19- It's All True

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(I did doodles for the story. Left to right: Possessed!Springtrap, Mark, James, John, Scott, and Purple Man.)

As the oxygen rushed back to my brain, Springtrap told me his story.

"When you shot me, I fell asleep. I started remembering what happened to me after that."

"What did you remember?" I asked, trying to pry more out of him. Springtrap looked shaken, so I assumed whatever he had saw wasn't very pleasant.

"This warm person came to visit me. He was really nice and stuff, and he asked to use me as a suit. I said yes because no one had used me for so long... When I woke up, Freddy and his friends were in the back room, and he was yelling at me. He said I had ruined everything. Freddy said I had killed those kids, but I don't know what that means..." Springtrap hugged his chest tighter and sighed.

I swallowed, throat dry. I couldn't believe it- all of those urban legends were true!

For such a long stretch of my lifetime, I had been enamored with the cold case that had been dubbed the Missing Children Incident. Sketchy sources on the Internet claimed that five children had been killed in one of the Fazbear restaurants by an employee. Could this be the event Springtrap was trying to describe?

I squirmed from my position of laying on the desk. I was still weak from nearly dying of asphyxiation. My head was swimming as I tried to focus my thoughts.

"Springtrap, what did this man look like?" I had to make sure before I got to enthusiastic at this discovery.

The animatronic looked confounded, but answered me anyway. "He was, um, kinda tall, I think. And he was wearing a purple shirt. His eyes were purple, too."

So he was wearing purple, huh? If my sources are correct, the staff of the older restaurants wore purple button up shirts as their uniforms. After the Missing Children Incident, they switched to navy blue.

It was said that the murderer was a security guard on duty during the incident, so its only natural he would be wearing his uniform.

"Was he wearing a badge? Like me?" I asked, pointing at the metallic night guard badge clipped to my shirt.

Springtrap paused, then nodded his head. He cocked his head to the side, staring up at me like a confused puppy.

"Yeah, but what's it matter? Do you know him?"

Should I tell him? Part of me says I should, but then again, he may not understand. But, if the murderer really had used Springtrap as a proxy to kill children, he deserved to know.

"You see, Springtrap," I said, keeping my voice gentle and even, "A while back, when the Fazbear restaurants were still open, something horrible happened."

Springtrap turned towards me, sitting on my feet. His eyes were alight with curiosity. "What happened?"

I cleared my throat, ready to recite every conspiracy website I had ever visited. "One of the security guards went rouge. He trapped some kids in one of the storage rooms and waited until the restaurant closed. Then he killed them and stuffed their bodies in five animatronic suits, all while wearing a suit himself."

I didn't receive the reaction I thought I would get. Springtrap was more confused than horrified.

"What do you mean when you said he killed them? I keep hearing that word, but I don't know what it means." Springtrap murmured.

I cringed. I hadn't thought of that. Of course he would have no concept of death or murder- he was a robot programmed to entertain children! It would be useless for him to be knowledgeable about death.

How was I going to explain this to him?

"Springtrap, do you know how people can get hurt?" I decided to start small.

He nodded.

"Well, if people get too injured, their bodies, erm, shut down. They go to sleep and never wake up. When a person does that to another person, its called murder. The security guard from that restaurant stole a suit and killed five children. He's a murderer."

Springtrap's eyes widened. I think he finally understood. "But, Scott, what's this have to do with me? Why are you telling me this?"

I wiped the sweat off my forehead. "Springtrap, I think he used you as a suit to kill those kids."

The animatronic stared at me in sheer horror. He curled up at my feet in the fetal position, silent. He shifted his gaze to the floor, gnawing on his bottom lip.

"I saw something else, too." His voice was muffled and shaky.

I leaned down. "What was it?"

"The guard tried to use me as a suit again, later on. He was being bullied these misty children, I didn't know what they were. Anyway, he didn't do it right. My springs popped back into position while he was inside me." his breathing had gotten ragged. "I think I killed him. I'm a murderer too, just like him."

Springtrap's statement shocked me. That must have been why the murderer was never caught- he's been dead for no telling how long! But...he's inside Springtrap? I stared at the cracks and holes in his body. If I squinted, I could see traces of flesh and bone. How could I have not noticed this earlier?

I focused my attention back to Springtrap. "It's okay, Springtrap. It was an accident, right?"

He frowned wearily, blinking. "Yes..."

We didn't talk for the rest of the night. I could tell something was still bothering him, but he wasn't telling me.

Author's Note- Holy crap, this roller coaster is almost finished. We've got about four or five chapters left, then the story is finished. I can't believe I've made it this far writing this story. It blows my mind. Thanks to all the people who have supported this story!
P.S- This book is also on Fanfiction.net! My username on there is TheChaosSnake. Check it out if you have an account on there!

Springs (FNAF fic) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now