Chapter 14

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~Zero's POV~

As the party came to an end Crystal and her roommate seem to get along nicely it was nice to see Chris getting along with other girls "man I cannot wait for tomorrow!" Blitz pipes I roll my eyes "of course you are ya book worm" I tease earning a glare "oh shut up if you know what's best for ya" Blitz mocks right back at me. Chris and Kat waltz up looking slightly worn out "you three ready?" Kat asks with a smile "yeah, let's make like a tree and leaf" I joke causing the two girls and Sam to laugh whilst Blitz groans and stands up, Sam and I follow his actions before the five of us leave the party "thanks for coming with me you guys, it means a lot to me honestly I had a great time even if I spent most the time dancing with Chris" Kat spoke gratefully with a sincere smile on her face "it was nothing Axel left early cause we pissed him off but I had fun" Sam speaks up for the four of us "Oh shoot! I need to call my dad! I was gonna call him when I arrived but forgot! I'd call him now but I forgot my phone in the dorm! Chris I'll see you in the dorm and I'll see you guys tomorrow" Kat spoke in a rush "yeah see ya Kat" Blitz says with a wave and with out said Kat rushes off "she seems really nice so far, she was super hyped about us going to the party with her so I suppose that's a good thing" Sam spoke with a smile "yeah" Chris spoke looking around and her smile drops to a surprised look "you've got to be kidding me" she mutters so the three of us look to where she was and my jaw drops as two familiar cars drive up slowly "is that who I think it is?" Blitz asks aloud.

~Crystals POV~

I stare wide eyed as Jazz and Bumblebee drive up slowly "is that who I think it is?" Blitz inquires out loud and our suspensions are confirmed when the two vehicles park near us "Bee?" Sam asks unsure of if he was seeing right "the one-and-only" The Camaro responds "what are you doing here you know we could get I. Serious trouble right?" Sam asks looking around frantically as I walk up to Jazz "you really are stubborn..." I say lowly but loud enough for the two, to hear "we told you to stay home guys" Sam said sounding distressed "ya we know, but common Sam a year is to long" Jazz protests causing a sigh to pass my lips "yeah but these two can and might get into trouble seeing them with you" Zero spoke up and Jazz's door opens and of course I climb in "Crystal get out you're gonna get into trouble!" Blitz scolded, grinning I look to them "So? I may have told Jazz to stay home but that doesn't mean I'm not entirely upset with him or Bee" I state with a shrug "Crystal you are so dead" Zero mutters and I can't help but laugh "for what wanting to chitchat with my boyfriend?" I mused hearing Jazz's soft laughter "yes, dude common ya killing me" Blitz whines rubbing his temple.

~??? POV~

I watched the four humans talk to the two cars that bear a Cybertonian signal, I was perched on the nearest building my scanners told me of who was talking thanks to my cloaking device I go undetected. when the word boyfriend pops out of Crystals mouth an evil grin grows onto my face 'So the human Crystal is dating a Cybertonian, I was right to think something was different about her oh this is too rich, I must tell the others the news. The Nameless will definitely defeat those Autobots and decepticons once and for all' I think and back away slowly before darting off to the lair my peds my golden yellow optics beamed in the night.

~short time skip~

I walk past my fellow brothers and sisters of thirty-nine, I make forty of course they payed me no mind, I leap up onto a cargo crate than look over all the others who chatted. I used my knife and scratched the crate below me forcing a piercing hiss to be made, everyone in the room even I flinch at the sound but soon enough the room is quite and I no longer had to continue the awful sound "my brothers and sisters, I have wonderful news" I call looking around "I have found two Autobot's on the campus I can currently 'working' for"

"The Autobot's? Here? Than if they are here so must the cons!" The mech named Virus yells out.

"Yeah! What are we gonna do? Same as we did back home?" The femme Striker called out.

I continue to wear the same grin "not entirely there's one slight difference a human femme is dating an Autobot, she is one of my science students so I shall see her every day of each week" I explain with a dulled tone "we could use her to lure the Autobot's to us! Knowing if two are here on earth than so must the others right?" A mech named Jinx asked, I hum for a second 'it might work, if that Autobot cares about his lover he'd definitely be going after Crystal to get her back" suddenly a plan slowly forged in my helm "that is a great idea, I could try to get close enough to the girl and once I do, I could capture her and do what we, The Nameless are known for bringing out that individuals greatest fear" I thoughtfully spoke aloud "yeah that human won't stand a chance!" Virus laughs darkly "than it's settled you will do your part as a 'human teacher' and get that human femme to us than we'll deal with the human once she's in our grasp, and than we'll work on a plan to demolish the Autobot's" the femme by the name of Lunar spoke up "agreed I shall do most of the dirty work, it may take a little for me to gain enough trust from Crystal the human femme" I state with a devilish smirk "If it gets to hard Just take her by force if you need any help we are available but I assume one puny human won't be an issue Right Shade?" Lunar asks with a sharpness to her voice "of course I can handle a human just prepare for when I do get her, leave Crystal to me" I growled leaping down from my perch and leaving the lair.

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