Coming Rampage

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Spider-man Narrating/Breaking the 4th Wall

Otto and Norman were once again walking together, this time through a different hall. Otto was typing on his tablet while his mechanical tentacles carried him.

"Tell me about this test subject, Octavius," Norman demanded in a monotone voice.

Octavius swiped some things on his tablet and began to explain, "Considering how Marko was a failure and has somehow befriended Spider-man and some other pro hero, our men have picked up someone focusing less on their quirk and more of their personality. This man was arrested after he was caught by Spider-man so he has a vendetta against the vigilante."

"What's his quirk?" Norman asked.

"It provides him with the ability to absorb any substance into his skin and use it as a temporary armoured hide. We're gonna be using an extremely hard titanium alloy, unfortunately, it will become a permanent part of his body."

"As long it makes him strong enough to take down Spider-man then I don't care what is done."

"Sir, may I just ask you one question. Why are you so interested in capturing Spider-man? I understand when it comes to your business partner in Fisk, but why you?"

Norman pinched the bridge of his nose and said in annoyance, "I expected someone of the intellect you claim to have to understand. Haven't you seen what Spider-man is capable of? He has caught speeding cars with his bare hands, casually dodged bullets and has gone toe to toe with many of Japan's pro heroes. While Fisk wants to extract the information Spider-man has on Daredevil, I want to extract his power. Just imagine, an army of Spider Soldiers stronger than Captain America himself."

"But sir," Octavius butt in, "Don't you realise what we're doing? We completely altered the nature of Marko's quirk and now we're gonna build one. What we're doing could revolutionize quirk society. Imagine, no one would be discriminated against for being quirkless anymore. If they don't like their quirk, they could get a new one. We would be on the top of the world."

"Someone already tried that." Norman stated, "And where is he now? Crippled and hiding in the shadows with a plastic straw in his throat to breathe."

Otto didn't bother with any more questions. They entered a room with a similar set-up as they had when they worked with Marko.
Octavius entered the room spoke through a microphone to the occupant of the experiment station and said, "Good evening Mr Sytsecich, before we start with the procedure I would like to make some things clear with you."

The man was in a rather large tube. He had a large build and was bald.  He was annoyed and answered in a deep accent, "Fine, but make it quick."

One of Otto's tentacles reached across the room and grabbed a clipboard and began reading of it, "The procedure we're about to put you through will utilize your quirk to fuse a body armour that will give you the strength to burst through buildings with ease and to tank hits from All Might. The only problem being that the armour will become a permanent part of your body, meaning it will be impossible to remove. I just want to make sure if you're willing to go through with it."

"Will it make me strong enough to squash Spider-man?"

Otto adjusted his goggles and said, "Well theoretically yes, but we need him alive to answer some questions we have."

Aleksei simply let out a frustrated groan and snapped, "Fine, just get on with it!"

Otto nodded and began the procedure. Liquid metal began pouring from the chamber above Aleksei. The man began screaming in agony as the metal began pushing his quirk to 300%.

Norman smiled statistically as watched the man scream in pain. Eventually, the metal began to cool. The armour formed itself into a shape similar to that of a rhinoceros, with the horn as a cheery on top.

Aleksei took a few deep breaths in order to calm down. The pain was beginning to numb now.

"I'm ready," he stated. "I'm ready to squash that insolent bug!"

"Not quite yet." the voice of Norman Osborn spoke out as he entered the same room as Octavius, who tried to question his boss as to why he came out.

"I have a job for you, Rhino. Some idiots have been stealing Oscorp technology and I need you to pay a visit to some old friends of mine so we can replace it, and I'm sure that it will get the attention of that bug as well."

As Peter entered his home, through the front door, he called out, "Aunt May, I'm home."

May was in the kitchen and Peter quickly noticed all the bills on the table. May quickly reacted and tried to hide the bills. Peter didn't give her a chance to say anything as he slammed the stack of cash on the kitchen table.

May was obviously surprised, before she could question Peter got the money, he answered her by saying, "I took some pictures and sold them to the Bugle. Should help to keep us on top of the bills."

"Peter you know I can't take this," May stated pushing the money back to Peter. "You shouldn't be worrying about this stuff."

Peter pushed the money back to May and said, "You and Ben already did so much for me. Please, just let me help you keep this house."

"Peter, you earned this money."

"And this is what I want to do with it. Besides, all did was sell a few photos. I didn't get a job as you asked."

May sighed and said, "Always one for finding loopholes aren't you Peter. How about a compromise?"

May took the money and began counting it out while saying, "90% of the money you earn by selling photos will go to paying the bills as you wish, while the other 10% you will keep and spend on whatever you want, responsibly of course."

She handed Peter his share of the money which he took reluctantly, "Guess there's no other way around this."

"Peter I know you want to help, but you need to learn to take care of yourself before you can take care of others."

Peter hugged May and whispered, "Hypocrite."

May laughed lightly at this and hugged Peter back. The two stayed like that for a while, just hugging each other.

This is the best Mha reacts to Marvel I have ever seen and everyone needs to read it!!! It was written by Infamoustrixter and it is amazing!!!

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