23- Incinerated

125 16 14

My lungs felt like they were on fire.

I stumbled out of the security office, clutching my injured hand against my chest. The fire had started to spread to other portions of the building, curtains and walls breaking out in flames.

Noxious black air filtered through the room, making my breathing harder than ever. It also obscured my sight, making me very thankful I had memorized the path to the exit.

One could never be too paranoid.

Above me, a rumbling coming from the ceiling warned me that this place was breaking down. I didn't have much time. I had to get out.

I ran into the lobby, discovering the counter when my body slammed into it. I groped my hands out, leaning on the wooden surface. It had already started heat up from the convection of the fire around it, but my entire being was crying for rest.

I tried to take deep breaths, but it can out as more of a strangled wheeze. The blood I vomited on the floor soon after told me that I needed help, immediately.

A sudden crash startled me, and my eyes shot to down the hall. Dust and more smoke was coming from the security office. Did the ceiling collapse?!

I couldn't let it bother me now. Springtrap sacrificed himself for me, so I had to make it out of this place alive.

With difficultly, I forced myself to push open the door and run out. The metal handle scorched my functioning hand, but I was going through a lot more serious pain to notice.

I wanted to run to my car and drive as far as possible from this death trap, but I couldn't. A combination of sleep deprivation, lack of oxygen, a caffeine crash, and throbbing pain in my hand and stomach crashed onto me all at one time. I managed to take a few steps away from the burning building, but I quickly fell onto my face into the gravel of the parking lot.

Behind me, I could see a sliver of the building through my steadily blurring vision. Smoke poured through windows broken from the pressure of the fire, and flames licked the roof. Fazbear's Fright gave a final groaned, then it completely collapsed on itself. Waves of embers and heat surged through the vicinity as the roof buckled from fire damage. I involuntarily cringed as the searing air touched me, but I had began to grow numb to the heat.

For several minutes, I laid on the gravel, too weak to move. The only silver lining I could find was that the smoke was less severe in ground level. I eventually found the strength to pull myself farther away from the building, in fear of it catching me on fire.

My consciousness started to fade as two bright lights filled my field of vision. Was I dying? Is this what God looked like?

The rev of an engine quickly alerted me that the light was not the Father carrying me into the afterlife, but a car.

The headlights burned my retinas as the car parked in front of me, brakes squealing. Two men jumped out, one grabbing his head in horror as the other sank to his knees by my side.

"Scott?! Are you okay?" the man shouted, shaking me roughly. That voice...James?

I shook my head in a definite no, unable to find my voice. When I tried to speak to him, I broke out into a coughing fit. I pulled my injured hand from my chest, showing it to him as a sort of proof of my poor condition.

James turned to his companion, fear in his eyes. "Mark!" he snapped. "Call 911! Scott needs an ambulance, and this fire is gonna spread to the forest around it!"

Mark nodded rapidly, pulling out his phone and making the call.

James took my arm, placing it over his shoulder and hoisting me up. The younger man groaned under my deadweight, but I was too weak to support myself. He staggered to the passenger seat of his car, placing me with difficultly into the seat. The vaguely uncomfortable leather was a sight for sore eyes.

Springs (FNAF fic) #Wattys2015जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें