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|Mount Justice
|February 22 2014, 06:47

It'd been nearly a week since Nightwing had taken Katherine to stay at Mount Justice.

She could walk again now with ease, but didnt have enough energy to make it to any of the zeta tubes before she needed to lie down again.

Her energy, just over the past few days, felt like it was constantly on empty.

Maybe it was the medication.

"Katherine, you awake?" Miss Martian poked her head into the room, "I have your medicine."

"Yippee." Katherine turned over in her bed, listening as Miss Martian hovered over to her bedside with the several pill bottles.

"Come on.." She shook one of the bottles like it'd make Katherine want to take it any more, "You'll feel better once you have your medicine. I made you some breakfast-?"

"Fine!" Katherine gave in before she snapped, sitting up to take every last pill in the bottles.

"There you go." Miss Martian warmly smiled, "That's better, isn't it?"

"They don't work like that." Katherine pushed past her to go for breakfast, still very much pissed off from everything.

She felt so useless like this, and having to be inside all the time was starting to make her crack.


Like she'd been doing for most of the week, Katherine barely moved from the couch. The only time she did get up being to go to the bathroom or outside to smoke.

Nightwing came by a few times during the day to check up on her between classes he'd been taking at Blüdhaven's police academy, but would spend the whole night away on patrol.

Batgirl more or less did the same; during the day she'd come by to check on her from her part-time job at The GCPD, the whole night she'd be out on patrol in Gotham.

Robin, for whatever reason, hadn't showed at all...

"Hey, anyone know where Robin is these days?" Katherine asked nobody particularly, staying laid down on the couch, watching a boring romance movie.

"Training." Batgirl answered, asking, "Did Miss Martian give you your meds this morning?"

"I don't know. Maybe? Probably? Yes?"

"Is it maybe, probably, or yes?" Batgirl stood infront of the TV, her hand on her hip.

Katherine sighed, standing up to move her.

Instead her knees buckled and she fell straight into her.

"Hey!" Batgirl reached out to hold her up.

Katherine quietly laughed, leaning into Batgirl. "My balance." She sighed, closing her eyes.

"It's going to get you hurt." Batgirl sat her back on the couch. "Don't move, I'll be right back."

"Whatever." Katherine stretched her arms, laying back down on the couch to resume watching the dull romance on TV.


"She's not asleep anymore."

Katherine opened her eyes to groggily look up at Batgirl. "The hell are you doing here?" She yawned, sitting up on the couch.

Batgirl crossed her arms, "Funny."

"Uh, no?" Katherine looked around, "What if someone sees you..." she noticed Lagoon Boy and Beastboy standing nearby. "Ok." She looked back at Batgirl unamused, "What is this?"

"What-" Batgirl looked at the boys then back at Katherine, "What are you talking about Katherine? Is this your way of trying to get out of your afternoon meds? It's not working."

"Afternoon what now?" Katherine laughed, shaking her head. She let out a sigh, looking back at the boys with a smile. "Really." She was genuine when she asked, "Who the hell are these kids?"

Batgirl's brows knitted, unsure if Katherine was messing with them or not.

"If this is a joke." She said, crouching down to Katherine's height to look at her more closely, "It's not a funny joke, Katherine."

"And your joke is supposed to be funny?" Katherine scoffed, "Sure, break into Mount Justice with two weird-looking kids and mess with me. Hilarious."

"Who are you calling a weird-looking kid?!" Lagoon Boy took a step forward, stopping when Batgirl raised her hand.

"Katherine." She calmly asked her, "What's my name?"

"Batgirl." Katherine yawned, "Unless...unless you're on first name basis with your new friends already?"

"Their names are Lagoon Boy and Beastboy, remember them?" She frowned, taking Katherine's hands in her own.

Katherine looked down at Batgirl's hands confused.

Did she know them?

"Nope." She looked over at the pair, "Never met those two in my life."

"But-" Beastboy spoke up.

"They're on the team." Batgirl spoke over him, explaining, "All three of us joined...last week."

"What?" Katherine laughed, "No you didn't.."

"We did." Lagoon Boy tapped his foot impatiently, "You and that new Robin called me 'Pond Boy'."

"Yeah, that sounds like us." Katherine smiled for a moment but still disagreed, "I'm pretty sure I'd know about new members though. It is my team afterall."

"Ex-team." Lagoon Boy reminded, "You quit."

"Retired." Batgirl corrected "Temporarily. Just until your next life."


It rung a bell.

The rest? Not so much.

"Shit." Katherine weakly smiled, "Guess I do need those meds afterall."

"Lagoon Boy." Batgirl glanced back at him.

"Gladly." Lagoon Boy left the room, dragging Beastboy away with him.

Batgirl frowned, "You really don't remember?"

"It's not important." Katherine forced herself to keep on smiling, "The amount of wannabe heroes that pass through here, you can't possibly blame me for forgetting a few. I remember them now. That's what matters."

"I suppose." Batgirl managed a sad half smile back.

Katherine tried not to drop her smile until her meds arrived, using them as an excuse to let out a shaky breath and say, "I'm getting real tired of this."

"It won't be long now." Batgirl diverted her eyes, "Hopefully you'll be back to yourself again in no time, yeah?"

"Yeah." Katherine swallowed the contents of the first pill bottle. "If I don't forget that too."

Apparently she was forgetting people now.

That was the first time she'd ever forgotten a person before...

Word Count: 977

A/N: I'm now putting "Questions" below each chapter where you can comment any questions for the Q&A I'm putting at the end of the book. You can ask as many questions as you want, there isn't a limit to the amount of times you can ask a question; if you have one, ask it!


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