Chapter 19 - The test

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"Shall I stay, would it be a sin" Jake was singing in the shower again, your favorite. In fact you wished he'd sing more. His voice was so angelic. Different from his brothers, it was a softer, more open sound. You fell more and more in love with him every time he sang to you. "10 minutes!" You shouted at Jake. "I'm scrubbing as fast as I can!" Jake shouted back to you. You giggled as you strapped your heels on. Red stilettos, paired with a little black dress. Jake hadn't seen your outfit yet but he was going to love it, and you were excited to see his reaction. You heard the water shut off and you sat down in the chair facing the vanity, trying desperately to find a sexy position to sit in. Jake opened the bathroom door and froze, mouth open. You didn't say anything, you just smirked at him, waiting for him to speak first. "Holy shit, you look incredible." He said. You stood up and slowly walked over to him, his body still wet from the shower, wearing only a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. You ran your hands down his chest and kissed his cheek "Get dressed baby, we're gonna be late" you winked and made your way to the foyer downstairs. About 10 minutes later Jake waltzed down the stairs looking like an outright god. Black slacks, black button up halfway open exposing his chest, a single gold chain, and a few gold rings. You could have sworn his skin was actually glowing. He grabbed your hand "The car is here".

By the time you had made it to the ballroom you had begun feeling sick. Nerves probably. This benefit was the boys way of giving back to their community, helping wherever they could. You knew that being invited was a big deal, which meant that you had to be on your best behavior, and not only that but you had to be happy and sociable the whole time. Being in the spotlight was never your thing, but the boys thrived in it, they loved it. Jake still had your hand in his as he turned to look at you "You ok?" he asked you "You're looking a little pale." You gave him a quick nod and put a smile on for him. He squeezed your hand "Alright then, let's do this." he said as he led you through the large wooden double doors and into the main room. Immediately the buzz of hundreds of people talking filled your ears, along with the sound of the music, people dancing on the dance floor and Josh's voice. You could ALWAYS here Josh's voice, no matter how many people were around him. Sam saw you guys first and walked up to hug each of you "About time you showed up" he teased you. Jake and Sam exchanged a few words before you let go of Jake's hand and made your way over to one of the empty tables. You took a seat trying to maintain a sense of calm even though you felt like you were going to pass out right then and there. Jake wandered off and began socializing which was fine by you. Some space to process how you were feeling was just what you needed. You were looking around when your eyes met Josh's. He was looking at you in a way that was undeniable, he was in awe. He started making his way towards you, avoiding any conversation along the way. "You look... ethereal." Josh cooed. You could feel yourself begin to blush. "Thank you." You said looking down at the table and drawing circles on the napkin with your finger. "Jake's a lucky son of a bitch to have YOU on his arm tonight." Josh said as he sat down in the chair next to you. "Although I don't see him..." he looked around "he just left you?" You knew what Josh was doing and you weren't going to fall for it. "We don't always have to be glued to each other, Josh." You snapped at him. "Right... well I'm just saying, if I were him I'd want to show you off to every single person in here." Josh stared into your eyes for a moment before getting up. "Can I get you a drink?" he gave you a charming smile. "Actually yes please, that would be really great right now." You needed something to take the edge off. A few moments later Josh returned with two identical drinks in his hands "A vodka-cran with lime for the lady.." he said, handing you your glass "..and one for me." "Thank you." you said before basically chugging the entire thing. Your stomach immediately started turning. You thought the drink would help but you were sorely mistaken. You were going to vomit, and you knew it. You got up and ran towards the double doors. Josh darted after you. As soon as you made it to a nearby garbage can it all came back up. Josh held your hair back until you were done. He rubbed your back "Are you okay? Can I get you a car to take you back home?" His voice was so delicate and nurturing. You felt the tears start to well up in your eyes. You were embarrassed. "I need to tell Jake first." You said in a panicked tone. "Don't worry about it, I'll tell him. I'll take care of it. Let's just get you outside and get some fresh air." Josh was being so considerate and caring, you couldn't help but feel a little wooed. Jake was nowhere to be found and here Josh was completely taking care of you. The two of you sat on the curb outside waiting for the car. "Are you pregnant?" Josh blurted out. "What?!" You asked, completely taken aback by his seemingly random question. Josh smirked "It's just, you haven't been feeling good, and I don't know.... you're glowing." He chuckled. "That's a bit of a stretch Josh." You retorted. Just then the car pulled up and Josh opened the door for you "Get some rest" He said before bending down to kiss your cheek. You instinctually pulled back and gave him a look. "Sorry..." He muttered before shutting the car door. You sat in silence the whole ride home, thinking about what Josh had asked you.

You sat in the bathroom, pregnancy test in hand. Only 60 more seconds until you got the results. Your heart was beating out of your chest and you were shaking like a leaf. Just waiting for these dang results could make you vomit again. The timer on your phone went off, scaring the shit out of you. You took two deep breaths before flipping the stick over, exposing the screen. You paused for a moment before reacting to reread the results, wanting to double, even triple check them. You sunk down into yourself and felt tears begin to flood your eyes. You didn't know what to expect when taking the test to begin with but you definitely didn't expect to feel this way. You couldn't tell if you were happy or sad with the results.

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