Chapter 16

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(The decorative plate that was broken against Kat's head)

~Kat's Pov~

I wake with a groan and an aching head I open my eyes and see glass surrounding me I shot up remembering what happened and look around for Crystal.... she was gone... I get up and use the wall as a crutch what was up with Professor Wilder? I mean I knew he was acting unusual but I just assumed Crystal was smarter than shit in science but I guess not I look to my clock feeling my heart sink it was already seven o'clock 'I missed a whole day of school!' I sigh softly "now what?" I grumble before wondering where Sam and them were at I sigh again before walking out of my dorm to find them.

~Zero's pov~

I sat in the lawn directly in front of Jazz, I've texted Crystal like twenty or more times today yet she hasn't answered "still nothing?" Jazz asks lowly "yeah.... she must really be pissed to not answer our messages, cause I texted her to and hadn't heard anything from here either" Sam spoke up I look at him as he leans on Bumblebees hood arms crossed "and its weird that Mr. Wilder wasn't here either" Blitz spoke with a low tone before we hear "GUYS THERE YOU ARE!!!" Sam looks behind Axle, Blitz and I as we turn heads to see Kat rushing up with a panicked look on her face "Kat? What's wrong?" Sam asks for all of us "Crystals been kidnapped!" She declares Axel snorts "nice try" he grumbled lookin ahead "I'm serious!" She demands and Axle only remains quiet "if I were lying do you thing I'd have a huge bump on my head from having my favorite decorative plate broken over my head?!" She snarled crossing her arms I raised a brow as Blitz stood up "where were you hit?" He wonders and obediently Kat points to the spot, Blitz raised his right hand to the area and rubs around where she pointed, after only a second his eyes widen "there.... there is a bump" he confirms and he moves his hand away and looks at his now slightly bloodied finger tips (quick a/n I don't know if what I wrote down is entirely true however I do know that if you hit someone hard enough with a glass object sometimes the class with shatter and cut the area you had been struck, I'm not sure if this would leave a bump but I'm just guessing) "please tell me this is a prank" he begs looking at Kat who's worried expression never falters "I wish it were" she spoke before sitting down "what the hell happened" I ask Kat who takes a deep breath "so I was sitting in our dorm before Crystal storms in clearly upset, when I asked she said she didn't want to talk about it, so respecting her feelings and her choice I dropped the topic, after that we began doing our homework and that lasted about an hour after she stormed in, I heard a knock on our rooms door so I went to answer, when I opened the door it was forcefully opened and in walks Mr. Wilder and some other guy they immediately went to Crystal and grabbed her by the arms, I go to help but didn't see he third person behind me so I was knocked out, I woke up about twenty-nine minutes ago maybe even an hour by now" she explained tears threatening to fall "I tried to help I really did but I was stupid enough to not look behind me" she sobs I lowered my eyes "that explains why Mr. Wilder wasn't here this morning" Sam murmured Kat looks up "when I asked the office attendants they said he abruptly quit his job" she states I look to Jazz from the corner of my eye seeing his alt mode shaking slightly "you'd better go see a nurse" I tell Kat who nods and gets up before walking away. I look back to Jazz "I can't believe she wasn't joking" Blitz mutters softly "we should have acknowledged her concern" Sam spoke with a sigh "mom's going to kill us" Axel mumbles Jazz starts his engine "where are you going?" Axel demands "someone has to tell prime this, I'm the second in command and Crystal's my lover as she is my charge... I'm at fault here I should have paid more attention to our surroundings" Jazz spoke lowly yet it was clear he was upset "Jazz were all at fault, were her brothers and Sam's her childhood friend... we should have known that she was telling the truth, she's normally not the type to lie, we're just as guilty as you are" Blitz points out "if you tell prime Crystals missing, we're all to blame, even Bumblebee, not so much Kat because she obviously didn't know, you cannot take the heat for what we all are responsible for" Sam agrees "alright" Jazz grumbles before driving off "you...have to tell...your carrier...about this" bee states the thought of dealing with mom made me pale.

~two minutes later~

"SHE'S WHAT!?" Mom shrieked over the other end of the phone we had her on speakerphone so we all could hear her yell at us "HOW THE BLOODY HELL IS SHE MISSING?!" Mom demands a noticeable growl to her voice "well Crystal came up to us and told us about a concern of her's revolving one of our teachers Mr. Wilder claiming he was an evil alien out to kill the Autobot's and the Desepticons but we didn't believe her and laughed at her before she stormed off after saying 'fuck you too' to all of us including Bee and Jazz" Axel explains and a growl is heard "and you didn't even think about her concern?! You all are so dead when I get there!" Mom barked before handing up "god help us all" Blitz spoke with a trembling tone.

~meanwhile with Jazz~

"Why didn't you believe her Jazz! Or at least acknowledge her concern and kept her close!" Ratchet shouts over the com "Ratchet you have to remember that he wasn't the only one guilty of this act.... hmm, Raven will not be pleased hearing her youngling is missing we shall be there as soon as possible, call off the investigation of the break in for the shard!" Optimus shouts I raise an optic ridge "the cons got the shard?" I asked looking out at the city from the cliff I stood on "yes, but there is no doubt that they were planning to wake Megatron and that their mission was successful" Optimus spoke with a sigh "we'll be there as quickly as possible but I cannot promise we will be there within a few hours" Optimus spoke before ending the chat.

(And next chapter is complete, with the school year coming to an end i have more free time to edit and add chapters, I hope you enjoyed bye)

The Tomboy (A Jazz x Oc story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