Chapter 22

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~Crystal's Pov~

I sit at a table sipping at water while staring down at my plate, I just finished showering "hey mom?" I ask looking at her "yes sweetheart?" She asks looking at me "what happened? Why are you here? Why are Optimus and the others here?" I ask looking at Optimus who was leaning against the wall Optimus sighs "first things first, remind me again what you remember happening last?" He asks I blink but think a bit "the last thing I remember... was professor Wilder barraging into my shared dorm with two other people and knocking out my roommate, but she didn't see the third person and was knocked out, and I was grabbed and knocked out... after that I woke up in a room full of people with glowing yellow eyes... with wilder, who I found out wasn't even human at all... and that's all really" I state but sigh "okay... now than we're here because of your disappearance, Wilder or Shade as he is known by is a Nameless he and his colony feed off fear unlike other Cybertonian's and take pride in it" Optimus says I look up at him "yeah he told me" he blinks but hums "in order to get you back we had to team up with the decepticons... you see we are mutual enemies to the Nameless, your mother, brothers, Sam, and Bumblebee all were apart of your main rescue team until Iornhide jumped in and helped" Optimus says I blink "Jazz had killed Shade, or Wilder" he adds i lower my eyes "but do not think that Jazz wasn't worried sweetheart" mom says I look I up at her, Jazz was worried sick about you and refused to give up searching for you..." she says with a soft smile "he resisted recharging, or sleep as you humans refer it as to patrol the nearby areas to search for you or even Shade" Optimus states I sigh "and don't think he knows what he did hurt you" I blink "it was made clear, and he regrets it" I look up at Optimus "how do you know that?" I ask the two sigh "all he's done is sulk since we got you back" mom says I look over "they all have honey... Axel... well he's a bit more stone faced but I can see through him and I can see that even he regrets what he's done..." she spoke lowly I snort "yeah right" I scoff she narrows her eyes "you think I'm lying missy?" She snaps I blink "you forget I know you kids better than anyone in this entire world! You kids cannot hide anything from me" she hissed Optimus chuckles I look away "your brother loves you weather he shows it or not" mom says with a sigh "but we aren't talking about him right now... right now we're focusing on fixing the tension between you and your boyfriend" she says eyeing me I blink "now are you gonna let one fight be the end of your relationship or are you gonna march your ass back in there and talk to your man and make things right between you two?" She asks raising a brow I look down "the choice is yours honey" she adds I sigh and stand up "I guess you can't have all rainbows and butterflies in a relationship" I say with a slight smile "that-a girl" mom chuckles leaning against her palm "well said" Optimus commented making my mom beam "why thank you!" She chirps as I leave the room.

I walk into the hanger the others were in and find Jazz slouched against the wall still, I sigh and walk up "Jazz?" I call out he perks and looks over "yeah Chris?" He asks I motion for him to follow me "we need to talk" I say, which makes panic rush though his eyes but he gets up and walks over. I lead him outside and sigh "everything okay little lady?" He asks worriedly kneeling down I hum "yeah, it's just, I'm sorry if I overreacted earlier..." he blinks "it's just I guess I was really hurt by the fact you didn't at least acknowledge my concern with Wilder, that and I didn't realize how much time passed since I was kidnapped, and how badly it was affecting you and the others... I'm sorry Optimus and mom told me how upset with yourself you were" I say rubbing my arm. Jazz sighs "little lady ya have nothin ya be sorry for, I'm the reason ya got captured remember? And ya right, I should've taken what ya said ya spark and kept it in mind but I didn't, ya my woman and ma charge for primus sake! I'm da most guilty outta everyone!" He says I look up at him as he rubs his neck "ya scared da frag outta meh Chris, and honestly I dunno what I'd do wit out ya, you've been da best damn thing that's happened ya meh during dis war" he admits looking down at me. I smile motioning for him to kneel down, which he does "can we just forgive and forget? I'd say kiss and make up but that doesn't really work for us" I tease making him chuckle and bring his hand to wrap around my body "ya I say we do dat" he mused bringing his face down so I can hug it "promise me next time you'll put a little more faith in my words?" I ask he hums "I swear sweetspark" he says before pulling back and lifting be up onto his shoulder "I love you Jazz" I chirp patting his shoulder "and I love ya Chris" he responds.

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