Chapter: 6

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Sorry I haven't updated..

~Crystal's Pov~

Once Optimus said that Sam held the key to earths survival I look at Sam "tell me you have those damned glasses" I say to Sam. The Autobot's transform onto there vehicle modes zero and I walk up to jazz "yo can we catch a ride?" I ask zero snickered "sure thing little lady" Jazz replied I grin as I climb into the driver seat while Zero climbed in the passenger side "thanks man!!" I say. We drive off it was quiet till zero spoke "hey Chris how much you wanna bet that Sam ether lost or miss placed his glasses?" Zero teased I hum "60 dollars" I mock grinning he whines "awe no fair I don't have that kind of money" he sighs I laugh as jazz truned on the radio played Zero's favorite song I roll my eyes "oh boy here we go" I teased as I lean back in the seat Zero punches my arm. I grin at him while he frowns "I hate you" he hissed I chuckle looking dead ahead "no you don't" I say there was a laugh from Jazz.

~timeskip to Sam's house~

Zero and I got out and ran to Sam's house just as Ron was about to walk out but Sam stopped him. I sigh 'perfect timing' I look to my right and see the Autobot's transform and attempt to be quiet. Once I see bee's head I began to freak "sleep well handsome man" I hear Sam say I sigh 'this is bad' I thought walking to my McLaren and sitting on the hood. Zero joins me by sitting on his car "watch the path, watch the path, please, please, NO, NO, NO, NO" I wince as the fountain is crushed "oh lord help us all" Zero said I snicker as Jazz looks at us "Ron's gonna be pissed" I giggled Jazz tilts his head "Ron just worked on the lawn and now it's destroyed," I explained "we're all doomed" as I say that Jazz shakes his head chuckling. I hop off my hood and walk to the drives-side of my car then jump in to grab my bag the climbed out again. I swing the bag over my shoulder the I notice that mojo walked up to Ironhide and pissed on his foot I nearly choked as mojo is kicked away. I rush up to Sam as he lifts the chihuahua "you have a rodent infestation shall I terminate it?" Ironhide growls I stiffly a laugh "no, no, no this is my chihuahua we love chihuahua's" Sam says frantically "it lubricated on my foot" hides hissed. Sam looks at hide "he pee'd on you? Bad mojo, bad" sam spoke I hear hides copy Sam saying "bad mojo" I grab a napkin from my bag "here let me get that" I snicker as I clean off  hides foot he just grunts. I glare at him "Oi your welcome" I hiss hide looks down as I glare at him we have a stare down for a minuet waiting for a thank you. Hide still remains silent I scoff looking away "you're an ass" I spat walking into the house and began the search.

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