Chapter 14: Lonely

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You woke up the next morning, still trying to comprehend what had happened last night. You rolled over to see Jake sleeping on his back with his hands folded over his chest. "Guys! Breakfast!" You heard Sam yell from downstairs. You leaned over to Jake, softly running your hands through his hair "Good morning Jakey" you whispered. "Mm, morning baby" he mumbled back to you, as he rolled over to face you and sling his arm around you. "Sammy said breakfast is ready." You spoke softly. Jake opened his eyes and slowly sat up. Food always got him out of bed. The two of you shared a sweet kiss before getting decent and making your way downstairs. You walked into the kitchen to see Danny still at the stove preparing his plate. Josh at the end of the table, already scarfing down his food. And Sammy on the couch, recovering from eating way too fast. You made eye contact with Josh as you walked in, and he looked you up and down before reverting his gaze back to his plate. Jake kissed your cheek and told you to sit down, you knew he would prepare your plate as well as his. He always did. You chose to sit on the opposite end of the table, as far away from Josh as possible but also directly in his line of sight. "So, how was last night? You guys have fun?" Danny asked, raising his eyebrows. Jake turned to Josh and said "Maybe a little too much fun". Josh rolled his eyes and took a swig of his mimosa. Jake made his way over to set your plate down in front of you giving you a sweet smile. You saw through his grey pajama bottoms that he was hard. Thinking about last night made you feel excited too. Josh stood up to take his plate to the sink and you couldn't help but look. You had to know, was he just as excited as you two were? You glanced over at him and saw that he was even harder than Jake. You felt your cheeks get red hot and you immediately looked down at your food, hoping Josh didn't see you get flustered.

Once you were finished eating, you helped clear the table while Jake and Danny washed the dishes. You began to make your way back to the hallway and up the stairs when Josh came around the corner and hastily pressed you up against the wall. Your breathing hitched "Josh what are you doing?" He grinned "I know you saw how hard I got thinking about you. Did you get wet for me too?" He looked down at your pants and then back up to your eyes. You were definitely wet now. You couldn't stop yourself "Why don't you feel me and find out?" You challenged him. Everyone was right down the hall, and you had a feeling he was bluffing. He growled behind clenched teeth and slid his hand down your pants. Swiping his fingers through your heat and gathering your wetness, he pulled his fingers out and shoved them into your mouth. "Naughty girl." He winked at you and walked back into the kitchen. Leaving you there feeling completely perplexed.

You kept replaying last night over and over again in your head. You wanted it to happen again so badly but you had no idea how you were supposed to ask Jake. The entire day was spent cleaning the house, playing games, and writing music, it was overall just a really good day with the boys. You and Josh shared many looks, extended eye contact and Josh even touched your legs and back a few times, pretending it was an accident. When midnight rolled around everybody was exhausted and saying their goodnights. You stayed downstairs to clean up the beer bottles and empty Truly cans because the boys never did. When you were finally satisfied with the cleanliness of the house you went upstairs to lay in bed with Jake who was already under the covers snoring away by the time you got to him. You had been so horny all day, but I guess no sex tonight. You got under the covers next to him, looked at him in the dim light and debated waking him up. He was so pretty laying there, his skin was practically glowing. Your phone buzzed and you picked it up "Lonely?" it was from Josh. It was like you had no self control with him, and before you could even think you had already responded. "Extremely." You got an almost immediate response "I can fix that. Come here." Butterflies flooded your stomach. What were you thinking, you couldn't do that. Jake said no more sharing. You didn't know what to do, you didn't know what to say. Your phone went off again "Baby, please come here." Fuck, Josh wasn't going to let this go. You rolled out of bed as carefully as you could manage and tip toed to the door. You quietly turned the knob, stopping to double check that Jake was still sleeping. His even breath and quiet snore reassured you. You proceeded down the hallway to Josh's room and put your hand on the door knob. Your heart was racing as you slowly turned the handle and pushed open the door. Josh was standing in the doorway to his patio smoking a cigarette, wearing light grey sweat pants and a white t-shirt. God he looked good. As soon as he saw you he smiled "Atta girl." he winked at you. You let out a sigh and waltzed over to him "Can I have one?" you asked pointing at his pack of Marlboro reds. "You can have whatever you want." His voice barely above a whisper as he grabbed a cigarette from the pack and placed it in your lips, lighting it for you. "I hope you brought your camera." Josh gave you a big smirk showing you his perfect set of teeth. You felt your heart start to race again. "I don't carry it around the house with me." You said bluntly, trying your best not to flirt. But you knew that you were already here in his bedroom, at midnight, alone with him, and you knew what he wanted. You wanted it too. Josh's voice pulled you out of your thoughts, and it was like he could read your mind "What do you want right now?" Josh asked you. Again without thinking you put your cigarette out, looked him in his eyes and said "You."

Josh walked up to you, grabbing your face with both hands and pulled you into a deep and passionate kiss. He was licking your bottom lip, and lightly rubbing his thumbs over your cheeks. You immediately felt those sparks they always talk about in movies. You ran your fingers through his hair and pushed yourself as close to him as you could. He moved one hand to the small of your back and your entire body was overcome with goosebumps. He pulled away enough to gaze into your eyes "You have no idea how long I've wanted this. How long I've wanted you." his voice cracked as if he was about to cry. You felt tears well up in your own eyes. If you were being honest with yourself you'd always thought Josh was too good for you. He was practically an angel in your eyes. Everything he did, the way he articulated his thoughts, the way he lived his life out of pure love, it all made you feel so incomparable. You never thought he'd want a girl like you but here was, gawking over you. Practically begging you to come to his room. "Show me." You said as you walked towards his bed, convincing him to follow you. You lied down on your back and spread your legs, giving Josh the perfect place to lay down. Josh followed you to the bed, and positioned himself on top of you in between your legs. He let out a sigh as you wrapped your legs around him. "I know this is wrong, but after last night I can't stop thinking about you." Josh kissed your cheek in between his sentences. "The way you looked at me when I was inside of you is something I need to see again." You started moving your hips in small circles trying to satisfy at least some of your urges. Josh leaned down and kissed you again. "Please let me love you like I did last night." His eyes were soft but narrowed. You needed him like he needed you, it was a connection neither of you could deny. You slowly put your lips to his neck, kissing him and then licking a stripe up to his ear. "Let me get naked for you." You whispered. He slowly got up and began taking his clothes off, watching you do the same. You thought you would be more nervous but really you were feeling safe and relaxed. You were ready to feel him again.

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