Chapter 38 - It's done

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You decided to ignore Josh's text, feeling slightly annoyed at the fact that everybody was practically using you as a pawn at this point. You were beginning to notice the alcohol work it's magic, feeling warmer and fuzzier by the minute. Just when you thought things might start to calm down, Josh proposed a toast. This was going to be uncomfortable. Jake slung his arm around your waist and pulled you in, as you both turned your attention to Josh. He held his glass up "Real love is not something that can be faked. Real love is not something that can be manufactured. It is not something that can be tampered with. It is raw, it is beautiful, and it is undeniable". Everyone clinked there glasses together as you really truly thought about what it was that Josh had just said. You let it sink in. You knew he was probably just trying to be a menace, but he was right. This charade had gone on long enough. Everybody had gone back to their prior conversations, including Jake. You decided to slip out, needing a minute to yourself to just breathe. You grabbed your purse and cigarettes and walked out, down the hall, and to the front exit. You lit up a cigarette and took a drag, forcefully exhaling the smoke through pursed lips. You received a text from Jake "Where are you?" You just ignored it. Then a few minutes later another one came in "I'm in my room, please come talk to me..." You ignored that one as well. The thought of being alone with Jake in his room was more fulfilling than it needed to be. You were upset with him, sure, but you and Jake did have great makeup sex. After slowly finishing your cigarette, you made your way back inside and up to Jake's room. You had thought long and hard about this and you knew it was time for you to be honest with Jake. You missed him, and he was finally alone and you could finally tell him how you felt. Your knees almost buckled from anxiety as you knocked on the door. His girlfriend slowly opened the door and the rage immediately set in. You were so tired of this emotional roller coaster. It wasn't fair to you or her or anybody involved for that matter. You pushed right past her, shoving her to the side with the door. "Jake, I'm done lying" You said. He sighed "I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you guys to do this." You scoffed, unable to contain your annoyance with him. "Jake, you constantly do things you shouldn't, and yet you have never once been sorry enough to not do them." You walked over to edge of the bed, facing Jake. "And you NEED to stop being a coward and tell your family the truth. Tell them that you cheated on me, lied to me, and fell in love with someone else." You could tell Jake was contemplating what you said, but your hopes weren't high that he'd actually listen to you. He cracked open a beer before responding "I will, when I'm ready." he said, before chugging a sizable amount of his beer. You pointed your finger at him "No, Jake. It's time to grow the fuck up. You do it now or I will." You gave him an ultimatum, hoping it would inspire him to make the right choice, but it didn't. Nothing motivated Jake but himself anymore. "That is not your decision to make." Jake snapped back at you. You took a deep breath, thinking about  what an absurd thing that is to say. "It involves me. It has involved all of us. It is my choice to make, and I will make it." You said, walking out of the room and heading straight back to the party.

You opened the door to the party and walked up to Ronnie. "I need to talk to you." you tried to say it quietly enough that the boys wouldn't hear you. She nodded and pulled you out onto the balcony. "What's up love?" She asked, with a concerned look on her face. "Listen, I don't know how to tell you this, but Jake and I broke up a week ago.." you began, trying to gauge her reaction before continuing. Ronnie burst out in laughter "What?? Well then what the heck is all this for?" She said pointing back inside to the party. She didn't seem irritated, in fact she seemed genuinely amused at the fact that an entire engagement party was staged. You felt frozen, unsure of what to say next. She just giggled and pulled you back inside "Alright boys! The jig is up." She yelled over the noise. Everyone simultaneously froze. Josh pulled his phone out and messaged someone, probably Jake. Sam looked at you with questioning eyes. Danny uncomfortably shifted in his chair. Josh put down his phone and took center stage, per usual. "Alright, Ronnie how much do you know?" He asked. She chuckled "I think I know enough." Sam widened his eyes "Oh you have no idea." he said. Jake burst through the door, alone. His girlfriend must've been too uncomfortable to come. Jake quickly read the room and his shoulders sunk down in defeat. He looked embarrassed. "Ronnie, I'm sorry, please don't tell mom." He said. You couldn't contain the guttural laughter that escaped your body "What?! Jake, you've got to be kidding me? After all this, you STILL want to keep lying?" Ronnie pointed at you "She's got a good point. Come on Jake, it's not a big deal, I promise." Ronnie tried to convince her brother to come clean. Everyone simultaneously turned there eyes to Jake and waited for his response. "I will tell her soon." Jake mumbled, barely audible. "Will you though? Because I don't really trust your word." You shot at him. "It's not really your business when I decide to talk to my mother." He shot back. "ALRIGHT ENOUGH!" Josh yelled at everyone, and the room was immediately taken over by a deafening silence. "It's done. I told her." Josh said, matter of factly. You could visibly see Jake deflate, he looked completely crushed, and for a moment you felt sorry for him. You had an urge to run up to him, hug him, kiss him, fix him. But enough was enough and you weren't sure he'd ever change. Ronnie broke the silence "Jake, what are you afraid of?" Jake looked down at his feet "I'm afraid of it becoming real." He said. Tears formed in your eyes as you tried to swallow the lump in your throat. Ronnie tilted her head slightly "of what becoming real?" She asked. Jake looked up at you, tears in his eyes as well "losing her".

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