Chapter 6: Jealousy (This one is so long, im sorry!) (also SMUT, male dom,)

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The show was amazing. You were looking through the photos you took and it was your best work yet. Truly capturing the spirit of the band. All the boys totally in their element up on that stage. You were waiting for Jake to get back to the room, he had gone out to some lake with the boys. They'd already been gone about 6 hours so you knew it was only a matter of time. You decided to change your outfit, wanting to be alluring for him. Wanting to make him squirm. What can you say? You missed him. You dug through your suitcase, did you really not bring any lingerie? The best you could find was a matching black lace panty and bra set. Good enough. You put them on and threw a black t-shirt dress over the top. Not the sexiest thing in the world but you hoped it would work. You were startled by the sound of the key card swiping the lock outside your door. You were on edge, excited, and ready to see Jake. "Is she decent?!" You heard Sam's voice. Jake peeked through the door at you, winked and said "yeah she's good boys", then opened the door all the way allowing all four boys to enter. "Hotel party!" Sam yelled. Great. Looks like you weren't getting the alone time you wanted after all. "Hey sweet girl" Jake said prancing up to you and kissing your cheek. You couldn't be mad at him. He was too convincing. You felt yourself blushing. Josh practically ran full speed at you and pulled you into a huge bear hug, lifting you off the ground, "I saw those pictures, you absolutely ROCK. Thank you" he said still squeezing you. Jake reached over and pried his brother off of you, "alright there josh" he said, sounding genuinely annoyed. Hm, jealous? Why was that such an attractive possibility?

You thought carefully about your next move. The boys were laughing about their day, getting the Bluetooth speaker set up, and looking through pictures. You decided you'd play bartender. You walked over to the mini fridge and said loudly "Alright boys, what'll it be?" Jake smiled, he looked proud of you. "I'll just take a corona." Jake ordered first. Sam looked hesitant and then said "Can you make a sex on the beach? No wait, a screwdriver? No wait, I want a beer too" Sam was such a character. Danny's turn to order, "I'll have a whiskey sour, thanks by the way" what a gentleman. Josh didn't order, instead he walked up to you, standing with his hip pressing into your hip and said "Let me help you." with a sweet smile. You looked at Jake to see if he noticed this closeness between you and Josh, and were surprised to see him glaring at you two already. He gritted his teeth and you saw his jaw muscles flex beneath the skin of his cheeks. You decided to ignore this little tantrum and proceeded to get the drinks together. You grabbed yourself a beer too. Josh's fingers tangled in yours when you both reached for the limes at the same time. You pulled back, blushing. "Sorry" you said shyly. It was truly an accident, and you didn't want to stir anything up, but you had to admit Josh was beautiful. It was hard not to get flustered. "No worries mama" Josh replied with a large reassuring grin. You gingerly walked over to the boys handing them their orders one by one, each boy excitedly saying thank you, saving Jake for your last stop. When you got to Jake he aggressively pulled the beer from your hands, swung his arm around your waist and pulled you onto his lap. He leaned into you, pressing his mouth against your ear and quietly said "I'm not interested in sharing you." You felt a shiver run down your spine. Why did that turn you on?

The rest of the night was pretty intoxicating. The room was filled with contagious and reverberating laughter. Josh was being the theater kid he was, demanding the attention of the room. Sam had attempted a back flip off of the bed and nearly broke his face. Danny was trying to play the acoustic guitar, but the excessive noise of partying was drowning that out. It was overall a night you'd remember with the boys. You felt lucky to be in a room with these four amazing people.

