1- It's Not That Dull, Y'Know...

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(Fanart in the media by Masae_Hooray)

It was dark. And cold. And kinda damp, too.

I sat in my personal corner, intently watching water drip from a small hole in the ceiling. It slapped the floor, hitting the already existing puddle. Every other couple minutes, a drop would fall from a different part of the ceiling and hit me in the head. The stinky water dribbled down my forehead. It was gross.

There isn't much to do in the back room of a pizzeria, did you know that? I mean, like, the mold on the walls is sorta cool looking, but it gets pretty old after a while. Sometimes I get lonely. I wish that Freddy or Bonnie would come and let me make the children happy again. I really liked that.

Wait! Ah, man, I forgot, silly me. That restaurant closed down. And then the other one closed down too. I guess that's why no humans come down here anymore. I wonder where they all went. I really miss the giggling of the little kids; I could hear them from my back room. It was really nice. I used to fall asleep to their laughter and voices. I think it helped me sleep.

That's really all I can remember about the old restaurants. It's all really blurry in between certain memories. I dunno why. I guess that means it's not that important.

Of course, I'm not completely alone here in the back room. Warm things crawl in here occasionally, and I try to pet them. I really like those little creatures with the big ears and cute pink noses. They seem to be the most friendly, since they let me pet them the most. But my favorite of the fluffy things that come in here are the skinny creatures with the long tails and pointy ears. In a way, they sorta remind me of Foxy, but with a thin tail instead of a bushy one. But they are really shy, though. Whenever one comes in here, I crawl out of my usual sitting place and try to pet it, but the second I let it sniff me, it hisses and runs away. I'm not sure why. Maybe its because I smell? I wouldn't really know. My sensory equipment kinda messes up sometimes.

I think the creature that likes me the most are the small, crawly things that stay in the back room near constantly. They come in all shapes and sizes, which I like a lot. The creatures make a nice change in scenery when I'm bored. It's great, because they like me so much, that whenever I go to sleep, they crawl in the rips in my body and sleep with me. It feels kinda like cuddling.

I sleep a lot. Sleeping helps pass the time. I'm not exactly sure when I sleep, since I don't really have a window in my room, so I can't see any light to tell the time of day. If I think really far back, I remember one of the staff members telling me that warm people slept at night (I think that is the time of day when it is really dark). I guess if you look at it in a certain way, I sleep at night too. It's always dark in here, so I think that counts as nighttime.

The only thing I don't like about sleeping is dreaming. Dreaming is like when you go to sleep, but instead of just passing the time you see weird stuff in your head. It's not fun at all. I see weird pictures when I go to sleep sometimes, and it scares me really bad. I see wet red stuff, little kids, and warm people staring at me. Whenever I wake up, I start this curious thing that a staff person told me was crying. Wet stuff doesn't leak out of my eyes, but I still curl up in the corner and make that heaving and sobbing sound. Don't worry, though, I stop after a few hours.

I've always wanted to go outside of the back room. There is lots of fun stuff out there, I sorta remember that. Like, there's this cool place where the warm people used to make pizza in, and the stage, where I used to make little kids laugh and cheer. But I don't leave my room. I'm not supposed to. The owner of the restaurant told me I can't leave the back room. I'm broken and they didn't want to fix me because I was old.

So that's why I just sit. I don't really like to move from my sitting place a lot, the springs and metal parts in my body creak and rub together, which really hurts.

I always kinda hope that maybe a new Fazbear's would open up. That'd be really cool. I have this weird fantasy where the new owner busts into my room, and decides to fix my face and make me the new star of the restaurant. He tells me I can leave the back room, and all the other animatronics have to stay in there instead.

I'd really like that.

Springs (FNAF fic) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now