14 - Rome

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"I told you to pack yesterday!"

"Since when do I listen to you?" Sapnap screams.

"Maybe this will be a lesson for you then!"

"Oh fuck off, Dream! You and your morals and fucking lessons" he grumbles as he shoves clothes into his bags.

I roll my eyes as I pick up my own bags. "I'll be back to help you once ive brought these downstairs" I call as I head down the hall.

He doesn't respond, but its whatever. Hes just an idiot.

George is waiting outside his own dorm, a big smile on his face whilst he waits for Quackity. I peek inside, suprised to see Q's only paking now too. At least hes doing it with more grace then Sapnap.

"All set?" George asks.

I nod. "Yeah, well at least I am, anyways" I answer.

He raises an eyebrow, but then begins to chuckle. "Sapnap?"

I nod again. "He'll be ready though, im gonna run back and help him" I tell George.

"Should we put our stuff in the car then?" George asks, turning back to look at Quackity. Quackity must be able to tell we're waiting on him.

"I'll be another ten minutes I reckon" he answers hurriedly, going back to look for something in his wardrobe. "You guys go on, i'll come down with Sap."

We both nod, and start making our way down towards wherever the car is waiting.

Its about five or six in the morning, so most of the boys are asleep. The sun is halfway in the sky, the shine coming through every window we walk by, making the hallways glow a rich gold. I like the grounds at this early hour. So quiet, and relaxed.

My train of thought is interrupted when George begins to chuckle to himself.

"What?" I ask.

He shakes his head, still smiling. "No, its stupid."

Now im intrigued. "Go on, tell me."

He looks me up and down, before deciding to continue. "I haven't gotten used to you guys calling Sapnap 'Sap'" he laughs.

His laugh makes me laugh. "Why not?" I ask.

"It means something different in England" he shrugs.

I wonder if hes lying just to make me seem dumb. "What does it mean?" I question.

"You cant tell him" he grins, "I don't want him to know"

I nod quickly. "I won't" I agree.

"Its like," he smiles, "slang, for an idiotic person."

Now I laugh too, because I see how it would look to somebody who knows that. He continues to chuckle.

"So when you guys are calling him Sap..." he smiles.

"Its like we're just calling him an idiot" I smile back, still laughing a little.

"Exactly" he nods.

In the time we've spent talking, we've made it to the parking lot, where theres a big yellow rich looking car that very much outshines any other cars in the parking lot.

I watch as George walks foward and pulls open the drivers seat, digs around for a second, before pulling out a seat of keys with a grin. "Found them!" he calls.

"How did this get here?" I ask, aghast, running a hand along the hood. Its a lovely looking car.

George looks normal, like its every day you get nice cars to drive to airports to go to Rome with your best friends. Then again, I suppose it is his normal.

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