GraveYard Greetings

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Spider-man Narrating/Breaking the 4th Wall

"Hey Uncle Ben," Peter said as he stood over his uncle's grave, hood over his head and hands in his pocket. The sky was clear of any clouds and the only the could be the rustle of leaves in the wind and the faint sound of cars on the road.

Peter took a deep breath before continuing, "Sorry that I haven't visited you sooner, I have just been, very busy since the whole, 'Lizard Incident'. Matt and I befriended a police officer as our other identities, so that's something. She is great. She acts all tough and stuff, but I know that deep down she likes me. Not in that way, god no. No, I mean I'm like a cute puppy to her. Himiko on the other hand, damn where do I even start with that little psycho."

Peter put his hand over his chin, trying to find the best words to describe the bloodsucker he had somehow befriended, "She needs help, that much I know. She's not all there, mentally speaking. I can tell that she has been through a lot, I just don't know what, What I do know, is that it defiantly has something to do with her quirk. She believes that things covered in blood are cute and that friends kill each other or something like that. Still trying to wrap my head around what she says."

Peter stopped so that he could take a deep breath. He always had a hard time remembering to breathe while here. "I think it's a survival instinct resulting from her quirk. It allows her to transform into whoever she drank the blood of. Like, that's such a useful quirk. Not just for spying, but also evidence gathering. Just imagine, she could just lick the blood at a crime scene and immediately be able to tell who was there. It's an amazing power but, you know what this stupid society is like towards 'villainous quirks'.

Peter spoke of Himiko with complete fondness, like he was talking about an old friend or his kid or something else, but at the last sentence, his tone turned bitter. There was one perk about being called useless, it was the fact that he wasn't called a monster.

"Something happened at her middle school, she was seen sucking a classmate's blood through a straw in their neck. From the witness reports, it's nothing like the Himiko they knew. So either something caused her personality to completely change, or she has been hiding her true self from everybody there, and that boy she killed was the bloodied straw that broke the camel's back. I don't know the full story, but if her parents calling her a demon is anything to go by, I know that there is much more to it than what the news said."

Peter then moved on from Toga and began to talk about Flash and his father, and what he did to him.

"I know that you wouldn't approve Uncle Ben, and I knew that there were better options than what I did, but I didn't care. That man was hurting his own family, my friend, and he was walking around being called a hero while doing it. I... I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to make him suffer. To feel the pain he caused others. But I can't do that kind of thing."

Peter pulled out the newly upgraded mask that he picked up from Melvin along with his newly made suit before coming here. He stared intensely into the mask's white eyes with a sombre expression,

"Spider-man needs to be better."

Peter spent the next hour at his Uncle's grave, just talking about everything that has been happening in his life. Normally he would only spend half an hour at the grave, but he wanted to make up for the lost time. He likely would've stayed longer, but a notification from his phone brought him back to reality.

Pulling the device out of his pocket, Peter checked the custom app he made to tap into police scanners and the servers of nearby hero agencies and find stuff he can help out with.

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