Part 14

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I woke up in the morning to Jordan lightly shaking me. He had fetched me a red bull and some painkillers becasue he knew I would need them. He had been and got us some bacon sandwiches from the cafe downstairs and we sat and ate them in bed.

It was a Saturday and Jordan had the day off training and wanted to do something. I wanted to go watch a movie  because that was something chill and I wasn't feeling so great. I remembered how even more drunk Phil was then me and wondered how bad he must be feeling if I feel like this. Jordan was jumping in the shower and I went over to Phil's room to check on him. I didn't even change out of my pyjamas or put a brush through my hair I just headed straight over.

I got in the room and Phil was in the shower. "Who is it?" "It's just me Phil should I come back later?" "No it's alright I'm just about to get out"

I just waited on the bed for him to get out the shower I messaged Jordan<I'm just at phils room babe, do you wanna get him one of them bacon sandwiches and bring it over xxx> <I'll be right over babe, it's nice of you to check on him! xxx> Phil got out of the shower and came out the bathroom in a pair of shorts.

"How are you this morning:)" *I laughed because he clearly wasn't ok*

"Tyla I'm not doing too good like" *we both laughed and he joined me in the bed* "what brings you here anyways?"

"Well I just came to check on you Phil, Jordan is on his way with a bacon sandwich and some coke for you"

"Oh thanks Tyla I'm guessing it was you guys who left the water and painkillers"

"Yeah that was Jord he shouldn't be long now"

Jordan arrived with the sandwich we all sat in Phil's room and chilled for a while watching movies and just talking for hours. It was 5:00pm so we decided that me and Jordan would go back to our room so we could all get ready to go to the cinema. We decided to invite Phil because he was one of our best friends in the camp and he seemed to always be alone.

We arrived at the cinema and decided to watch the suicide squad, it's quite an old film but they were replaying old favourites this week. I sat in between Phil and Jordan we all had ice blasts popcorn and a bag of sweets each. We all agreed that this was a great way to cure our hangovers. Jordan fell asleep on my shoulder and started to snore which made me and Phil laugh Jordan looked so cute when he was sleeping.

When the film finished we woke him up and headed out of the screen room. We walked out with me in the middle and both their arms around me just laughing and talking. We got into the cinema car park and my body instantly froze. I started shaking and I had no control over my body as if I was unconscious. I just stared directly at him and I couldn't look away I didn't know what to do so I just stood still and didn't do anything. He came walking towards me and I felt my body just shut down.

"Is that my Tyla I see, not just with another man but with two?!?!"

All of a sudden the panic dropped and I felt stronger than ever all I felt was anger.

"First of all Cameron I'm not your fucking Tyla anymore to be honest I never really was!"

Jordan's POV
I couldn't believe that the man who hurt MY Tyla was standing right there in front of me. Usually her just being around me could help with my anger but I was about to blow. She is the most amazing and the most beautiful person in this world and he was lucky to have her. So why the fuck would he cheat on her. I can't control this anymore how did he even dare just call her 'his Tyla' like what the fuck? The more I thought about it the more angry I got.

I couldn't hold it in anymore I let go of Tyla so she was still in Phil's arms and punched him straight in the nose. It was so forceful that it knocked him straight to the ground. I wasn't finished with him but he got back up and tried to throw a punch at me. I hit him again straight in the face again and he caught me straight in the eye. He reopened the wound from Jack which meant there was a lot of blood. This clearly worried Tyla as I heard her broken voice scream.

"Stop it please"

I turned and looked up to see Tyla with tears streaming down her face Phil had his arms wrapped around her. He was the only boy I could see comforting her which didn't make me angry. What the fuck I have done? She looks so upset and Phil is there to comfort her whilst I'm just here fighting like an absolute fucking tool.

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