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I'm awake at six.

Well, five fourty five to be precise.

Once I'm out of bed, I take a quick rinse-off shower, then getting dressed in full uniform per usual.

I tie my hair back, it still being wet, in a small small bun towards the back of my head, a few loose strands falling loose in front of my eyes.

It's the second day of the year, it's our first day back at classes. The castle is buzzing again, the hallways outside already being cornered up with low chatter.

For a minute I consider waking up Sap, but then I quickly decide against it, leaving him to sleep for just a little longer.

Instead I wander down to the cafeteria, picking up the books Sap and I need for our first two classes on my way there and holding them underneath my arms.

Then I head to the cafeteria, getting four coffees but only two bread rolls since I know Q doesn't like to eat in the mornings, and because I'm just not hungry.

Then I skip back up to our dorm room, balancing the drinks on my schoolbooks and holding the rolls in a bag.

I set everything down on my desk once I get back into my dorm, then I proceed to wake up Sap. Only when I have the promise of coffee with me.

He lays awake sleepily, dozing in and out every few minutes or so. "Do you want this roll with just butter, or plain? Or if you really want I could go and grab yo-" I start to ask.

"Just butter" he mumbles, sitting up and taking a long drink of the coffee. "I'm not that hungry."

I butter the roll, ripping off some of the paper from the bag I'd used to carry them up here to lay it on his desk, by his uniform that I'd had him put out last night.

"Your books are on my desk" I call in the door as I now head for George and Q's dorm, "eat and get dressed."

"You're a doll" he calls, "love ya."

"Yeah, yeah" I shout, "love you too."

Quackitys awake, and surprisingly enough, so is George. Quackitys dressed, but George is still in his pyjamas.

"Is that coffee?" Quackity asks, once I'm in the door. He skips over to me, leaning a hand up the squeeze my neck gratefully before he takes a cup.

"You're a lifesaver" he smiles. "Is Sapnap awake?"

"Yeah, he's just getting dressed" I tell him, buttering the roll for George. "All ready for today?" I ask.

He grins and nods as he slips out the dorm door, coffee still in hand. "Not as ready as you, by the looks of it."

I laugh as he leaves, then I turn to hand George a roll. He takes it, with a short smile, and a longer yawn.

"Could you grab my shirt?" he asks, pulling off the sweater he'd obviously slept in. "Its in my wardrobe" he muffles as he takes a large bite into the roll.

I get his shirt for him, and then his jumper which I also spot in the wardrobe. Then I sit beside him as he gets changed into uniform silently, looking tired.

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