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|Gotham City
|April 7 2014, 22:57

After waiting on the roof of The GCPD for what seemed like forever, the commissioner finally came back up with what he had on the incident with The Joker a few days ago.

Robin didn't know much about it other than Joker got away before Batman could show.

"Batman, all we know about The Joker's whereabouts. You'll want to see this." The commissioner said, a hint of concern in his voice.

Robin ignored the concern as the commissioner lit a cigarette.

He tried to ignore that too by thinking about Katherine- when he'd be able to cash in on that trip to Paris.

"Calico." Batman read aloud, "The Joker took refuge in Calico's building."

"W-What?" Robin choked.

Did that mean Calico was working with The Joker afterall?

Wasn't that ruled out?

"We have solid evidence that Calico and The Joker are working together now." The commissioner announced, "I'll be conducting a raid on Calico's main building in a few nights-"

"We'll be there." Batman glanced at Robin, "Both of us."


Robin thought it was very unlike Batman to let him near Calico like that, but wasn't going to protest against the idea.

Now was his chance to take him down.

"Good." The commissioner nodded, "We need all hands on deck if we want to stand a chance at catching both of them."

Batman theorised, "If Robin and I split up, taking a team of police with us, we'll overpower both Calico and Joker, allowing us to take them in."

Robin understood now.

He'd still not be allowed anywhere near Calico.

He'd be put in the team that went after The Joker.


"And the dozens of mercenaries?" Commissioner Gordon questioned, "What do you have planned for them?"

"Nightwing and Batgirl will circle the surrounding area, picking off any other enemies."

Batman, of course, had already thought of an entire strategy to take down Calico without Robin getting in his way.

Robin would think of a way to get past it.

This was his chance to get Calico.

Word Count: 346


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