Chapter 25 - The Talk

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Your blood was boiling. You didn't know how to react but for some reason you immediately texted her back.

"Can you come in here so we can talk please?"

Jake was going to be forced to explain himself. You looked at Jake who was still completely passed out and none the wiser. You grabbed a pillow off the bed and tossed it at him. He let out a large sigh. "You better get up..." you said tapping his arm "Josh's girlfriend is coming to talk to us." Jake's eyes shot open and you could tell by the look on his face that he knew you were mad. He rubbed his eyes "What?" he questioned. You scoffed "Don't act like you don't know what's going on. What the fuck are you hiding from me Jake?" You were so livid. Just then his phone vibrated. You pulled up the text.

"I don't think that's a good idea. The four of us should sit down and talk about it tomorrow."

"Why do you have my phone?" Jake asked, looking worried. Now you were curious if there were other texts you should know about, or other people for that matter. But you stopped yourself from going through his phone. "She chickened out, so never mind." You said tossing his phone at him. He immediately began going through the texts. He slowly ran his hand through his hair letting out an elongated sigh "oh, fuck." He said. You flipped the main bedroom light on and stared at him, waiting for excuses to start pouring out of his mouth. Jake sat up straight and squinted his eyes trying to let them adjust to the light. "I didn't know how to tell you..." he said. "Tell me what Jake?! Just spit it out!" At this point you were yelling. "She's the fan I kissed" he said bluntly and with almost no emotion. Your heart sank. Of course it was her, what are the chances? You felt a lump form in your throat and you slowly looked down at your ring, contemplating. "Why didn't you tell me?" You asked with tears in your eyes. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't know how to tell you. She doesn't matter to me... you do." He said. You could tell by the tone of his voice that he was fighting for you. "How am I supposed to be okay with this!? I'm just supposed to be around her all the time now, knowing what happened between you two?" You shot back. Jake ripped the covers off of himself and shot up. He made his way over to you in an effort to console you, but you put your hand out, stopping him. "Jake stop. I'm going to sleep in the guest room. They want to talk to us tomorrow and honestly, I need time to think about this." You took your favorite pillow and made your way to the guest room, leaving Jake alone.

You awoke to a knock on the door. You grabbed a robe, tied it snugly around your waist and answered the door. There stood Josh. "Hey" he said sweetly, handing you a freshly made cup of coffee. "Hi." You said. "Can I come in?" He asked. You didn't respond, you just opened the door wide enough for him to get through and stepped to the side. "Where's your girlfriend?" You asked, realizing that sounded bitchier than you meant for it to. Josh glanced down at his feet "she's out back with Jake. They're waiting for us, so we can all talk, but I wanted to talk to you alone first. Is that alright?" You glanced towards the back patio door "He knows you're up here?" You asked him. Josh nodded. "Aright then I suppose... what's up?" You asked. Josh tilted his head to the side giving you a sympathetic look "I know that this whole situation is unfortunate, but I really like this girl, and I think it's important that you realize none of this is her fault." You gritted your teeth. "I'm not mad at HER." You said. Josh nodded "I understand, but you chose to forgive Jake for this and I don't think it's fair to hold it against him all over again just because she is my girlfriend now." Josh gave you an almost evil smirk "besides it's not the first time we've shared." You scoffed at that. "I sure hope it's the last." You said. Josh winked at you "and I sure hope it's not" he said walking out of the room. 'Okay what the fuck was that?' You thought. You stood there feeling completely confused. What was he implying? What did he mean by that? You suddenly felt sick to your stomach realizing Jake and Josh were alone with his new girlfriend. You rushed to get dressed and make your way downstairs. Once you got downstairs you opened the sliding door to the back and saw all three of them sitting in lawn chairs around a campfire. You sat down in an empty chair next to Jake. "So let's begin shall we." Josh said. Jake looked at you and then down to his feet. Josh's girlfriend just stared intently at him, not wanting to look at either you or Jake. You didn't blame her.
"Jake, you like her?" Josh asked pointing to you. "And you liked her at one point?" He asked pointing to his own girlfriend. Jake didn't answer these questions as he knew they were rhetorical. "I like you" he said pointing at his girlfriend. "And I liked you at one point." He said pointing to you. "It's not a big deal. We are all sexual creatures who feed off of love and attraction. We have now chosen our respective mates and I think we should all just move on." Josh said giving you all an overly confident look, like he just made the best point ever. You were irritated with his nonchalant attitude. "What about that little comment you made upstairs?" You blurted out. You were challenging him at this point. "What comment?" Jake asked. "Josh said he hopes it's not the last time you two share a partner." You said. Josh rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. Josh's girlfriend looked completely perplexed. "I thought we weren't going to talk about that yet?" Jake asked Josh. Okay what in the world is going on? "Okay let's talk about it now" Josh said, almost shouting. Jake chimed in "I'll start us off. We both find both of you attractive. We are both sexually open people." Josh took over "We would be open to swapping partners." Josh then turned to face you, putting his hand on your knee. "I still have feelings for you-" Josh's girlfriend interrupted him "You do?!" Josh nodded "Yes I do. I have feelings for both of you." You didn't know why, but that gave you butterflies. Maybe you still loved Josh too, I mean does that ever really go away? You immediately pulled away from Josh and faced Jake "do you have feelings for her?" You asked, pointing at Josh's girlfriend, who was already blushing. "I think she's attractive, ok? But I love you and you come first. Whatever you want, is what I'll do" Jake said. You felt a rage burn in your heart, while simultaneously wanting to be with Josh again. You had dreams about him since everything went down. This whole thing was such a mess, you didn't know what to do. You just sat there in shock. "Can I talk to you alone?" You turned to ask Josh's girlfriend. "Yes, I think that's a good idea." She said, standing up grabbing your hand and pulling you inside the house.

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