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(I had to make this book exactly 30 chapters because reasons.)

Alright, now we're really done.

I've said it in an earlier chapter, and I'll say it again: thank you guys so much! All of your support was amazing and encouraging.

Writing this story has given me the courage to know that I can finish a story, and people will read it. All of your feedback was great and kept me going throughout this whole ride. I don't think Springs would have been fully written if it wasn't for the first few people we commented and voted (you guys know who you are!).

Every time I checked my notifications, I was so happy when I saw a new comment or a vote. It may have not been a big deal to you, but your feedback really means something to me.

What will I do now? I'm thinking about using the plot of FNAF4 as a direct sequel. I also have an idea for FNAF1, which is something I will keep in mind. I also want to do some original fiction. Keep a watch on my page and Sketch's Book for updates.

Writing, much like other types of art, is made of continuous improvement. So, I wish to ask you guys a few last questions before we meet like this again: What did you like about this fanfiction? What didn't you like that I could improve on?

Thank you for answering if you did. I want to make the next book I write even better than this one!

Well, I believe its time to say goodbye. Even if you came late to the party and read this after I finished it, just remember that you're still a fan and therefore very important to me.

Thank you for reading. I love you guys so much.

- Kami

Springs (FNAF fic) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now