Midnight rolled around and everyone left to their respective rooms for the night. Leaving you and Jake alone, finally. As soon as the door was fully shut, and the lock clicked, Jake turned to face you. No smile on his face, just a look in his eyes that told you he was going to take you right then and there. "Lay down" he demanded. His voice strong and yet quiet. At a careful pace you walked up to the bed and fell onto your back propping yourself up on your elbows. He walked over to you, painfully slowly, and in one smooth motion he grabbed your legs and pulled you to the edge of the bed. "Good girl" he said. You had never seen this side of Jake and you were excited. You felt wetness start to pool in your panties. He got down on his knees and rubbed one hand up the inside of your left thigh until he reached your underwear. The callouses on his fingertips mixed with the softness of his palm gave you a tingling sensation. He then lifted your dress up past your knees to get a better view of you. He saw the panties and smirked. "I like these, they stay on" he uttered as he pushed them to the side allowing himself access to your core. Before he went any further he looked up at you with soft eyes and asked "is this ok?". You could melt that was so sweet. At this point anything with Jake was okay with you. You bit your lip and gave him a small but sure nod. His eyes quickly went from soft to almost evil. It was obscene the way he was looking at you. You knew you were in for it. Jake took his index finger and shoved it your mouth, wanting you to wet it for him. You gently sucked on it while staring directly into his eyes, and he let out a sigh. He then popped it out of your mouth and brought it back down to you. He swiped from your entrance up to your clit gathering your wetness. "So ready for me" he groaned. He began teasing you and it was excruciating. He slid his finger through your folds and lightly over your clit. Never putting any pressure, never entering you, never giving you the release you so desperately craved. You unintentionally bucked your hips up and he took his left forearm and placed it over your pelvic bone, pushing you into the mattress and holding you down. He didn't say anything, he didn't need to. You knew he wanted you to stay still. He bent his head down and slowly licked all around your clit, never making any actual contact. The feeling in your gut was almost painful. You needed him. "Take off your dress" Jake said plainly. He released you so you could comply with his wishes. You sat up and removed your dress exposing your matching black lace bra. He licked his lips as he watched you. He stood up and unzipped his pants, removing them with only one hand. He then removed his underwear and you watched excitedly as his dick sprung free. He was so hard. He waved his finger at you, telling you to "come here". Jake picked you up and shoved your back against the wall. You had your legs wrapped around him. He looked at you, one arm under you for support and the other arm holding your cheek. "I'm going to fuck you as hard as I can, and you're not going to make a sound. Understand?"  - "Yes, Jakey" you replied, your voice shaky with anticipation. Jake immediately shoved into you, he held himself inside of you for a moment to gauge your reaction. You tilted your head back trying your best to be good for him and not make a sound. But he felt so good. The way he stretched you, you felt so full. You looked into his eyes as he began fucking you with more intensity. Shorter but harder thrusts. Your arms around his neck, feeling his muscles flex, and seeing sweat form on his face. He looked unreal fucking you. Just like you'd always imagined. You let out a whimper, you couldn't help yourself. But he didn't stop, he just took the hand he had on your cheek and moved it, covering your mouth. You began to feel a fire grow in your chest. Not sure if it was from seeing the man you loved clearly captivated by you, or the lack of oxygen you were getting. Either way you wanted to explode. He kept going, randomly praising you. Saying things like "that's my sweet girl." and "you're doing so good". Finally you couldn't take it anymore and you clenched around him, his cock getting wetter from your release. You dug your nails into his back as you came, seeing stars. "Such a good girl for me." He cooed. He hastily set you down, and turned you so you were facing the wall. He hiked your leg up and held it underneath your knee, re-entering you. He leaned into your ear and in the most gravely voice said "my turn." He was pumping in and out of you at an erratic pace. He pulled all of your hair into one of his hands and placed the other hand on the wall for support. He tugged on your hair pretty hard and you could feel he was getting closer. He was harder than you'd ever felt him. You wanted to help so you began bucking your hips backwards to meet his. He moaned your name and let go of your hair instead opting to push your face into the wall. It wasn't hard enough to hurt, but it was dominating. He pulled out suddenly and said "turn around, on your knees". You did as he instructed. "Open, babygirl" you opened your mouth and he grabbed his cock, surprisingly gently he thrust into your mouth. Pushing slowly and all the way to the back. You felt the warm liquid drip down the back of your throat. And you swallowed it all for him. Like his good girl. You very lightly sucked as he pulled his cock out of your mouth. He grabbed your hand to help you stand up and immediately went in for a kiss. Slow and passionate. You could taste the sweat on him. He could taste himself on you. "Was that okay?" He asked you again, double checking. "Baby, that was-" you couldn't think of a word good enough to describe the heaven you just felt. "Please do that to me again." You said. He giggled as he unstuck the hair from his sweaty face. "No more flirting with my brother" he smiled and made his way to bathroom to grab a towel for you.

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