Chapter: 4

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~Crystal's Pov~

Zero and I left before Sam woke up to get clothes and get ready for the day I yawned as I waited for Zero to get out of the shower I on the other hand sat on the couch. I decided to bring my black and blue pistol and wear my holster.

When Zero finally came down I grinned "ya ready hotshot?" I asked he nods I sprung to my feet

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When Zero finally came down I grinned "ya ready hotshot?" I asked he nods I sprung to my feet. Once we made it back to Sam's I parked my car and we headed in. I walked in with Zero behind me I saw Sam "hey!" I said he nodded. I laughed till mojo started to bark "stop with the barking mojo it's too early" Sam said grabbing the milk and went to see who or what mojo is barking at. We all hear an engine roar and we all freeze looking at each other in fear. Sam snatched up his phone and call someone "Miles? Miles listen my car stole it's self ok?" He said "satin's Camaro, in my yard it's stalking us!!" I began to tremble slightly. Sam ran upstairs then came back an dragged Zero and I out the door Sam grabbed Judy's bright pink bike as Zero scooped up his skateboard then we dashed down the street they went slow enough for me to keep up.

The car chased us into town we kept going till Sam hit an uneven part of the side walk. He flipped and landed on his back "ooh that's gonna leave a mark" I said cringing "Sam?" A familiar voice spoke we looked to see Mikaela "hey" Sam groaned. I help Sam up and shoot a glare at the giggling girls behind Mikaela "that was, uh, that was really... awesome" she hesitated I frown looking around "uh, well, it felt awesome" he responded I sighed 'good it's gone'

"Are you ok?"

"No I'm not ok, alright? I'm losing my mind a bit, we're getting chased by my car right now, gotta go" he said as he picked up the bike and sped off with Zero and I right behind him. We ran into an abandoned warehouse and we lost it we hear police sirens "oh, great cops, OFFICER! Listen!" He yelled as he went to the side of the car forcing him to fall once more. Sam explained what is happening as I looked around "why is a cop here" I hear Zero questioned I hear an engine rev and my head shoots at Sam. The car moves forward as Sam is screaming my eye widen when I see the side if the car that is supposed to say 'to serve and protect' but instead it said 'to punish and enslave' I then notice the headlights turn into some kind of hand or a light surrounded by knifes. Zero and I go to help Sam up when the thing transformed into an alien bot causing us to run. The thing chased us it hit Sam sending him flying slightly then landed on a car "SAM!" Zero and I shriek as the thing hit the sides of the car yelling "are you username ladyiesman217?"

"I don't know what you're talking about !" It hit the car again.

"Are you ladiesman217!"


"Where is eBay item 21153? Where are the glasses!"

Sam got up and ran over the cars roof and Managed to get off before the thing flipped the car. We ran out of the building to see Mikaela "GET BACK" Sam yelled she completely Ignores him and drives closer. Sam tackled her "what is you're problem Sam?" She shouted "okay there's a monster right there! It just attacked us!" Sam spoke in a rush "here it comes!" Zero shrieks as the thing ran towards us.

"Get up and run!"

The thing got closer before it did the yellow Camaro knocked it down before stopping near us opening the door. Zero got in the back seat while I climbed into the drivers side. Sam and Mikaela stood outside "you have to get in the care. get in!" Sam  pressed Mikaela shook her head "I don't want- I don't want to!" She protests I roll my eyes "if you want to live. GET IN THE DAMN CAR" Zero yells. They got in and bee drove like a mad man while the robot behind us transformed back into its vehicle mode and sped after us.

~time Skip~

We rushed to where Sam's car was and saw it standing proud like a superhero I snort. I hear Mikaela say "what is it?" I rolled my eyes "it's our hero... Why because it just saved our asses... DUH!!" I say Zero stifles a laugh while Sam and Mikaela ignore me. I hear the robot squeal in excitement Zero and I bust out laughing "it's a robot but like a super advanced robot. It's probably Japanese, yeah it's probably Japanese" Sam told her I look at Sam then back to the yellow robot "why did you just assume it's Japanese?" I question the robot tilts it's head "I say it's an alien robot cause that sound badass" Zero scoffs I nod in agreement as Zero and I walk up to it. I grin "ya know you remind me of a bee... Can I call ya bee?" I ask it nods "what are you two doing?" Mikaela hissed at us "if it wanted to kill us it would have" Zero spat I looked up into bee's eyes then back at Sam "were becoming friends with bee what does it look like? Plus Zero is right if he wanted us dead he wouldn't have saved us" I sternly say Sam walked up.

"I think it wants something from me" he said


"Yeah the other the other one asked about my eBay page"

I look at bee again "can you talk" I ask bee nods "XM Satellite radio-digital cable brings you- Columbia broadcasting system" he said I grin "so you talk through the radio" I ask attempting to hide my excitement an applauding sound came on as he clapped then pointed "thank you, you're beautiful, you're wonderful, you're wonderful" he said my grin widens "that is fucking Awesome" I yell I hear Zero chuckle "so what was that the other night?" Zero asked

"Message from starfleet, captain- throughout the inanimate vastness of space- angels will rain down like visitors from heaven. Hallelujah!"

Bee transformed "any more questions?" I shook my head and climbed into the driver side while Zero sat in back. I look at Sam "he wants us to get in" he said to Mikaela "and go where?" She questions cocky mode activate "to space!!!" I say bee squeals as if he's laughing while my brother is trying to not die from laughter. I sigh "come on in Fifty years from now when you're looking back on you're life don't you want to be able to say I had the guts to get in the car" Sam said Mikaela gave in and sat in between Sam and I as we drove off and retrieved our lost stuff.

I made this one longer so I don't have to split the chapter into three parts.

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