I went upstairs to our room to see Blake still sleeping, it was almost 9am so I decided to wake her up so we could go for breakfast.

Bryce: Blakey! •rubs her back•
Blake: •rolls over and rubs her eyes• daddy!! •smiles and yawns•
Bryce: hey baby, are you okay? •picks her up•
Blake: mhm •rests on his shoulder•
Bryce: let's get dressed and then I'm taking you and mommy for breakfast!
Blake: otay!

I go to Blake's room and got her dressed whilst Addison got Aria dressed.

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