15- I Want You To Hit Me

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Scott's been gone for a while. I didn't really mind, though. I've been sitting in the back room thinking, so it didn't matter if I was alone.

I kept seeing that box with all the parts in it. That had to be the scariest thing I had ever saw. I recognized my friends- Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Freddy. But, I was kinda confused about the really colorful parts. Were they new animatronics? I don't remember them. Then again, I don't remember a lot of stuff.

I sighed and rubbed my chest. I don't like being this sad. It makes me feel bad. How am I supposed to bring joy to warm people if I'm not happy myself?

I sat my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I don't really think of this kinda stuff. I never thought about what had happened to Freddy and them while I was back here...but I guess they're gone now. Scott said Freddy couldn't hear me.

Something that had happened earlier suddenly popped into my head. When I got hit in the head, I remembered some stuff!

I touched my forehead, feeling the hole that was there. What had happened, though? Did Scott hit me with that thing he was pointing at me?

I stopped feeling sad and started getting excited. Maybe if I got hit again, I would remember the rest of my past! That would be awesome!

I gleefully stood up and started walking around the room. Scott said he would be back at the same time (whenever that was), so when he comes in, I could ask him!

I took a deep breath and force myself to sit back down. I was gonna have to wait a while.


I started to make my way towards the office. I had heard a warm person coming into the building, so I thought it was Scott.

"Springtrap, is that you?" a voice asked, coming from up the hall. It was Scott. I guess he heard me.

I peeked into the room, waving. He nodded at me. I think that's his way of saying hello.

I sat down beside Scott's chair and grabbed his leg.

"Hey, Scott." I asked, touching the hole on my forehead. "Can you hit me again, like you did yesterday?"

Scott suddenly stopped messing around with the stuff on his desk and looked down at me. His eye twitched a little bit.

"What?" he said.

I frowned. Did he not get what I was saying? "You know, with the thing you were pointing at me when I woke up from being asleep. Didn't you hit me with that?"

"You want me to shoot you?! I can't do that, Springtrap. I only shot you yesterday because I thought you were going to kill me."

"Please?" I whimpered. "Whatever kinda powers that metal thingy had made me remember stuff!"

He looked at me, confused. "Come again?"

I sighed, siting my head on my knees. "You see, there's these weird spots in my memory systems that I can't remember. When you shot me with that thing, stuff came back to me. I want to know what happened to me that long ago. I think this may be my only chance."

Scott stared at me, and then his bag. "Are you sure about this, Springtrap? This...this could hurt you, you do know that, right?"

"It didn't last time. I only have his hole on me." I pointed to my forehead.

Scott bit his lip, reaching into his bag. He pulled out the metal thing, opening the end of it and shoving little squares with rounded ends into it. He pulled something on it, and it made a clicking sound.

Scott closed his eyes, breathing in. Once he opened them back, he pointed the metal thing straight at my forehead, pretty much on the same place as last time.

"If this goes wrong, I'm gonna loose my job." Scott said, but I don't think he was talking to me. He really likes to talk to himself sometimes. "Let's hope you're as bulletproof as you think you are."

I heard a bang, and then I was asleep.

Author's Note- This chapter was kinda uneventful, but the next one will be intense. I've almost reached the end of my detailed plot notes, so I will have to take some time to write out the rest of the story. We're on our third night, so I believe I only have one question to ask you guys: Are you ready for Freddy?

Springs (FNAF fic) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now