Chapter 10: Please don't leave me (slight lovey smut)

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You awoke to a soft knock on the door. Fearing it was Jake you pretended to be asleep. The door creaked open and the smell of coffee filled the room. A soft hand rubbed your forearm "Coffee?". You slowly opened your eyes and saw Josh standing over you with a steaming mug. What an angel. "Yes, please and thank you" you gave him your best attempt at a smile. "How are you feeling?" He inquired while handing you the mug and sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I don't know what to feel. I'm angry and I'm devastated. But I miss him, Josh. More than I should." Josh looked into your eyes and thought for a moment before responding "Love is all that matters in this world. I'm not condoning his behavior by any means, but I know Jake, and I've never seen him this upset over a girl before. He's torn to pieces, mama. He loves you." You lost your breath for a second. Even though you were irrevocably broken by Jake's actions, the thought of him hurting like that still made your heart ache. You wanted to run your hands through his hair and tell him that you forgave him, and that you would be alright. But you knew you couldn't do that. You couldn't lie to him, because the truth was you didn't know if you'd be alright. Josh slowly stood up from the bed, squeezing your foot as he did, "We're here for another couple days, but if you want me to find you a way home, I can. Although I must say, I'd really prefer if you stayed with us." Josh gave you the kindest smile you'd ever seen as he stepped through the door, softly closing it behind him. You grabbed your phone and saw one text, it was from Jake. "Please talk to me when you wake up. Just give me 30 minutes of your time, please." Without even stopping to think you immediately texted back "Fine." Why did you do that? You weren't even sure if you were ready to talk about it. Another text came in, damn, that was fast. "Thank god. I'll be up there in 5." You rushed out of bed and to the bathroom to clean yourself up a little. You brushed your hair and brushed your teeth and by that time Jake was knocking at your door. "It's open" you said. Jake pushed the door open and made his way over to you with a cup of coffee, reaching out to hand it to you. You lifted the coffee you already had, showing him "Thanks, Josh already brought me one." He sighed "Of course he did." You looked down at your feet, still standing in the doorway to the bathroom "What do you want Jake?" you asked, your tone was apathetic at best. "To take it all back..I want-" he abruptly stopped and you could tell he was trying to hold back tears. He continued "I want you. And only you." You scoffed "Well that's not what it looked like Jake." He sat down on the bed, with his back to you and put his head in his hands. "I broke myself when I did that to you. I hate myself for it, and I know there's nothing I can say to fix this, but I have to try. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't fight for you." You felt yourself start to tear up. "Jake, I don't understand. Am I not enough?" You were crying at this point. "No no no. Please, don't EVER think that. Its just, I guess.... its hard playing shows and being around alcohol and women all the time without you around. I can handle it, but I slipped. And I fucked up the most amazing thing in my life. I can't eat, I can't sleep, baby I can barely breathe. I would give up music altogether if I could save this. Please." He pleaded with you. Music was Jakes entire life, you would never ask him to give that up, but hearing him say that brought you some solace. You could tell Jake was really hurting. He turned to face you, still waiting for your response. He looked at you with the most apologetic eyes. He was practically falling apart in front of you. "Baby, please. I need you. Please don't leave me." Damn it Jake. You walked over to him, placing yourself between his legs, you grabbed his face and said "Don't EVER hurt me like that again." He nodded before dropping his head onto your stomach and balling. He put his arms around you and squeezed, pulling you closer to him. The warmth of his tears gave you shivers. You kissed the top of his head, ran your fingers through his hair, and sweetly said "I forgive you Jake, we'll make it through this, somehow." Jake pulled you onto the bed and into his waist. You loved being his little spoon. You sank into his embrace and felt your heart beat rise. You wanted him to show you how sorry he was and how much he loved you. You turned over to face him and brought your lips to his. Jake gently rolled on top of you, sweeping your hair off of your face, he stared intently into your eyes and asked "Can I please make love to you?" You nodded and he softly caressed your cheek before bringing his lips down to your neck. Sucking and biting so lightly that it gave your entire body goosebumps. He pulled away to undress, and you did the same. He pressed his naked body back up against yours, and began rubbing his hand along any skin he could find. He was all over you. You wanted to be as close to him as possible. You put your hands on his lower back pushing his groin into you "Please, Jake.." you encouraged him. "Mmm" He let out a sigh before pushing into you. He was thrusting in and out at an excruciatingly slow pace. Gazing into your eyes and continuing to run his hands up and down your body. Your head fell back on the pillow and you let out a breathy moan as he pushed into you as far as he could go. He held himself like that for a moment before he grabbed your face with both hands and began pumping faster. "I love you" he said. You didn't know sex could be like this. You felt like you were floating. You and Jake had never felt more connected, it almost brought tears to your eyes. You began subconsciously bucking your hips, showing Jake you were getting closer. He just kept going, maintaining eye contact and telling you how much he loved you. You felt so safe with him in this moment. You weren't thinking about what you looked like, or sounded like, you weren't really thinking at all; you were only feeling... pure love. You tightened around his cock and called out his name. He let out a low moan at the sensation. Jake pushed his forehead against yours as he came into you, making the sexiest face you've ever seen. He gently pulled out of you and looked down, "holy shit that was a lot." You giggled, and he smiled back at you. You held Jake for hours that night, you never wanted to let go. He fell asleep with his head on your chest and you let him, stroking his hair and lightly kissing the top of his head. You hoped Jake would make love to you like that again, it was a moment you'd never forget.

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