18- You Are My Friend?

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I woke up.

I was in the office, but Scott was gone. I guess it was time for him to leave.

How long did I sleep?

I wasn't sure.

I stood up, and I felt icky. My head hurt. I walked to the back room and sat down. I just wanted to think right now.

I put my hand inside one of holes in my body. I guess he was in there...

I could hear warm people walking down the hall. I think it was Mark and James.

"Hey, James, what did you think about that new teaser for the game? Man, it was pretty scary..." That was Mark talking.

"I didn't like it. It's overrated in my mind. I mean, in the original game, the characters weren't conventionally scary! That's why I got into it. But now, it seems like the creator has ran out of ideas and is just using the standard model for horror characters.." James grumbled.

I sighed and curled up further against the wall. I didn't feel like talking to them right now. I kinda hid myself as they walked by the back room.

Aw, Springtrap, what's wrong? You seem distraught...

I looked up, startled. What was that? It was like a voice...but I didn't see anything that could talk besides me. James and Mark were already far from the back room, and that wasn't what they sounded like anyway.

"W-Who's there?" I said, standing up and looking around.

It's me.

Me? Who is that?

"Please tell me who you are!" I said, starting to get scared.

I'm your friend, dear Springtrap.

My friend? Could it really be him?

"Where are you?" I asked. I wanted to see him again.

I waited for a while, but he didn't answer me back.

I sighed. What was that? It was really weird. Shrugging, I sat my head on my knees. I guess I will just sleep until Scott gets here.


I opened my eyes and stood up. It was really dark in the back room, so I guessed Scott was already here. He liked to be here when it was dark.

When I got into the office, something seemed wrong. Scott was laying on the desk, and he was making this gasping sound. He was hugging his chest, too.

"Scott?" I said, touching his shoulder. He turned his head towards me and opened his eyes. He wasn't looking at me. He was looking somewhere behind me.

He pulled one of his arms off his chest and tried to grab this long rectangle thingy. It looked like the thing James liked to talk to, but a lot bigger.

I leaned over to see what he was trying to press on it. There was some warm person language on it, along with some little red letters. His finger was trying to touch one of the sections of letters.

If he really wanted to touch that part of the rectangle, he wasn't doing a good job. I thought I should help him, so I grabbed his finger and pressed it for him.

I heard a click and stuff started blowing out of the air vents above us. Scott started taking deep breaths, wrapping his hands around his neck.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Scott finally looked at me, panting. "Yeah, I'm fine now... The freaking ventilation system crashed, I couldn't breath." he stared up above him. "This place is a death trap."

He rubbed his forehead and leaned on the desk. His face was really pale, and he was really sweaty.

He swallowed, wiping sweat off him. "So, how'd it go? When I shot you? Did you remember anything?"

I sat down against his legs, hugging my chest like he was earlier.

"I remembered everything."

Author's Notes- James' and Mark's conversation represents the split options on the teasers for the Final Chapter. Who do you side with? And, has anyone seen the new picture? With 'Fredbear' and his fantastically creepy belly-mouth?

Springs (FNAF fic) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now