Chapter 13

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~Jazz's POV~

After the call from Chris I get worried once again Raven puts her phone into her pocket and looks over to Bee and I with a smile "don't my worry you two they'll be fine, I have to clean house so if you need anything just let me know" Raven spoke before walking back into the house "man-this-sucks!" Bee whines sitting cross ped on the stone part of back yard of the Ravens house "yeah..." I agree. The two of us are quite for about a minute or two till Bee makes a sound as if he thought of an idea "bee?" I question before the childish side of the scout takes control "we-could-sneak-into the-collage!" Bee pipes placing his servos in front of his crossed legs "you know they'll get mad at us...... let's do it!" I agree with mischievous grin on my face Bee whirrs in glee before we transform into our alt modes and quietly drive off the property of Ravens.

~Crystals POV~

It didn't talk long for me to get settled in with my roommate named Kat Merryweather and she is a girly tomboy so we get along just fine... unless she mentions me wearing a dress but until the day comes which I pray to god won't we are the new besties in her words. Kat and I are walking around getting a better feel for the school "okay I have science next in my schedule, you?" Kat asks I look the the paper in my hands.

~Crystals schedule~

English/public speaking
basic Science/Chemistry
foreign language/ Sign language
Computer Hardware and Science
~Schedule end~

I smirk and look to Kat "we have science together" I muse and Kat leans to the left and looks at my schedule than giggles "neat! We at least have one class together" Kat chirps as we walk down the halls looking for the word Science we have maps but of course we forgot them in our dorm room "so Crystal do you think we'll meet cute guys?" Kat inquires, humming I shrug "you maybe... I have a boyfriend back home" I confess looking at the brunette walking next to me "oh what's his name? You don't have to answer either" Kat spoke with a smile, I think for a minute "his name is Jay" I say using a false name "ooh what's he like?" Kat asks cautiously tilting her head slightly "he's kinda like me, stubborn at times, a real music lover, hilarious most times, and loves me for who I truly am, he's a good listener too" I explain with a smile. Kat grins and looks ahead of us "man that must be nice having someone who gets you and listens" Kat says lowly, nodding I look ahead "yeah it is nice" I admit and spot the word science "yo Kat found the Science class" I spoke pointing at the room with my thumb "oh good eye Chris lets go and meet this teacher" Kat pipes before we waltz in seeing a man looking at a book as he sat in his chair "hello" Kat spoke politely and the man reading looks over confused at first but smiles "hello ladies how can I help you?" He asks placing a bookmark in between the pages he was on than snaps the book shut before standing up and walking up "we are good you?" I ask seeing the man look over and for a split second "I'm great, I am Professor. Shade Wilder the basic science and Chemistry teacher and you ladies are?" The man introduces formally "I'm Kat Merryweather" Kat spoke up first with a slight wave Mr. Wilder nods than glances at me "and I'm Crystal Starvester it's nice to meet you Professor" I say holding out my hand for him to shake. Mr.Wilder smiles and takes my hand than we move our hands in a shaking motion, before we let go and once my hand is at my side I swear I see the mans eyes flash from blue to a golden yellow before returning to normal "it's nice to meet you ladies, I look forward to seeing you girls in class" Mr Wilder says before we leave 'did I really see his eyes flash gold?.... nah it was just my imagination I bet' I think hoping I was right.

~short time skip~

Sam, Zero, Blitz, Axel, and I sat the tables near the front entrance to the school building going over our schedules seeing if we had any classes together and sadly we each only have one class together I have Math with Blitz, History with Sam, English with Zero, and Science with Axel than the rest I'm alone "we could study together in the library, help each other out" Blitz offers looking around the table "yeah sure" Axel agrees as he leans on his palm, elbow propped on the table "sound like a plan to me" Zero spoke up with that stupid grin on his face "cool than it's settled we are studying together as often as we can" Sam chirps I look at him with a smile than see Kat running up he hind him "OI CHRIS!" She calls out with a giggle "Yo wattap Kat? Guys this is my roommate and new friend Kat Merryweather" I introduce hearing my brothers gasp "Crystals got a female friend!" Zero mocks causing me to shoot him a playful glare "she's a girly Tomboy and as long as she doesn't mention me wearing a dress we're cool" I tease right back forcing the guys to laugh "anyways Kat this is Sam Witwicky my friend, Axel my older brother, than my younger brothers who are twins Blitz and Zero" I spoke pointing to rightful owner of their name"it's nice to meet you guys, any-who I came to tell you guys of the party tonight and wondered if you wanted to go with me" Kat asks shyly rubbing her arm nervously "hell ya I'm always down for a party!" I say enthusiastically seeing Kat relax a bit "if Chris is going than so am I" Sam said with a smile "yeah count me in" Axel says with a slightly amused tone "us too!" Blitz and Zero speak in harmony Kat beams in glee a joyful smile on her face "really!" We all nod with a smile "wow! I honestly thought you'd say no, every time I asked in high school I got rejected, this is awesome thank you guys!" Kat cheers frowning I watch as Kat jumps happily "why'd no one wanna go to party's with you?" Sam asks mindfully seeing Kat freeze and her smile drops "uh... people though I was to much of a nerd to go to party's with me" She confessed looking down a little "oh... sorry I asked..." Sam murmurs sadly I my frown shifts into a grin "well than I guess this makes us nerds too huh?" Kat looks up and smiles before nodding "and being a nerd isn't bad it just shows you're going places, everybody is a nerd in there own way, like Axel is a nerd when sports and  History gets involved, Sam is a nerd with his great grandfathers history and Writing, Blitz is a nerd when it comes to math and engineering, Zero is a nerd when it comes to Game's and cars, I'm a nerd when Music and martial arts or weapons are brought up, it what makes us who we are Kat" I explain with a smirk and Kat hums thoughtfully "I never though of it like that" Kat admitted with a sheepish smile as she rubbed her neck "wanna join us?" Blitz asks with a welcoming smile, Kat nods and sits next to me and Axel.

The Tomboy (A Jazz x Oc story)Where stories live. Discover now