Chapter 31 - The Question

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You glared at Jake "What is he talking about??" Jake took a deep breath and shifted his gaze to you, softening his eyes "That night with Josh's girlfriend.... It was more than a kiss." At this point you weren't even as sad as usual, you were just livid, almost used to it at this point. "How did it happen?" You asked. Jake rubbed the back of his neck "What do you mean?". You forced out an exhale "I want to know exactly what happened and how. Let's ask her shall we?" You said, aggressively making your way to the door. "Wait." Josh chimed in "I'll go get her because we need to get all of this out into the open right now." You stopped in your tracks, turning and giving Jake a smirk "Good idea Josh, why don't you go get her?" Jake looked extremely uncomfortable as he made his way to the fridge, grabbing a beer. Josh left to go get his girlfriend and you grabbed her bra, holding it on display for Jake "I hope this was worth it." you said. Jake gave you a defeated look "Baby...." A knock on the door interrupted him, and he went to open it, letting Josh and his girlfriend inside. You could tell she was nervous the second she laid eyes on her bra firmly in your grasp. "What's going on?" She asked timidly. You held her bra up "What is this? What happened?" you shot at her. She turned to look at Josh for support and he just shrugged "You have to be honest now mama." He told her. You interjected "and I want the whole story." She took a deep breath "Can I at least have a beer?" You rolled your eyes and gave Josh a look, he knew what it meant. He grabbed her a beer and she immediately threw her head back, chugging about half of it. "I had backstage passes. After the concert I got to meet the boys. Jake invited me to his dressing room for a few shots and I accepted.." You felt sick to your stomach. Listening to this was going to be harder than you thought. Josh looked uneasy as well. "We had more than a few shots and things happened." She could tell you were getting angry "but we didn't have sex!" She tried to make it better, but failed. "So what did you do?" You asked. She took another swig of her beer "I gave him head.... And he went down on me..." You felt your cheeks get red hot "Did you both cum?" Jake shot you a look. You didn't care, you weren't having it, you had to know the whole truth. "Did. You. Both. Cum?" You asked again. She nodded, but said nothing. Josh walked over to the fridge and grabbed three beers, handing Jake one, you one, and keeping one for himself. "Alright, so now we know what happened. Let's figure out what we are going to do about it, if anything." He suggested. You scoffed and turned to Jake, not saying anything, just waiting for him to begin defending himself. He looked down at his feet, almost ignoring the situation. Josh's girlfriend looked like she just wanted to disappear. "Nobody?" You asked. You opened your beer and took a sip "Josh, I want you tonight." Jake immediately spoke up "Are you serious?" he asked you. You smirked at him and turned to Josh's girlfriend "You can stay in here tonight, I'm sure he'd love it." you said, gesturing to Jake. Josh put his hand on Jake's arm and lightly squeezed "I actually don't think this is a bad idea.." he said. You walked up to Josh grabbing his hand "Let's go then" you commanded. You pulled him out of the room and both of you silently walked up to his door. You stood there for a moment and Josh grabbed your hands, he leaned in and softly pressed his lips to your cheek "I'm sorry.." he said. You could feel the tears well up in your eyes as he unlocked the door. He held the door open for you "Make yourself comfortable. I'm gonna go check on her and make sure she's okay with this. I know you're upset but I have to respect her boundaries as well." You nodded, you knew he was right and honestly in this moment you were proud of him for being such a good guy. You were starting to feel like you picked the wrong twin. Josh had only been gone for what seemed like 20 seconds before returning. You barely had time to get comfortably seated on the bed. "They're not answering..." he said. You shook your head in disbelief "What??" you questioned. Josh shrugged "Fuck 'em." he said, joining you on the bed. Josh tilted his beer out to you "To loving you the way you deserve tonight." You blushed and clinked your bottle against his. You both took a sip and Josh adjusted himself on the bed, turning to face you "I want to show you how beautiful and wonderful I think you are." He was being so soft and genuine, and in that moment you could've cried. "If that's ok with you?" He added. You looked into his eyes and placed your hand on his knee "As long as I can show you what you mean to me too." Josh smiled at you and kissed your forehead "I'm looking forward to it."

You and Josh were about 5 shots in each, and definitely both feeling it. "Want to smoke?" he asked you. You nodded and followed him to the balcony where you both lit up a cigarette. "Josh can I tell you something?" You asked. He smiled at you "Absolutely baby, shoot." You looked out over the town, gazing at all of the city lights, feeling the comfort of Josh next to you and the warmth of alcohol in your belly "Sometimes I wish you were the one I was with.." your voice faltered. Josh let out a small chuckle "The feeling is mutual mama" Your eyes met his, and the feeling of pure love washed over you, you were completely entranced by this moment. Josh put out his cigarette and grabbed you, crashing his lips into yours. The smell of him alone was enough to make you weak. You leaned into his passionate kiss and the two of you began breathing heavier as your hands caressed each others bodies. It felt like time had stopped. It was intoxicating. You pulled back only for a moment to put your smoke out as well, not caring that you were only half way done with it. Josh nuzzled his head into your neck, lightly running his tongue over your skin, sending electric shocks down your spine. "Baby, you were always supposed to be mine..." he whispered into your ear "and I want you". You ran your hand down the muscles of his chest and slowly tucked your fingers into the waistband of his pants, teasing him. Josh sighed and brought his hand up to cup your breast, gently squeezing. You let out a soft moan and tangled your fingers in his hair. There was no sense of urgency, you were just in the moment with him, enjoying the craving.

*KNOCK KNOCK* Josh looked over to the door and let out a small whine. "Ugh, fine." He said making his way to the front door. You followed him and saw Sammy standing there. He leaned around Josh and waved at you. You gave him a half assed smile. "What do you want Sam?" Josh asked, sounding annoyed. "You know what I want, but it looks like she's not here tonight is she?" Sam asked, peering around the hotel room. Josh pushed Sam back out the door and into the hallway, closing it behind them. You couldn't hear anything through the door, so you just waited impatiently for Josh to come back inside. A few moments later the door opened and they both stepped in. You looked at Josh, confused. Sam gave you a big grin and grabbed a drink from the fridge. Josh walked over to you and gently placed his hand on your thigh. "We have a question for you."

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