Chapter 3: Reunited (soft-ish smut)

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Nothing happened that day in the hotel room. In fact nothing happened on the rest of that trip. It had been two years since then and you were ecstatic to find out that they were going on tour again. You were even more elated when Greta Van Fleets manager called and requested you to be the photographer. You could hardly contain your excitement. You love your job, you love their music, but most of all you just wanted to see Jake. You weren't happy with where the two of you left things. You tried to calm yourself down realizing you hadn't seen this man in two years, he could have a girlfriend now, or he could be ugly now (who are we kidding that's never going to be the case.) You landed in Seattle around 8pm and took a taxi to your hotel. You didn't know if it was the hotel the boys were you staying at, but you sure hoped so. You head to the front desk to check in, pulling out your wallet from your purse. "Good evening, Miss. Reservation?" The gentleman at the front counter politely asks. "Yes, should be under -" you get cut off. "Hey darling" there it is again, Jake and that British accent. You run over to him and jump into his arms, nearly knocking him over, wrapping yourself around him in the biggest hug you had ever given someone. You couldn't help yourself. You had just missed him so much. The way he smelled, like tobacco, whiskey, and old spice. He leaned into your embrace, squeezing you with just as much fervor. That moment was one you'd remember forever. You finally unclasped your arms and let him go. "Sorry, I guess I just really missed you." you uttered. He smirked at you, leaned down to grab your bags and simply stated "follow me". It was a command, but a gentle one. You didn't know where he was taking you, but you followed him anxiously hoping it was to his room. Jake stopped in front of door 411, pulled out a key card, swiped and gained a green light. He pushed the door open and said "home sweet home." You looked around seeing the bed already slept in, clothes on the floor, and whiskey bottles and guitars everywhere. This was clearly his room. "Are we sharing a room?" You asked, sounding more annoyed than you meant to. Jake slowly walked up to you, putting his hand gently on your cheek, holding your face. You heard yourself audibly gulp. "I was really, really hoping so." He stated, his voice softer than usual. Here come the butterflies. Jake noticed that that made you nervous and he backed away. You didn't want that. You wanted him as close to you as possible. You didn't know how or what came over you, but you walked yourself forward to meet Jake face to face again. Then you kept walking, pushing him backwards until he fell onto the bed. He didn't say anything. He just stared at you confidently with hungry half-lidded eyes, waiting to see what you would do next. You slowly climbed on top of him, straddling him. You could feel he was already getting hard through his jeans. You pushed your hips down and into him, he let out a breathy groan. Still maintaining eye contact. He grabbed your hips probably hard enough to leave bruises and pushed you harder against him. His dick pushed into your clit, with the perfect amount of pressure. "Ah, Jake" the moan escaped your lips. He liked that. You could tell because he licked his lips and then expertly flipped the two of you over. He was so sexy, dark eyes gazing into yours, his long hair dangling around your face, his plump lips, his golden skin. He was perfect, and in this moment you were pretty sure he was an angel. Jake leaned down and planted his lips onto yours. Softly, he began to kiss you, and he was taking little breaks to gently lick your bottom lip. He was taking you all in. Running his hands down your back and tangling his fingers in your hair. You opened your mouth letting his tongue enter. You tugged on his hair causing him to bite down on your lip. You reached for his shirt, tugging it upwards. He took the hint, removing himself from on top of you only briefly to strip down. First he pulled the shirt over his head. Then he reached for his belt, slowly he unbuckled and unbuttoned and unzipped. Your jaw dropped as his pants hit the floor. You could see the shape of him through his underwear and you were in awe. He was big. Much bigger than you expected. He pulled his underwear down and said "your turn." You stood up to quickly remove every article of clothing you had on. You wanted to be as naked as possible for this man. He watched you intently as you stripped down. You lied back down on the bed, on your back, knees bent, and then you spread your legs for him. An invitation he couldn't refuse. He got down on his knees and dragged you to the end of the bed, so your legs were around his shoulders. He grabbed your thighs, digging the pads of his fingers into them. He licked his lips while he stared at your core. You were pretty sure you were dripping at this point. Jake then looked up at you, waiting for your approval. You nodded at him and braced yourself for what he was about to do to you.

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