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Hello my beautiful readers.

First of all, I want to say a big big thankyou to every single one of you !! Your support has been motivating me so much recently that I decided to not take a long break and be back to writing !

I am so grateful to you all !! Thankyou so much 🥺

So, I made this post to take your opinion on something.

So, I have seen writers adding their social media accounts and socializing with their readers.

Honestly, I don't like to show my face or anything, I love to work anonymously. But a few days ago I made an instagram account..... It's not a personal account, it's more like a quotes page.

Actually I have been going through a rough time in my life and I wanted to write my thoughts to feel lighter. I am not good at expressing when it comes to speaking 😅 So I do it by writing. So I made that page and wrote quotes for myself. Writing them helped me cope up a lot better.

So I thought of sharing that account with you all. It's a small step from my side to socialize with you all a little more.

And I also thought of sharing it with you guys to help anyone out there. I know a lot of people are going through tough situations at the moment..... maybe my writings could be of help to someone. If someone needs a person to talk anonymously.... you can message me there. Though I am not very active on social media, I can atleast read your messages. You guys can share your situations with me..... at times just sharing your problems makes you feel much lighter and better. And at times we might as well have a little chat if my schedule permits 😁

And I promise ! Even if I am unable to respond to every single one of you, I will still read each and every message of yours !

I promise to keep your secrets hidden until my death. 😅

Sorry for being too dramatic 😆

So, what do you think ? I know a lot of people read my book but only a few of them vote or comment. And I am okay with that but, if possible, please do reply to this one post. So that I could be more clear if I should share my account or not.

One more thing !! Some of my writings are really dark. So I thought of warning you all beforehand. It might not feel good to read some of those things that I have written there. I try to be honest with myself so I write whatever comes into my mind.

Thankyou ! Love you all 💜❤️

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