Chapter 24

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~Crystal's pov~

Jazz continued to drive till we are out of town and at a place called Blach Moshannon State Park, woodlands and wetlands. I raise a brow "why are we here babe?" I ask eyeing him, Jazz just grins "commmn and Imma show ya" he mused I raise a brow "I'm not wearing the proper clothes to go hiking in" I say as we climb out "we ain't gonna go far babe" he mused I blink but I follow him down a trail. After like three minutes of walking we come across an open area with a large rock and a perfect view of the sky and was near a river I blink "when did you discover this?" I ask looking up at him he shrugs "while ya at class a guys gotta do something in his spare time so ah went exploring for stuff ya and ah can do for dates little lady i chuckle shaking my head a bit "well I admit it is different from what we have been doing, but I like it" I muse walking to the rock and climbing up "so, what did you have in mind?" I ask as he also climbs onto the rock well ya always we talking bout finding a place ya brothers and Sam wouldn't bother us on our dates so ah assumed ya would like ya see what I found, may not be anything nice or some shit" he says rubbing his neck I smile "Jazz so long as it's you picking out a place like this for a date I am happy besides you took the time to find it" I muse before I lean into him "I should thank Ratchet later" I add feeling his arm coil around my shoulders "hm for what babe?" He asks I look up at his face with a grin "cause now you and I can hold each other like this, you don't have to worry about squashing me, and not to mention the fact we can do more than just drive around as our date, or even head out of town where no one would bug us, so you can transform" I muse touching his hand "ah guess ya right Chris" he smirks "and ah wouldn't be able to do dis" he cups my chin I blink catching on, Jazz leans in till our lips meet.

Though the kids was gentle and brief and felt sparks set my entire body aflame and I can't help but feel a bit shy, it has been months since we began dating and this has been our first kiss, our first actual kiss. And pecks on his cheek do not count... Jazz pulls back with a cocky grin and I can't help but giggle with a stupid grin "ya have no idea how long ah wanted ya do that Chris" he mused, my smile widens "if you told me about this holoform sooner we could have done it sooner so that is your fault" I muse he chuckles "yeah well I wanted to surprise ya, let ya get back into the flow of things before showing ya" he states rubbing his head my face expression softens into a warm loving one "Jazz you don't have to worry about me that much" I start sitting up on my knees facing him, his arm fell from my shoulders and rests on my hip "and I know what you're gonna say 'it's my job to' but you worry way more than you should, now don't get me wrong, it's sweet that you do but you know it makes me worry about you too right? The fact your way to focused on me rather than the others, over yourself?" I drawl questioningly he hums "baby ah know, but don't worry, I got it all under control, I focus on ya cause ya humans are fragile physically to us... but ah also know ya ain't like the average femme, woman as y'all humans identify as" he mused tapping my hip i roll my eyes "I know what a femme is Jazz" he cocks his head in confusion "Bee told me one time while he was driving Sam and I to go get us some new school books and you were busy" I muse he hums "ah see, well anyways ma point is dat even though ah know ya compared to us are physically fragile Ah know that compared ta ya own race ya can take care of ya self so even though ah worry I worry more bout dem con's getting ya then humans hurting ya" he mused I grin "well at as long as it's the cons you worry about then yeah we both know there is no way I'd win that fight" I mock with a slight laugh he chuckles "nah babe but that's what Ah am here for, to make sure ya safe from them" he says with a grin.

My smile softened as a sudden thought came to mind "hey Jazzy?" He hums "have I ever mentioned how lucky I am to have you?" I ask he flashed a grin "nah don't think ya have, but ah know now" he says I smile at him leaning forward on my knees. I wrap my arms around his neck and lightly push my forehead to his "well you have no idea how lucky I am to have you, seriously Jazz, even though we had that spat with the whole nameless bullshit... you still mean everything to me, and I honestly don't know what I'd do without you... you, besides my mom, brothers, and Sam, have been a great support beam in my life, and not to mention you listen and apart from that one time you don't brush me or what I say off and I love that about you" I spoke staring into his visor he hugs my waist, then pulls me closer and then into his lap "ah know Crystal" he says I blink "and ya have no idea how lucky ah am to have ya... ya like the break from this damn war while still fighting it, and even after what happened, ah am so happy ya haven't dumped ma stupid aft for letting ya get taken like that" he says tightening his hold a bit "well, you saw you were wrong, and after that pep talk with my mom and Optimus well it was kinda hard to stay to horribly mad" I say before toying with his hair "ah know, and ya have no idea how thankful ah am to them and to ya for this section chance" he admits I grin "you better be cause you won't be getting a third" I muse he chuckles "ah love ya Chris, to the far ends of the galaxy and back" he purred I smile lovingly "I love you too Jazz" I say leaning in "if ah ever do something ya hate again, have bee or the doc boy beat me senseless" he mused I grin "I might" I chuckle before pressing our lips together.

~hello! Just wanted to inform you all that this may be the last chapter I haven't decided yet, I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day!~

The Tomboy (A Jazz x Oc story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant