10- I'm Sorry

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(The art in the media is by Strahberri!)

James brought me back to the room where I had first met Mr. Sanders, the front of the building. I even found the chair I sat in!

That's where I sat when James shoved me down. I really wish he wouldn't be so mean to me. I just want him to tell me what's wrong.

As I rocked back in forth in my chair, James got really sad again. He started pacing across the floor and rubbing his arms.

"This is bad, very, very bad..." that's what he kept saying over and over again.

Mark came into the room a couple minutes after that. He was rubbing his forehead and looking kinda sick.

"James, did you call Mr. Sanders?" he said. I was kinda confused why he was talking so quietly and quickly. It was kinda like Mark didn't want me to hear what he was saying.

James looked up, and he sighed. "Yeah, he said he should be here any minute." he bit his lip. "You...you don't think we'll loose our job over this, do you? I really need this job, Mark."

After James said that, Mark's eyes got huge and he grabbed James' shoulders.

"No! He has to have some kind of strike system, right?! You know, you mess up three times and you're out?" Mark started laughing, but it didn't sound like happy laughter.

James gritted his teeth and hit Mark on the face. "You saw what's in that room! A MAN IS DEAD! I think that constitutes as three strikes!"

I remember that one of the rules of the old restaurant was not to hit each other. That wasn't very nice of James to do that. But, Mark did seem to calm down a little, so I guess some hitting is okay.

But...what did James mean when he said that? What does dead mean? Is something wrong with the warm person in the room with the cool chair?

"What are you two doing?" At that moment, Mr. Sanders stomped through the front door. He looked kinda angry, and he was touching that weird thing in his ear.

"Mr. Sanders!" James shouted, running over to him. "T-There's been an emergency!"

Mr. Sanders didn't really looked as worried as James and Mark did. He rolled his eyes.

"Let me guess: the security guard is dead, right?" he muttered, pulling out his rectangle and pushing some stuff on the screen.

James' mouth fell open. "Yes! How can you be so callous about this?! It's like you don't even care!"

"James, I've been in this business for a long time. Fazbear Incorporated has had its fair share of 'accidents.' Why do you think I chose employees who wouldn't be missed by the public?" Mr. Sanders said, walking past James and Mark and towards me.

Mr. Sanders stood over me. I got kinda scared because he wasn't smiling at me anymore.

"Springtrap," he said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yes?" I said, cocking my head to one side. I was hoping he would tell me what was going on.

"Did you do that?" Mr. Sanders pointed down the hall, towards the office.

What was he talking about? Was he talking about how the warm person was 'dead', or was he asking about why he was sleeping on the floor?

"No..." I was scared that Mr. Sanders was going to be mad at me. He seemed kinda mad when he was looking at me.

He sighed and rolled his eyes again. Mr. Sanders turned to James. "Put him in the back room."

"Y-Yes sir!" James said, grabbing me by the arm.

Why was I going to the back room? I didn't wanna go in there. But, if Mr. Sanders thinks I should...well, I guess it's for the best...

Mr. Sanders pointed at Mark. "You! Make yourself useful. Call up the next in line for hiring. Tell him there's been an opening and he's got the job as night watch. This place goes public in four days, and I don't want any more inconveniences."

James came closer to Mr. Sanders, pulling me along too. "What do we do about John?"

Mr. Sanders spun his hand in the air. "I'll call in a cleanup crew, the one that's worked for Fazbear Incorporated since we opened up. No need to worry, James. Just do what I told you."

Before James could say anything else, Mr. Sanders went out the door really fast.

James groaned and rubbed his face. "Alright, Springtrap. Can you go to the back room yourself? I...I need some time to think."

"Yeah, I can!" I said. "Have fun thinking, James! I hope you feel better!" I turned away and skipped to the back room.

I sat down in my comfy place against the wall. I'm pretty sure that's the place I always sat in back when I had to stay in here. I'm really glad I can walk around the restaurant now. It's really fun.

I think Mr. Sanders meant that a new warm person was coming in tonight. I hope there is. The warm person that was in here earlier wasn't very friendly. He didn't even say hi to me!

I laid my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I figured I'd sleep for a while, and then when I woke up the new warm person would be here! And then we could have lots of fun.

Maybe he won't be all red and stuff.


I opened my eyes and grinned.

I'm afraid you are going to be very disappointed, my dear Springtrap.

Author's Note- Well, that's pretty much how I imagine Fazbear Inc. to be: cruel executives and disturbed employees.
As a general note, all of "Purple Man's" narration will be in bold text. Keep that in mind.
And, remember, if you have art you have drawn of this fanfiction, please send me a message with the link so I can put it in the story!

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