9- I Don't Know What Happened...

192 23 15

(Fan art by _-ChicaxFoxy-_)


I felt really icky.

Like, really, really icky.

I got up from the wall I was laying on. My head felt really weird and dizzy. I don't know what happened. I can't remember anything, no matter how hard I tried.

It didn't really bother me that much because that happens a lot.

I saw a cool chair in front of me. I didn't look like the chair I had sat in earlier. It was black and had a really weird swirly thing in the middle. I wanted to sit in it, so I spun it towards me.

That's when I realized someone else was sitting in it. It looked like a warm person, but he looked really weird though.

His shirt was all messed up and showed what was under it. I had always though warm people were white or black under their shirts, but this warm person wasn't. There was all of this red stuff all over him, and these weird white sticks poked out from his chest. Around the white things was a bunch of squishy stuff that was red and pink.

The warm person was looking at me with really big eyes, and I found something really weird about this. Weren't warm people supposed to blink or something? I guess he was one of the warm people who didn't have to. I thought that was pretty cool!

But I still really wanted to sit in the nice chair. I decided I should ask him before I sat there, so I tapped him on the shoulder.

I guess he was really rude because he didn't answer me or anything. So I grabbed him and tried to shake him. Whenever I moved him, he just kinda fell over. I let go and the warm person fell on the floor.

I'm not sure what's wrong with him, so I just let him nap on the floor. He looked comfortable. Plus, I think it would be rude to wake up a warm person who was sleeping.

I sat in the chair and waited for a pretty long time. I really liked his chair. The seat was soft and squishy (even though it was kinda wet) and whenever I kicked my legs it swirled around. If I swirled around really fast it looked like everything was a blurry circle.

After a while, the clock on the desk started beeping. I got up from my new chair and looked at it. It said six a.m. I guess that meant something to warm people.

I heard a door opening from outside. James and Mark walked into the room. James looked really happy at first, then he saw the weird warm person sleeping on the floor. His eyes got really big and he stepped back, hugging his chest. Mark's skin got really pale and he leaned over and made this coughing sound. This strange colored stuff came out of his mouth and fell on the floor.

James stomped towards me, and he was shaking really bad. I wonder what was wrong with him? Maybe he didn't want that warm person sleeping on the floor.

"SPRINGTRAP!" he screamed. "What did you do to him?!"

"Oh, I wanted to sit in the chair, so I put him on the floor. I think he's sleeping, James. You probably shouldn't yell like that."

James didn't really pay attention to what I said. He kneeled on the floor and pushed over the sleeping warm person. He screamed and put his hands over his mouth.

"How...how could this happen?! What am I going to tell my boss..." he whispered, scratching his hands through his hair. He started crying.

I looked up from James. I guess Mark had left the room, because I didn't see him anywhere. I wished he was here. I don't really know what's going on, and I don't think James will tell me.

But it was worth asking, so I went over to James and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped up and glared at me. I noticed he was kinda stepping away from me too.

"Hey, James, what's going on? Why are you so sad? Can I help?" I said, rubbing my hands. I was getting kinda upset.

I think James is mad at me.

James suddenly grabbed my wrist. He reached into his other pocket with his other hand and grabbed that little rectangle with a speaker in it. James started to drag me out of the room as he pressed on the screen and pushed it against his head.

"Mr. Sanders, we have a situation."

Author's Notes- Oooh, stuffs going down! Perhaps I shouldn't be joking around...I did just update with a particularly dark chapter. About the chapter in my 'randomness' book... I don't think I can wait that long to start writing again. I have a whole lot planned out currently, so I think I am going to write until those notes run out. Sound nice, everyone?
Hm, maybe I should ask the readers a question...Ah! I got it!
What do you feel about the new game, The Final Chapter? Stupid or terrifying, judging by the teasers?

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