It's Kinda Lonely Here... (Prologue)

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(Fanart in the media by @Livipops!)

Springtrap sat alone, head resting on his knees. He was barely awake, eyes struggling to keep open. He laid against the dirty brick wall of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, with no regard for his own cleanliness.

The animatronic was quite tall, with a slender face and dark, blond hair. A dirty yellow vest clung to his upper body, a tattered white button-up shirt underneath. He wore black slacks that were tattered around the ankles and grimy dress shoes covered his feet. A pair of rabbit ears that matched his vest color were connected to his head, one whole and the other mostly torn off.

At an earlier state of his life, Springtrap would have been considered pleasing to the eye. But after years of wear and tear, he had taken on an unhealthy and unsettling look. His skin had taken on a bleached and sickly tint, and wires stuck out from his ripped ear. His body and clothing was shredded in some places, revealing the metal springs within him. Springtrap's left arm was completely busted, hung in a makeshift sling. The animatronic's memory was blurry on how exactly he received that grave injury, as it was on most things.

But one of his malfunctions he remembered as clear as day- the gash that ran along the right side of his face and had badly damaged the camera in his corresponding eye. It was at the first dinner, when he was still in commission. Springtrap was one of the first machines the executives had brought in to preform, shortly followed by the 'face' of Fazbear franchise. Back in the day, he was considered an innovation in technology. His design allowed an actual person to retract the deadly springs within him and climb into his mechanical body to do manual performances. But once the automatic characters arrived, he was quickly forgotten and overshadowed.

His injury happened shortly after the last show of the day, the children and parents already gone and the staff in the midst of cleaning. Springtrap was preparing to hop off of the small stage the animatronics preformed on when his foot slipped. He fell several feet off the stage, slamming his face directly into a nearby table. The people remaining went into a frenzy, Freddy and Bonnie rushing to his side.

The skin covering his metal face was ripped, his eye camera smashed. After a quick examination from the owner, he was deemed 'too expensive to repair' and was sent into the back room to rot. The owners quietly removed him from the posters and the shows, and the children questioned nothing. Four colorful singing animals was much more interesting to watch than a dingy-yellow rabbit that put the person inside him's life in danger.

Springtrap tried not to mind. He sat in that back room with a sense of excitement, waiting for the day his time would come again.

Author's Notes- This is the prologue of the story, told in Third Person Point of View. I have decided to narrate the rest of the story in First Person, to give it more of a flavor. This chapter is different so you could get an "observer's" take on Springtrap, and to establish a bit of a background and details that would be awkward to stuff into the story. Comment and vote, please!

Springs (FNAF fic) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now