11- I'll Be Ready

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(Fanart in the media by Livipops!)

I strutted into the grim building, adjusting the strap of my gym bag.

My acceptance into the job position as the night guard was quite the surprise. I had received a call several hours earlier that the post had suddenly emptied, and that I was next in line to work.

I agreed because I was in desperate need of a job, but I suspected that something horrible had just happened. The man that called me sounded nervous and frantic.

"Uh, hello?" he had said. "Is this Scott M-Martin? If it is, um, you see, you can come on down to Fazbear's Fright and start working tonight. There's an opening now, so, uh, you're next in line for work..."

I carefully scoured the walls and floors as I made my way to the security office. Nothing seemed particularly strange, it was all standard horror attraction props.

When I entered the office, the strong smell of bleach and other cleaning fluids hit me in the face. I instinctively covered my face with the sleeve of my uniform. The stench was sickening.

There was a swivel chair sitting behind a desk, and the leather that made it up was discolored and torn in places. I assumed I was suppose to sit there for the remainder of my shift.

I fell into the chair and glanced around. The combination of the stench and the unusualness of the chair unnerved me. What had happened here?

I glared into space. Was it something to do with the previous security guard? I was well aware of the company's bad reputation of missing person's cases, and I had read the online rumors about killer animatronics. This couldn't be true, could it?

I pulled my bag onto the desk before me, grinning. Whatever was in this place, I'll be ready for it.

A flashing light caught my eye. It was on the phone, so I assumed there was a message for me. I briefly considered listening to it, but I quickly decided against it. It was probably hours of propaganda, telling me this place was completely safe, and that I was working in one of the best places in America.

Complete and utter crap.

I sat up in the chair and started to investigate the controls I had been given. I began with the cameras first, passing through the security footage.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw something in the film. It was a ragged looking humanoid, dressed in filthy formal clothing. I quickly relaxed when I saw the rabbit ears on its head- this thing was clearly an animatronic.

I was slightly confused, because through all the nauseatingly- saccharine passages I had read on the original website of the restaurant chain, I had found nothing that spoke of this robot. I had even looked all through Fazbear's Fright's website. All I found was an image of a hat in the spotlight, which had nothing to do with this thing.

Was this some secret attraction that was supposed to be a surprise to the visitors?

I took a deep breath and tried to figure out how to draw it away from me. What ever it was, it had malice in its eyes.

I put down the camera footage, tampering with the rest of the controls. What was I supposed to do?

Maybe that phone recording was actually important...

I clicked back on the camera, looking for the animatronic. For the second time tonight, my heart leapt into my throat.

It was gone.

I forced myself to swallow my fear as I clicked ran through the rest of the feeds. Where did it go? It wouldn't just disappear, would it? Did it move while I was distracted?

I scraping sound jerked me back to reality. I saw a bright circle illuminated in the darkness outside the door frame.

I swiftly pushed my hand inside my bag, glaring into the blackness.

"Who's there? Show yourself, now!" I growled.

The animatronic staggered into the room, a wide smile on its face. Despite one of its eyes being cracked and its arm being in a sling, it was possibly one of the most terrifying things I had ever saw in my life.

I walked closer to me, dragged its feet awkwardly. It was like the animatronic was having trouble walking.

As it got ever close to me, I decided this thing meant nothing but harm. I ripped my hand out if my bag, my fingers closed around a handgun. I aimed and leveled the gun directly between the thing's eyes.

Bullets could kill any human attacker, but what about robotic?

I held my ground in the chair and waited. I wanted the shot to be at point blank, so it could do maximum damage.

Purple light gleamed in its eyes as the animatronic stood over me. It raised it intact hand around the same elevation as my throat.

I had to shoot now. If I waited any longer, it was going to kill me.

A deafening bang cracked across the room as the bullet buried itself into the animatronic's forehead.

Author's Note- Another guard, huh? Don't worry, he's gonna last.
Question for the readers: What do you wish the next game is going to be about?

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