Chapter 20

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(A/n Happy thanksgiving!!! I hope you all have a great day!)

~Ravens pov~

I sat against the wall of the abandoned wear-house looking up at the night sky unable sleep my mind wanders to Rick suddenly " I know you're looking out for Crystal... for all of us... heh... you probably got pissed when she started dating Jazz... I think you'd really like Jazz, he's a perfect match for Crystal and is very gentle despite his size, you'd be proud of your baby girl... i, no, we miss you Rick.." I spoke mournfully "who is Rick?" Optimus suddenly asks scaring me. A short shriek erupted from me but I look up at him as he walks up "Rick is my husband... he died protecting Crystal during a bank robbery... Axel hasn't forgiven her... I have no doubt Crystal is forever scared because she was the only one in our family who saw him die and how, she knows what happened I was filled in but I could never completely understand" I explained sadly wiping away the tears that threatened to fall "Axel needs to understand that his death wasn't her fault... your sparkmate or husband could have done nothing and let Crystal die but as a good sire or father in your language it is his job to protect his family and make sure they are taken care of" Optimus stand next to me "it's okay that he misses his sire but to take his anger out on the others is unwise." He adds I hum and hug my head to my chest "yeah... since Crystal was kidnapped he's been getting better but I don't know how long that will last" I stated jumping when Optimus lowers his hand next to me I look up at his face and am met with a contagious smile so I smile back and stand up, climbing onto his hand "I bet your sparkmate is proud of your kids" he murmured walking along the building "he probably is... he probably threw a fit when Crystal and Jazz started dating" I commented with a chuckle "he probably did..." Optimus mused with a slight chuckle.

~Jazz's pov~

I stared up at the sky leaning throughout hole in the wear houses roof "hey Jazz you okay?" Sam asks I look down at him "I will be once we get Crystal back"  I respond with a sigh "yeah I feel you, but hopefully this plan works" Sam agreed I scoff "I'll make damn sure we get crystal back" I retort Sam snickers but nods in agreement.

~time skip Zeros pov~

Mom, Sam, Blitz, Axel, and I crammed into Bee's cab parked up on a hill near the base waiting for the signal from One of the autobots to move in. Suddenly a loud explosion rang out and shook the ground as one of the train cars blew up... than another... and another... minutes after other cybertronians rushed out guns ready as they split up never once looking up at us one bot stood gaurd as the others left "is that all of them?" I asked bee scoffed "there's about... three maybe... four more..." he states I hum mom takes a deep breath
/Bumblebee your clear to move in!/ Ratchet's voice rung out from no where Bee starts his engine "hang on... this is gonna be a bumpy ride" he warns so we all grabbing the seats given none of us are buckled... and before we knew it Bee speed down the bumpy hill towards the bot standing guard who doesn't look over till we reached the bottom but Bee doesn't stop and sped up more as "WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Sam shrieked my mom looks at Sam funnily "if anyone has the right to scream like a girl, ITS ME!" She sheiks as bee knocks the bot of his feet and bust his ass the doors flow open "hurry get out!" He orders and we scramble out as quickly as possible without falling. The minute we were out Bee transformed and began to brawl with the bot punching him for starters before his hands transformed into his cannon and he shot at the nameless bot "holy shit!!!!" Mom yelps before I grab her arm and pulled her further away from the fight as the two crashed around throwing their fists into each other face and shooting at one another till someone else shot the nameless in the head we looked over seeing Ironhide as he trotted up "what are you doing here?" Blitz asks Ironhide shrugs "the others have the battle under control and I was close by and heard someone yell 'we're gonna die' so I chose to leave the fight to come help find Crystal and the other humans... and I don't feel like fighting with Starscream who keeps blabbering about become leader of the desepticons" Ironhide admits helping bee up "Jazz is getting into a heated fight with Shade, so he won't be joining us" he mused I laughed "he said he'd kill him" Sam spoke up "and he meant it" Axel spoke up with a shrug "let's go we gotta find the humans" Ironhide ushered.

We walked around for a bit till we came across two bots guarding a door "hey!" One yelled but gets tackled by bee and while the other goes to com for backup Ironhide shot at him hitting his hip, said bot cried out in pain before Ironhide shot again only hitting him in the head causing the bot to fall lip with a large hole in his head but Ironhide stomps on his head for safe measures just as Bee finished killing the other Ironhide lifted the large door where we are met with sobbing and sniffling we rushed in and look to the group of humans skimming over them "where's Crystal?!" Mom demands I feel someone tap my shoulder so I look over seeing Axel pointing to the farthest corner so I look over and there was Crystal her hands in her hair, her elbow rested on her knees that curled up to her chest... her eyes are glowing gold... and she was crying and trembling seeing that made my heart drop.

~Jazz's pov~

I dodged Shades punch uppercutting him but get kneed in hip, I shot a round i to his left shoulder plate before Optimus appears with Ratchet... where's Ironhide? I kick his knee in and end this fight by shooting him in the helm "have you seen Ironhide?" Optimus asks I shrug "not since my fight with Shade began" I responded looking around /I'm with Bee and them... we found Crystal and the other missing humans... meet us outside the entrance... I contacted Lennox and this team... they'll be here soon, turns out they were in the next state over... their flying by choppers... I also took liberty to fill him in as well/ Optimus nods "thank you Ironhide" he responds as we make our way to the building "how's Crystal is she alright?" I ask him only getting a sigh /physically she's not to badly hurt, few cuts and bruises but emotionally she's a reck/ Ironhide explains.

We arrived to the entrance just as they walked out Zero carrying Crystal who stared at nothing I hate to say it by she looked terrible... and scared, not something I ever thought I'd witness I got down on knees and servos lowering myself to Zeros height "told ya she's a reck" Ironhide comments softly I reached out a digit and carefully brush a stray hair behind her audio receptor "I guess you were right, even the toughest people can get frightened" Axel murmured folding his arms.

A few minutes later Lennox and his team arrived evacuating the civilians I held Chris close to my chest plates as Epps and Lennox walk up "so heard you had to team up with the cons... how'd that go?" Epps asks shifting his weight "better than you may think though they left after the fight meaning the war between us is back on" Ratchet states with scoff "hows Chris? From the looks of it she's not doing to good" Lennox asks looking up at me "give her time... in a few days the affects will wear off" Optimus stated they nod "understandable so see you three at bace?" Lennox wonders getting a nod before they walk back to the chopper "I recommend Crystal heads home with you till she's comfortable going back to her classes" Ratchet states "but before we do part ways I wish to give us all holoforms, it'd make our lives easier and your relationship with crystal less hazardous" he adds I grin "thanks doc!" I chirped getting a glare from the medic.

(A/n not the end of the story! I hope you enjoyed... and hopefully my combat scenes weren't too terrible😅😖 bye!!)

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