Chapter 11

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~Crystals POV~

Jazz and I have been dating for about five months my mom and other two brothers know what he is and of course my mom panicked at first till I explained while Blitz was yelling awesome and Axel fainted, Zero and I laughed when he did 'yeah mom I'm dating an alien robot who is also my Guardian' that's how I said it too. I'm now getting ready for college and trying to figure out how to tell Jazz he can't tag along I was excepted into the Princeton University in Pennsylvania along with Sam, Blitz, Zero, and Axel Yippee I get my asshole brother to go with, Blitz I'm okay with he's pretty chill I just can't wait to see what is in store for the sibling and friend squad.

I sigh as I head out side seeing my mom talking to Jazz who is in his vehicle mode "you can't go with her Jazz I'm sorry freshmen can't have cars on campus unless they live in state and she doesn't" mom spoke and I just knew she was trying to reason with the stubborn guy or mech in Jazz's language I walk up to them rubbing my neck mom looks at me "you've got a stubborn boyfriend Chris" mom huffs crossing her arms I chuckle nervously "yeah I know we're a perfect match... could you" I ask nodding to the house hoping she'd get the idea that I need to talk to Jazz alone "of course sweetheart" she spoke with a smile before walking up the path I just came down "yo Chris can't I go wit ya? Even if i I stay in town?" Jazz asks sounding upset "you'd get really bored I'm sure, I'd be to busy studying for my classes as well as attending them, I was going to tell you sooner but hadn't gotten around to it the same rule applies for bumblebee, he can't go either and it's not that Sammy and I don't want the two of you to come with it's just we can't or we'll get in trouble I would love for the two of you to come but school rules say otherwise" I say looking around nervously "i get that but, your my mah Girl and charge it's mah responsibility to protect ya" Jazz points out I turn my head to look at the stubborn mech "I know Jazz but I'll be fine, what could happen to me in a school? I know you don't want to see me leave but I want to be able to get the education I need, and I can come home really whenever okay?" I spoke with a saddened smile hearing his engines snort I place my hand on his hood "I really would like to bring you with Jazzy, but I can't I wish that this rule didn't exist but it does, I also need some one here to keep my mom company... even if she's a pain in my ass she's still the only thing we have left since our dad died..." I say softly running my hand over Jazz's hood hearing a soft purr of his engines "what happened to yawls sire?" He asks and I can't help but sigh "you really wanna know?" I ask seeing Jazz's door on the drivers side open telling me he does I walk up to the open door and walk around it before climbing into Jazz's cab "our dad died in a tragic accident when I was six his name was Rick Starvester and was the coolest dad a kid could ask for... one day he and I went to the bank together while Axel, Blitz, Zero, and mom stayed home"


I skipped as I held my dads hand while walking into the bank my dad just laughs at me as we approached the counter where I let my dads hand go so in return i hug his leg with my left arm and I continued to hold my dads leg as I looked around the bank seeing people talking to the workers I also notice a man walk in with huge black bag and a mask over his face. The man had something unfamiliar to me so I tug so my dads leg making him look at me "daddy wat that man have?" I ask pointing at the man, my dad turns and looks at the man just as a loud bang echoed through the room and everyone even my dad got down while, my dad drags me down with him as the man yells "nobody move this is a robbery! Give me all the fucking money!" My dad pulls me closer to him making the man look over at us with a glare before looking away and pointing the thing at a worker "open the vault" the man orders and the man scrambled up not wanting to get hurt. I watch as the man puts the gun to the workers back and lead him away and a few minutes later a bother bang is heard so I cowered closer to my dad as the man with the mask walks back "you open the registers" the man orders walking closer than stepping over my dad and I "put the money in the bag" the man orders and of course I'm still am unaware of the actual danger that we are all in given I only hate the loud noise from what ever the man had so I spot a chain on the mans hip and being a curious kid I reach for it the man in the mask look me over and move the thing pointing at the lady behind the desk and pointed it at me "wat dat?" I ask aloud to no one "it's called a gun kid now sit down or get shot" the man barks so I tilt my head "wat a gun do?" I question hearing the man groan "a gun kills people now sit down!" The man sneered so once more I ask a question "wat does dat mean?" The man growls once again before pulling something back making a click my dad lounged forward and wraps me in a tight hug just as several loud bangs are head and my dad falls limply to the floor pulling me with him I hear some one say "LPD get on the ground!" Soon after a bang followed by several others are heard before it is quite once again I struggled to get out of my dads grasp thinking he was still alive till someone pried him off me I look up and see the lady my dad was taking to I look to my dad and see a red substance leaking from his head and back "daddy?" I call out and under see the sad looks I receive, my dad didn't move "daddy? Stop playing da mans not here anymore" I say as I start to shake him "daddy?" I repeat and feel a hand on my shoulder so I look up and see a cop kneeling there with a sad face "kiddo, you're daddy's... not left to a better place and won't be coming back" the man spoke so I look to my dad than back "why?" I ask sadly the cop looks weak for a minute than looks back as the other cop walks up "I'm sorry kiddo, he's... he's gone" the lady spoke. Later that night after the cops took me to the station and called my mom and brothers over the cops broke the news to my mom, and I had never seen her that upset before, once we got home our mom told us what the meaning of death meant and that our dad was dead we all took it hard and I couldn't sleep for six months cause of the sight I saw.

~flashback end~

"the five of us went to Sam's house where we received hug from the three, they helped us with the funeral, I remember after the incident I didn't talk really at all, but eventually after enough counseling I came up with the thought that this isn't how my dad would want me to be, sure it was hard to get over but I know he did it to save me" I spoke with a sad tone though I didn't cry, ever since I was six no one has seen me cry cause I swore I'd stay strong for him, my mom, and my brothers "damn little lady, that be some deep stuff" Jazz says lowly sorrow filled his tone "yeah I know" I admit looking to Jazz's stereo "thanks for listening Jazz" I say patting his seat "I should probably get back to my packing, but I promise once I'm done we can go for a drive or something before the five of us leave" I state with a smile "yeah sure" Jazz spoke sounding upset as I climb out of his cab and head inside to continue packing my stuff cause we leave tomorrow.

Yes fist chapter of the new plot is finally up and now you now what happened to Crystal, Zero, Axel, and Blitz dad I hope you enjoyed bye!😋

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