Part 6

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It was 12pm and I woke up in his arms. I felt so warm and fuzzy but I felt a stinging sensation between my legs and I didn't want to ever break the cuddle. Jordan was still fast asleep and looked so cute laying there with his hair all messy. I decided to slowly break from the hug and get up to go to the toilet.
When I came back I was walking with a limp Jordan was awake sat up on he's bed looking hot as fuck "you okay there sweetheart walking with a little bit of a limp are we" he says in his deep husky morning voice. I just look at him and blush He stares at me in confusion and says "you've got something on your lip" embarrassed I sat next to him on the bed and asked him to get it off. He just looks at my lips like he was desperate to taste them "what?" "Oh nothing just.." he leans over and kisses me. It was so soft and loving "You don't understand how long I have waited for this" he says with a huge grin. "To be honest Jordan I was worried you had forgotten all about me"I say with a slight frown he lifts up my chin and says "how could I? I-I"
"yes Jordan"
"Tyla I LOVE YOU:)!"
"Jordan Pickford- I love you too:)"
We cuddled in bed for a while and then I realised that I have PT today at 6pm and I can't miss it. I asked Jordan if he can get me home so I can get ready for it. He said he would take me which made me Feel so special as he would usually just get one of his chauffeurs to take people home.All the way we talked for hours about our lives and what we had been doing these past years.When we arrive he Asked if I would like to go to dinner tonight with him, of course I said yes. We agree that he will pick me up at 8pm here at my house.

Jordan~ As she got out of the car and walked into her home I just smiled. I couldn't actually believe that I had found her, the way I feel when she is around me is ecstatic and I am so pleased she feels the same. My heart has had a hole in ever since I left and now that I found her it has been filled. She agreed to let me take her out to dinner which was perfect because I have a question that I need to ask her.
I wanted this to be special a special moment to remember so when I got home I had planned everything the reservation at one of my favourite restaurants, the flowers, the ring which I spent many hours choosing ,Everything was in place now. I just needed to relax before I had to start getting ready.

Tyla~ I was in such a good mood and I was so exited for dinner tonight with the man I love.I stepped into my house for the first time since I found out that bastard has cheated on me.A dark cloud came over me as this was our place. Everything in their reminded me of him and how he shattered my heart I removed all our good times when we had first moved in together that was the happiest I had been in a long time but since he left I felt free and I found the love of my life,I could feel the tears building up and I ran up the stairs in my bedroom. I sat on the floor for around half an hour just crying and then my phone pings. It was Jordan. <Hey, everything is sorted for tonight, see you at 8 beautiful❤️xxx> My heart refilled with warmth and I replied <Hey, can't wait, see you soon😘xxx>

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