Part 18

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We arrived back at the camp and Jordan went straight into the toilets to get Phil. When he came out he looked quite embarrassed that he had invited this girl over in the first place. He told us he doesn't want a girlfriend because he has commitment issues and he doesn't want to hurt anyone. So instead he just messages loads of random girls when he's bored. He never usually invites them over or meets them at all.

We snook Phil into our room and came up with the idea that I wound pretend to be Phil's girlfriend to get her out of the room. Jordan and Phil were gonna hide in the corridor just in case she tried to attack me or something because Phil said she is crazy. I went into the room and acted like I was looking for Phil and acted how you would if you had caught your boyfriend cheating she was quite mean about it but it obviously meant nothing to me because Phil was actually single. She eventually got all of her belongings and left the camp so me Jordan and Phil sat in his bedroom hysterically laughing about the situation.

It was getting late so me and Jordan headed back to our room Jordan had training in the morning and I was going to get back to work. I was getting changed into me pyjamas and Jordan just laid on the bed staring at me in lust.

"Jord. I know them eyes"

"You also know how it makes me feel when you call me that"

"Hmm I can't quite remember how it makes you feel, why don't you show me;)"

Jordan jumped off the bed and lifted me up over his shoulder walking me to the bed then laid me on it. He lifted up my top and kissed all down my belly causing my back to arch. He kissed across my neck and lifted his head to look at me I nodded for consent and he slipped his hand down my shorts and started to rub me at the entrance. I let out a slight moan as he pushed his fingers straight inside of me at first he was going with a slow rut hun but gradually picked up his pace making my moans get louder.

"Im gonna cum Jord"

Jordan slid his fingers out of my shorts looked me in the eyes whilst licking them and then went and got into bed. I was heavily panting and I shimmied my way to the top of the bed also getting into it. I cuddled my head into his chest and groaned as he had just teased me.

"I'll get you back for that"

"Whatever babe, goodnight"

He kissed me and we both fell asleep quite quickly. I woke up at 10:30 and Jordan had already left for training I decided I was going to have a long soak in a bubble bath before getting ready for the day. Around and hour and a half later I was dressed and I decided to film a video for my Instagram story. I apologised for being inactive and I explained all the crazy things that had happened to me in the last few weeks. I finished editing the video and finally uploaded it by 1:30pm i didn't do much today but it was progress.

I was starving but I thought I couldn't wait another half hour for Jordan and we could maybe go get some food together. I went down to the training pitches everyone was crowded around in a circle. I jogged over quickly to see Phil laid on the floor in bad shape. He had sprained his foot and he was crying out in pain I just cuddled into Jordan whilst the medics people took Phil inside.

Our appetite had completely gone and we just sat for hours worrying about Phil. There was finally a knock at the door, it was Gareth he said that Phil asked if he could see us. We went down to the medical room and Phil was just laid there and he looked so upset. The doctor told us he wanted to tell us his bad news first and ask a question.

"So" *his voice broken down and his eyes were filled with tears* "I can't play for the next 4 weeks which means I will miss the first 2 weeks worth of games"

"Oh no Phil that's awful I'm so sorry"

"Phil mate I hope you make a fast recovery and get back on the pitch soon"

"Thanks guys and I have a question Tyla, do you think you could look after me for a couple of weeks. It's ok if not I just don't want a stranger to be staying with me all the time"

"Phil of course I will your like a brother to me I would be happy to help. We will get you a speedy recovery and get you back in the pitch in no time:)" *I held his hand*

"Yeah mate we'll get you through this and I will help whenever I'm not at training"

We got Phil up to his room he had a lot of painkillers and he just needed to rest so I tucked him in gave him a glass of water and left for my room. Jordan took him some water over and some more painkillers for in the morning and he told him to ring if he needed anything.

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