Chapter 29 - Sam

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Jake appeared startled as he caught the bra you had tossed at his face. He set it to the side "It's Josh's girlfriends? I don't understand the problem. She must've left it here last night." Jake said, clearly not understanding what you were implying. You took a deep breath, trying to remember how much you loved this man. "Jake... I found that same bra at the house months ago..." you said. Jake froze. You saw the lightbulb go off in his head as he sighed and muttered under his breath "shit". You gave him a terrified look "Jake what happened that night? And no more lies." Jake stood up from the bed and grabbed a bottle of tequila from the fridge. He opened it and took a large swig. "Can we please smoke?" He asked, desperately. "And then I finally get the truth?" You asked. He nodded and you followed Jake to the hotel room balcony where you both lit up a cigarette. "I know everyone says this but it's really not what it looks like..." Jake took a long drag from his cigarette "You remember when I fucked up? That concert..." You nodded "Yeah, when you fucking kissed her? I remember." Jake took another drag "Well she threw her bra on stage and Sammy grabbed it. He's had it ever since." You furrowed your brows "You expect me to believe that?" you asked him. He shot you a desperate look as if to say 'Please'. You rolled your eyes and took another drag "Jake, I'm tired of the secrets and I'm tired of getting hurt..". Jake put out his cigarette and turned to face you, gently grabbing your arms "Go ask Sam." he said. You closed your eyes for a moment before putting out your cigarette. "How do I know he wouldn't just lie for you?" you spoke confidently. Jake sighed, looking defeated "Look, I haven't even talked to Sam about this yet. He has no idea what's going on with us." You nodded "Ok, fine. I'll go talk to him." "For what it's worth, I'm sorry this feels like another lie, but I promise you it's not" Jake said, kissing your hand. You rubbed your thumb over his cheek "I hope not".

You made your way to Sam's hotel door and knocked. Standing there waiting for him to answer, you were shaking, not sure if you were scared to talk to Sam about all of this or if you were scared of what his answer would be. He still hadn't come to the door so you knocked again, this time a little louder. Finally you heard the click and the door opened. Sam had clearly been sleeping. "Sorry Sammy, I really need to talk to you." You said. He rubbed his eyes and opened the door for you, inviting you to come in. You stepped inside and Sam pointed to one of the arm chairs in the corner "you wanna sit?" he asked sweetly. You nodded and made yourself as comfortable as you could in the chair. Sam sat on the edge of the bed facing you "What's up?" he asked. You took a deep breath in through your nose and forcibly exhaled through your mouth. "Do you remember the last show you played on your last tour?" You began, shaking even more now. Sam bit the inside of his cheek, clearly uncomfortable "Is this about Jake?" He asked. You nodded. Sam stood up and grabbed a cold beer from the mini fridge "Do you want one?". You nodded again. He opened it for you, and handing it to you he said "What do you want to know?" You took a swig of your beer "After that show I found a bra hanging on the bannister... I want to know where it came from." Sam almost spit his drink out and began laughing, hard. "Yeah Josh's girlfriend threw it up on stage, Danny and I were playing with it." You felt immediate relief but only for a moment, you still felt like the boys were hiding something from you. Sam smiled at you "I mean she even wrote her phone number on the tag!" He said, as if this was all a big joke to him. "So she was never at the house before?" You asked, nervous for what the answer would be. "Not that I know of" Sam shrugged. You looked around the room for a moment "Where's Danny?" you asked. "With Mackenzie" he replied. You then realized something "Sam...." he looked up at you - "Sam, how did she get her bra back?" Suddenly Sam's entire demeanor changed. "What do you mean?" He asked, with a nervous look painted on his face. "I mean, you had it. But she left it in Jake's hotel room after that. So, when did you give it back to her?" Sam chugged the rest of his beer, slamming the empty bottle on the nightstand "FINE! You caught me." He said. "Josh and I had a little bit of fun a couple weeks back. All consensual between the three of us." You felt sick to your stomach and you weren't quite sure why. "What?! Does Jake know?" You asked, feeling betrayed somehow. Sam shrugged "I don't know". He was really acting like this was no big deal. "Sam, do you know what's going on with the four of us?" You felt embarrassed to even ask that, but you had to know. Sam raised his eyebrows and sat up straight "NO WAY!" He exclaimed, trying to hold back laughter. "Are you guys all fucking?" Wow, Sam was definitely not holding back, blunt and to the point. "I mean... we're swapping..." you said quietly, cheeks rosy and burning. "NICE!" He shouted, making his way to the mini fridge to grab another beer. He grabbed you one too and set it on the table next to you. "How come I wasn't invited?" He asked, slowly sinking back into his spot on the bed. You couldn't tell if he was joking or not and that made you nervous. "Maybe Josh didn't have as much fun as you thought he did that night." Sam scoffed "ouch". You giggled "Thanks for being honest with me Sam.". He nodded "Of course, any other questions?" he asked giving you a big and inviting smile.

The two of you talked for another hour or so, continuing to drink beer after beer. At this point you were definitely tipsy, maybe even borderline drunk, but you were having a good time. Your phone buzzed.

Guitar Fingers 🎸:
"You guys still talking?"

You didn't want to ignore Jake but you were having a blast, finally getting some time to know Sam better. You thought for a moment and figured it would be better to do this when everyone was together.

"Yes. Almost done. Love you. 😘"

Jake almost immediately responded.

Guitar Fingers 🎸:
"Okay... I love you too. More than you know."

You smiled at his text. "I'm gonna head out Sam, but seriously let's talk more soon." Sam smiled at you and stood up to walk you to the door, or so you thought. As soon as you got to the door, he turned you around and pushed you against it, gently grabbing your cheek with one hand and your waist with the other, leaning in for a kiss. You pushed him back "Sam, what the hell?!"

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