Chapter 7

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In this chapter I'm adding Axle and Blitz to the story. Sorry I've been slacking on my updates I hope you enjoy!!!

(Jazz's pov)

Ever since I met Crystal I've had this grown feelings towards her, but she may not like me in such a way....
(I know this is short)

(Crystal's pov)
I groan as Zero, Mikaela, Sam, and I tear Sam's room apart looking for those damned glasses I yelp when the ground shakes an the power goes out 'the hell?' I carefully rush to the window to see ratchet had fallen i'm the power lines I my face dropped in to a 'wtf' face. I hear Ron and Judy's voices "shit guys hide" I whisper and duck next to Sam's desk as Mikaela hides  some-what under his desk pulling the chair close so she can be outta sight and poor Zero had to hide behind Sam's closet door. I hear Ron countdown nearing one till Sam opened the door answering with a simple "sup?" I face palm stifling a laugh 'that was brilliant Sam nice work' I'm sure that Zero is snickering as well. I hear Judy ask "why are you all Sweaty and Filthy?"

"I'm a child, Teenager"

"We heard voices and noises and thought you were-" Judy says

"We saw a light" Ron interrupts

"Look you can't, you can't just barge into my room like that. you gotta knock, you gotta communicate" Sam spoke swiftly

"we knocked" Judy protests

"No, you were screaming at me" Sam defends

"Oh for Pete's sake, you're so defensive. We're you... masturbating?" Judy ask make me nearly bust out laughing "what? No!" Sam yells at her "look you don't have to call it that if it makes you uncomfortable... You can call it... Sam's happy time or Sam's special alone time" she adds I decide to revile myself as Zero and Mikaela do the same making The Witwicky's look at us "hi I'm Mikaela" Mikaela spoke I waved "yo" zero said shyly "hey Mr. And Mrs. Witwicky" I say before I pushed pass the trio not wanting to hear any more hearing Judy squeal. I rush down the stairs down the stairs at to the kitchen to see Sam's bag "awe come on!" I groan and go fishing through Sam's bag and find the glasses before rushing towards the stairs "Sam I-" start but am cut off by Zero running down the stairs "found them" I finish as I wave them slightly. Zero smiles "great job Chris" he said.

I hear the door bell ring "who da fuck would be here this late" I mutter my face held one of my most famous 'wtf' expression. I stare at the door as Ron opens it "Ronald Wickity?" The man spoke rushed "it's Witwicky"Ron corrects "who are you?" Ron adds I blink looking at Zero "who da fuck is that??" Zero asks I shrug "Ron these guys are all over the front lawn" Judy says making me look at her "whats going on?" Zero asks the man.

I sling my bag over my shoulder before becoming lost in thought 'did the Autobot's make it away safely?' I frown at the tought of Jazz being hurt, well any of them that would kill me. I am snapped back into reality when Sam rushing down the stairs "what's this?" He asks I look at him and shrug "You Sam?" The man asks getting a nod from Sam.

"Well I need you to com with us" the man said "whoa that's way outta line" Ron deffensivly said "sir I'm asking nicely, back off" the man in black said

"your not taking my son" Ron protests

"Really? You trying to get rough with us?"

"No, but I'm gonna call the cops, because there is something fishy going on here"

"Yeah there's something fishy about you, your son, your little Taco Bell dog, and this whole operation you got going on here" Mr. Jackass spoke making me feel the urge to punch this asshole dead square In his face.

"What operation?!"

"That's what we're gonna find out" Mr. Jackass spoke he takes a machine from this other dude "kid step forward please" Sam obeys he points the thing at him and starts making a clicking sound "fourteen rads, bingo take em' and bag em'" creepy spoke and the men instantly obey grabbing us and cuffing our hands behind our backs "I hope you realize that my brother, Mikaela, and I are not a Witwicky" I growl at the jackass but he ignores me.

"You hurt my dog I'm gonna kick you ass!"

"Kids don't say anything! Not a word till we get a lawyer!"

We are all rushed out the door "CHRIS, ZERO!" I hear two very familiar voices I look up to see Blitz and Axle rush up but are stopped Mr. Jackass "kid you need to back off these to are part of an operation." I roll my eyes "what? What operation that's our brother and sister!" Blitz declares but the asshole ignored him and Zero and I are shoved into the car.

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