3- His Name is Springtrap

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The warm people were still in the room.

I didn't mind, though. I was still really excited. They had pulled up a couple chairs and put them in the back room, and they even brought one for me!

Right now, the James person was holding this skinny rectangle up to his ear and was talking to it. That was pretty strange. Even when I got really lonely, I never tried to talk to inanimate objects...

I think this rectangle was different, though. It seemed to be talking back to him. If I strained my hearing sensors, I could pick up some murmurs that had to be coming from it.

"Yeah, I know! Pretty amazing find we got here. A fully working animatronic." James paused, and I heard some faint murmuring. "How do I know its fully working?! Man, it's talking to us right now! Here, let me see if it'll do it again..." James strutted across the room, holding out the thing he was talking into.

I finally got a better look at it. The rectangle seemed to have a screen, with a little button in the middle. A picture of another warm person was lit up on the screen. Maybe that was his friend.

"Can you talk into this, Springtrip?" James said, shaking the rectangle in front of my face.

I nodded, but I still was really confused of whom I was supposed to be talking to. After a few seconds of thought and the two warm people in the room giving me frustrated glances, I decided to just introduce myself to the rectangle.

"Hi, my name is Springtrap!" I said cheerfully. I sat in my chair and stared at the rectangle, hoping for a reply.

I suddenly heard a gasp. "Holy crap! You're right, James, it can speak!" It quickly hit me where the voice was coming from. There was a tiny speaker on the back of the rectangle.

The voice coming from the rectangle grew suspicious. "But is that all it can do, James? Does it follow orders?"

James looked all nervous, jerking the rectangle back up to his ear and muttering for him to hold on a minute. James looked at the other warm person, and then he pointed to the other end of the room. "Mark, get over there." Mark did what he told him to do.

James started staring at me nervously. I wasn't sure why he was so nervous. It kinda bothered me. I don't like seeing warm people that upset. I was built to make them happy.

"Hey, um, Springtrip, go over there to Mark and shake his hand." He shakily ordered. I frowned a little bit. I really wish he would get my name right.

But I thought that if I did what he told me to do it would make him happy. So I walked across the room and stopped in front of Mark. The warm person looked really scared. He was trembling and his eyes were all big. His face looked wet with what I think the staff called sweat (warm people also have wet stuff fall out of them when they get nervous, not just when they are sad.)

Trying to comfort him, I tried to bring back the memories of when I preformed for the children. I'm pretty sure they like it when I smiled, so that's what I did. I held out my palm for him to shake.

Mark glanced at me, and then at James. He urged him on with a firm nod. Mark quickly shook my hand, and I saw his throat flex like he was gagging. I wonder what made him feel sick?

James started smiling, and that made me happy too. "He's perfect for the position, sir. He even looks the part for Fazbear's Fright..."

Author's Note: Hey, guys! I forgot to add this little note- this story, being a Five Nights fanfiction, will have some violence and blood in it. It won't be as apparent, given the 'voice' of the story, but its something to keep in mind. Vote and Comment, please! <3

Springs (FNAF fic) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now