16- I Remember You

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It was great. Everything was coming back to me. Whatever Scott hit me with was working. All my memories were coming back.


It was dark in the back room, and it smelled pretty bad. The room hadn't changed since the time I was told to stay in there.

I think the restaurant was closed. I couldn't hear the children talking, and they usually didn't turn the lights off until all the warm people left.

That's why I found the sound of footsteps coming down the hall really weird. Maybe the restaurant wasn't closed? The warm people could have been playing hide-and-go-seek in the dark...

The footsteps were getting closer to the back room. Was some body coming to see me? I wanted some one to talk to me. No one does anymore. My eye is the only thing that is broken about me, right? My voice is just fine...

The door was suddenly thrown open, and a warm person stood inside the room. He was kinda tall, and he had messy black hair. He, like the rest of the staff, was wearing a purple button-up shirt. A little badge was clipped to it, and I think it was gold. He had really cool eyes, too. They were bright purple.

He looked at me like he was confused, and then he looked around the rest of the room. I wonder what he was looking for?

"Hello!" I said happily, waving at him. "My name is Springtrap!"

He walked over to me, staring down at me. "Are you...the only animatronic here?" he said. His voice was really calm and whispery.

"No," I said, blinking. "My friends are the main performers in the restaurant, but they are somewhere else right now."

"I know that, dear. I was asking if you are the only animatronic in this room."

Dear? Isn't that what warm people called people they liked? Awesome! He was my friend!

"Yup! I'm the only one here." Since he was my friend, I had to answer his questions. It's the nice thing to do.

He kneeled down, patting me on the head. He's so nice to me! "If I'm not mistaken, you're also a suit, correct?"

I nodded, smiling wide. "Yes! Isn't that so cool!"

He scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, Springtrap. I think it is pretty cool. Say, do you think I could, ah, I don't know, maybe use you as a suit? I don't think you get used a lot, so maybe we could both have some fun tonight."

He wanted to use me?! This was amazing! No one ever used me as a suit anymore.

"Of course!" I answered. He was right, this was going to be so much fun!

I let the springs and stuff in my back retract, and a hole for him to climb into formed. I think I was missing something...

Oh! Now I remember it: I was supposed to tell him the safety stuff before he used me.

"Hey, Mr. Warm Person, please don't be all rowdy and breath too hard when you are using me as a suit. You could get hurt, and that would be bad." I said.

He smiled, patting my head again. "Alright. Thanks for the warning, dear."

As usual, once the warm person climbed inside, I feel asleep.


I slowly started to wake up. I felt...strange. Like, I was really tired and sickly feeling.

Once the camera in my eye finally came on, I saw Freddy and his friends standing in front of me. Why were they here? Did they want to visit me too?

Speaking of visitors, where did that nice warm person go?

"So you finally awoke," Freddy said, staring at me angrily. He looked really weird, like he was sad and mad at the same time. There was this red stuff coming out of his eyes.

"Yes," I said, getting a little confused. Looking down at my hands, I noticed that I had red stuff on my them... What did that mean? It smelled really strong.

"This is disgusting, even for you.What do you have to say for yourself, Springtrap?" Freddy hissed, grabbing me by my neck. He lifted me up from where I was siting so that we were looking at each other's eyes. His eyes were so wide. Freddy looked crazy.

I swallowed. "Um...I don't know... What are we talking about? What do I need to say?"

Freddy suddenly got really mad at that. He slammed me hard against the wall, and started screaming things at me that I wasn't supposed to say ever.

"YOU IDIOT! HOW COULD YOU BE SO APATHETIC?! THOSE CHILDREN ARE DEAD." he screamed, and my hearing sensors started to hurt.

Children? Dead? What had happened when I asleep?

I didn't say anything. I didn't even know what I was supposed to say to him. Nothing he was yelling at me made sense.

Bonnie grabbed Freddy's arm, pulling him closer to him and making Freddy drop me back on the ground.

"Freddy, please don't be so hard on him. Can't you see Springtrap doesn't understand what's going on? I know you're stressed out, but, please, show some sympathy." Bonnie said, looking at Freddy in a begging way.

Freddy growled, shoving Bonnie to the floor. "Hard on him?! How could you say that?! He's ruined us!" Freddy's back wasn't very straight. He was all slumped over and he was breathing really hard. "Is this what you wanted, Springtrap?! Did you want us to become forgotten and abandoned like you? Is that why you killed those kids?"

I had curled up against the wall, arms covering my head. I was really scared. Freddy wasn't usually this nasty to me.

What did he mean by saying that I killed kids? I don't know what that means...

"I'm sorry that I made you mad..." I whispered, scratching my fingers in the floor. Maybe an apology would make Freddy feel better.

I don't think it worked.

"Oh, will you just shut up already?!" Freddy screamed, swinging his fist at me. He didn't hit me, but it was really close. That scared me.

Freddy turned out, looking at his friends. They all looked pretty scared too, Chica helping Bonnie off the floor and Foxy hugging his chest. They all had that red stuff leaking out of them too. It was really weird.

"We're not getting anywhere talking to this thing. We'll talk to the staff once they get here. They'll know what to do." he muttered, stomping out the door. His friends followed him out the door.

I was alone again.

Author's Note- Ouch. Didn't see that coming. Well, actually, I did since I'm writing this thing.
So, in general, large blocks of italics are flashbacks.
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