19 - Rome

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"I look the oldest out of all of us" Alaina states, holding the cigarette inbetween her fingers. "Let me do it."

"What if it doesn't work?" Quackity asks, "and our entire cover is blown."

We're all crowded in mine and Georges room.

I'm sat on the floor beside the open balcony door with George laid inbetween my legs. Alaina and Quinn are layed on our bed, whilst Sapnap sits on the desk in the room, with Q in the chair in front of him.

"I think Alaina and I should go" I input, "or Alaina and George, George is a good liar."

"Amn't I just" George smiles, blowing a little smoke in my face.

"All this for just a little alcohol" Quinn laughs, "we sound desperate."

The air is warm tonight, humid. Theres still a breeze outside, but its a warm breeze.

The sky outside has gone dark, but the city right outside is full of life, the noise carrying from the streets below right up into our room.

"I think you and Alaina should go" George says, pointing up to me. "You look old."

"Thanks, I think" I smile down at him.

"I'm okay with that" Alaina shrugs, lifting Quinn out of her lap and onto her own side of the bed so she can sit up.

She squashes the last of her cig on an empty cup by the bedside table.

I tap Georges leg, and he sits up, allowing me to stand. Quinn gives Alaina money, and George gives me money.

"I'm paying" they both insist, staring eachother down.

"We'll half it" Alaina compromises, sticking the money in her jeans pocket.

"If anything goes wrong just slip whoevers behind the counter fifty" George advises, now leaning against the bed instead of me.

"Throw me a cig, George" Sapnap sighs. George tosses him the pack.

I pull on my other shoe, and head to the door where Alaina waits for me.

"We'll be back soon" I call.

"Be safe!" George calls after us.

"Bye!" Quinn and I think Quackity call.

"Get me chips!" Sapnap screeches.

The door shuts behind us, and we take off down the hotel hallway.


"Okay" I breathe as we stand on the street corner, the shop just across the road and around the corner. "Okay, how do you want to do this?"

"Are you sweating?" Alaina asks, poking at my forehead.

"A little, maybe" I answer.

Cars swerve up and down the road in front of us, and people crowd the sidewalk.

Alaina pokes her head around the side of the wall in front of us again to get a look at the shop.

"I'll do the talking" she says, "you just look bored, like you wanna get out of there and go home, don't look nervous."

I nod, trying to neutralize my face.

"Right, come on, the street lights red" she says, slipping around the corner.

I follow behind her, as we curl our way quickly around the cars in the street to get across the road before the light turns green again.

We cross safely. The city is loud.

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