8- I'm Just Beginning

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I slammed my hand against the wall, trying to get my footing. I haven't walked in so long, I thought, savoring the feeling of brick on my palms.

It felt so good, being able to live again. I have been waiting so long for the perfect opportunity to resurface, but the pathetic body I have been tied to for the last several years hasn't done anything worth taking over for. Siting, waiting, sitting some more, waiting some more...it was killing me.

Back in my prime, I was truly great. It only took one event for my face to be plastered on every newspaper, television station, and mind of worrisome parents. Five children, one knife... Yeah, that really was quite the accomplishment. I don't like to pay myself on my back a lot, but... I got away with it. All of it. Those idiot police were chasing their tails for months. They never found where I stashed the bodies. I was never convicted of any crime in my entire lifetime! Personally, I find that to be quite the success for a man like me.

Sadly, that lifetime of mine was cut off a long time ago... Now I'm crushed in this freaking animatronic.

My body sure isn't alive, but my soul is alive and kicking. The Springtrap's AI is weak and childish, so I could take over the body whenever I felt like it.

If I strained myself, I could access Springtrap's prior experiences, its memories I assume. There were years worth of memories, but they were all dull. Petting stray cats, counting floor tiles...it was all dreadfully mundane. Nothing of my interest.

Yes...except that. The past couple days have been so eventful. If I am understanding the Springtrap's train of thought correctly, a new installment of the Fazbear company is opening soon. Perhaps it's time for me to get back into my business?

I staggered down the hall, carefully putting one of my feet in front of the other. I was practically teaching myself how to walk again. I wasn't exactly sure where the security office was, but it couldn't be far. This place wasn't that big.

I could feel the thrill of another kill surging within me. I instinctively flexed my hand, expecting to feel cool hilt of a knife in it. Predictively, there wasn't. I guess I am going to have to slaughter the security guard with my bare hands. I suppose it wouldn't be that bad, really. This animatronic body of mine had a surprising amount of strength. This should be a breeze.

I found an open door label 'EMPLOYEES ONLY'. This had to be the security office. I stopped at the door way, peering inside.

The night guard was relaxing in his swivel chair, not even watching his surroundings. Did he have to make this so easy? I was hoping for a little struggle.

I rapped my metallic knuckles against the frame of the door, startling him back into reality. He shot up in the chair, gaping at me. The pathetic man scooted his chair farther away from me, his breath ragged.

I started laughing. This was just so freaking great! I haven't done this in so long. I crossed my arms behind my back and swaggered towards him. My smile was wide and my working eye was illuminating the dimly lit room.

I got close to his face, placing my hands on his shoulders. Our noses were touching, and his breath was hot on my cheeks.

Tears started to fall from the night guard's eyes. "What...what are you?" he choked.

I smiled.

"My name is Springtrap."

Author's Notes- Hehehe. Sorry for leaving you on that note. Don't hate me. Comment and vote please!

Springs (FNAF fic) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now