Chapter 1: The music video shoot

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It's been a long day. You're tired, and it's no wonder considering you've been up since 5am. You land in Nashville around 8am and have to get an Uber straight to the set. You knew you would have to take your luggage and store it in a dressing room until you got to the hotel later on. The car pulls up to the curb, you tip the driver and he opens the trunk. As you begin to pull your three large suitcases (black and blue, your favorite colors) from the trunk, you hear a voice. Husky, but sweet. "Need help?". You whip around to see Jake staring at you from the doors. "If you don't mind, that would be amazing." you say as you struggle to get the second suitcase out. He rushes over and pulls the third suitcase from the trunk. He then picks up two of them and looks at you as if waiting for direction. "I figured we'd stash these in a dressing room?" You say, almost asking for permission. "Sounds good, we can use mine" he says. You can't help but stare at him as he leads you to his dressing room. Man handling your baggage like it weighs 2 lbs. But you know damn well they are heavy, because you stashed every outfit and accessory you own into them.  "This is it" Jake says as he sets down your bags and reaches for the door knob. Room B. Josh is probably room A you assume.
You look around, finally deciding on a corner to set your things. Just as you open your mouth to say thank you, Jake interjects. "You're welcome to hang out in here until filming starts." He smiles sweetly at you. You had been fully prepared to sit in the hallway but this sounded much better. "Thanks Jake." You smile back. "Mini bar is fully stocked" he shoots a wink at you. That wink, that face, you don't know why, but you got goosebumps. You tried not to show it. "Thank god. I've been craving a vodka since I woke up." Is it too early to be craving a vodka, you thought. Great, now he probably thinks I'm an alcoholic. "Two vodkas coming right up" Jake says cheerfully as he prances towards the mini fridge. You can't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm. "What's your choice of mixer?" He asks. "Grapefruit juice if you have it" you answer. "Ahh, Josh's favorite." He says as he bends down to look through the fridge for your request. "Unfortunately they don't have grapefruit juice in here, but they do have cranberry juice. Will that work?" Jake asks with genuine concern in his voice. "That's good too" you say. You try to peel your eyes off of Jake as he makes your cocktails, but you sneak a glance just in time to see how much vodka he's putting in your drink. Looks like roughly 2 shots worth. Perfect. Jake stirs your drink with his index finger and you're not mad about it. "Sorry, no spoons." He says with a coy smile as he hands you your drink. You take a pretty large gulp of it, it tastes amazing. He must have snuck some lime in there when you weren't looking. "What time is sound check?" you asked. "Not until 10." Jake sighs as he sinks into a brown leather armchair. "Are you sure you want me to hang out here for two more hours? I really can go." You say, trying not to invade his privacy, and probably the only alone time he's had in months. "No, please stay." He replies, almost begging. You felt your cheeks get warm. You weren't sure how to respond. "There's no reason for you to be out in the hallway. They should have gotten you your own room, I'm sorry" Jake says while closing his eyes and scratching his eyebrow. He looked tired. "I'm not worried about it. Really." You tried to reassure him. So sweet that he cared at all. "Please, sit" Jake encourages you as he points to the second armchair adjacent to him. You give him a smile and relax into the chair. You close your eyes for a moment before taking another sip of your drink and try to think of what to say next. *knock knock* The sound startles you. You hear Jake let out a soft giggle as he gets up to answer the door. "Sound check at 10, yeah?" You hear a woman's voice ask. "Yep!" Jake replied cheerfully. Jake and this mysterious woman exchanged words while you closed your eyes and focused on relaxing as much as you possibly could. Suddenly you're jolted awake by the sound of a slamming door. It was Jake. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." You let your eyes adjust before asking "what time is it??" Jake looks at his phone "9:30" he says. "You fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you." Again, so thoughtful. "Oh, I'm sorry. It's just been such a long week." You murmur. "Don't be sorry. You're cute when you sleep. You snore." He chuckles. You feel a wave of embarrassment crash over you and you turn away from him. He immediately catches your embarrassment and says "But it's a soft snore. A cute one." He tried to reassure you. You give him a half hearted smile before standing up to stretch. Jake then steps in front of you and you panic immediately. Thinking he is going for a hug, but he surprises you when he reaches around you to grab your cup. "Refill?" He asks. Damn Jake. "Yes please" you smile at him.

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