Chapter 22 - Date Night

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Jake and the boys were at rehearsal and you had just gotten out of the shower. You decided to head downstairs for some coffee. It was about 12pm and you could use a pick me up. You threw on a robe and made your way downstairs. You turned on the kettle and waited for the water to heat up when you heard footsteps coming down the hallway. You thought it had to be one of the boys and you called out "What happened? Didn't feel like going to rehearsal?". That's when you turned around to see a stunningly beautiful girl walking towards you. "Oh shoot, I'm sorry! I didn't realize anyone was here." She said, giving you a smile. "You must be Josh's new friend?" You inquired while tightening the robe around your waist. "You could call it that." She said, clearly blushing and trying to hold back a grin. "Coffee?" You asked. "That would be awesome!" She said excitedly. This girl was peppy and energetic, perfect for Josh you thought. You poured the two of you a cup. "You're the best, thank you!" She exclaimed. "Do you want to hang out? I'm so bored here alone in this huge house." She sounded genuinely excited to get to know you, so you agreed. The two of you made your way to the couch and you started the fireplace up. "So your Jake's girlfriend, right?" She asked you. You nodded and took a sip of your coffee. "Congratulations on the news by the way! How far along are you?" You froze for a second, did Josh not tell her that it could be his? Why was she congratulating you. "I'm honestly not sure... I'm about a week and a half late on period but the test was positive so here we are." You said with a bland voice. "Oh.... when's your doctors appointment?" This girl was not holding back at all. It felt like she was literally just spewing out the first thing that came to her mind. "I haven't made one just yet.." you said. "How many tests did you take?" She asked you immediately. It was after this question that you realized she was trying to confirm whether or not you really were pregnant. Josh must have told her the truth. "Just the one." You said. "Oh..." she responded. You could tell she wanted to say more. "Go ahead, it's okay..." you urged her. She giggled and looked down at her feet. "I don't mean to pry, it's just that... you should always take more than one you know." You gave her a forced smile "good to know." you said. The two of you talked for an hour or so, and you hated to admit that you really liked her. She was funny, sweet, authentic, and overall just ridiculously cute. It was unbelievably difficult knowing that you could be carrying her boyfriends baby, it was a feeling that you couldn't even explain. You almost felt guilty. You had gone back upstairs to get ready for your big night out with Jake. It was date night tonight, finally. But you couldn't stop thinking about what she said. You started to realize that you hadn't really had any symptoms of pregnancy other than that original nausea. You pulled open the drawer where you had grabbed the first pregnancy test and fished out another one. 'Just in case' you thought as you pulled it out of the wrapper. You peed on the stick and set another timer, nervously awaiting the results. Just then your phone buzzed. It was Jake "Hey baby girl. We are headed back. Hope you're ready for tonight. (;" Jake was so cute when it came to date night. It often felt like he was even more excited for it than you were. He was so attentive and sweet when you guys finally got alone time. Before you could respond to the text, the timer went off. You took a deep breath in, just like last time, and quickly flipped the test over. "Not Pregnant". What?! You almost passed out. You needed to do another one, but you were all out. That was the last test you had. You didn't even have time to go out and buy another before your date. It would have to wait until tomorrow, and that feeling was excruciating. You knew you'd be thinking about this during the whole date and you really didn't want to ruin tonight, but how could you think of anything else? You tried to get it out of your mind and get ready as quickly as possible. You picked out your outfit, a white bodycon dress that ended just past your knees, and light pink pumps. If you were pregnant this dress wouldn't fit for much longer and you hadn't even had the chance to wear it out yet, so you were excited to see Jake's reaction. The door opened and Jake walked in, guitar in one hand and violin in the other. "Hey sweet girl." He said as he gently set his instruments on the bed. He walked over to you and placed a kiss on your cheek, then he stepped back and looked you up and down, raising his eyebrows "Damn..." was all he could manage. You chuckled and grabbed his waist pulling him in for a real kiss. "You were supposed to be ready by now.." Jake teased "I'm supposed to be the one that's always late." You gave him a coy smile and headed towards the bathroom "Well I got sidetracked by Josh's new girlfriend" you said. Jake popped his head into the bathroom, watching you do your makeup. "You WHAT?" He asked, sounding surprised. "Yeah I ran into her downstairs. We talked for a while, she's a nice girl." You said. Jake nodded in agreement "Yeah she really really is..." His voice trailed off and he looked off into the distance, like he was imagining something. You gave him a concerned look "anything you want to tell me?" You asked Jake. "What? No not at all." Jake said. "I'll be downstairs when you're ready." Jake grabbed a jacket and headed out the door.

The two of you arrived at one of the fanciest restaurants you'd ever seen. Jake stepped out and opened the car door for you, grabbing your hand and helping you out. He kissed you on the cheek and escorted you inside. "Good evening folks, do we have a reservation?" The gentleman at the front asked. "Yes, under Kiszka" Jake replied. "Ah, right this way." The host responded immediately. He led the two of you to a secluded table on the back patio. Candles illuminated and surrounded the entire table. There were rose petals laid out creating a pathway to the table and there was a string quartet just off to the left. You gasped "Jake, oh my gosh. You didn't have to do all of this." He smiled and kissed you "I love you" he said. You felt your heart melt. "I love you too Jake." The two of you ate together and had what was one of the best dates you have ever had. You talked about your history together, reminisced on what it felt like when the two of you met, and even talked about all of your future plans. It was sweet, it was pure, it was intoxicating. Once you two decided it was time to head home, Jake pulled your chair out and grabbed your hand to help you up, when he suddenly stopped. He gave you a look you didn't understand and ripped his jacket off, tying it around your waist. "What??" You asked, sounding more annoyed then you meant to. Jake leaned in to whisper in your ear "baby, you're bleeding" he leaned back and pointed to the chair. Sure enough there was blood. Your cheeks felt hot and you immediately wanted to crawl into a ball and die. "Bathroom?" Was all you could manage to say. He gave you a sympathetic look and nodded. Jake stood behind you the entire walk to the bathroom, making sure no blood was visible, and more than anything making sure you felt protected and cared for. He really was the perfect boyfriend. You walked into the bathroom and immediately broke down in tears. You knew this was your period and you felt more embarrassed than anything. You didn't have anything with you as you didn't plan on this being a possibility for at least 8 more months. Toilet paper would have to work for now. You managed to get yourself together and as cleaned up as you could. You removed his jacket and turned around to see the damage. Of course you were wearing a white dress, it was completely ruined now. You took a deep breath and retied his jacket around you. You walked back outside and Jake immediately pulled you into him, hugging you as hard as he could. "Are you okay?" He asked sounding shaky and nervous. "I just started my period..." you said with almost no emotion. Jake just nodded and looked down "Oh wow... ok" he said. You didn't know what that reaction meant, was he happy? Was he sad? "Let's get home" he said grabbing your hand in his and leading you to the car.

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